Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 809: The secret language of the forest

Ji Long was directly blown away by the suddenly drawn branch, and grinned on the ground in pain.

"What's the matter?"

"Lin Fan, can't you pick it up?"

Lin Fan: "..."

After a moment of silence, Lin Fan scratched his head: "I can, but you can't."

"What's the point of discriminating against me?" Ji Long looked resentful, but when he saw the leaves of a big tree around him swaying and rattling in the wind, Ji Long's face turned pale and forced a smile: "It's okay, Discrimination is good, discrimination is good.”

I really don't dare to provoke this god's resting place.

"You know each other?" Big Tree whispered in Lin Fan's ear, "If you know each other..."

"It's okay, but I'm not very familiar with each other." After Lin Fan finished speaking, he pointed to Cao Dahua, Zhang Xiaoying, and senior brother Bai Zhaoyun, "These three are my friends."

Big tree brother's branches swayed: "friends of friends, that's our friends."

"For your sake, they can also pick it up."

Lin Fan was overjoyed, turned to Cao Dahua and Zhang Xiaoying and Bai Zhaoyun and said, "You can also pick it, but don't pick it in vain, save some fertilizer..."

The three were instantly overjoyed.

After all, the three of them are well aware of the preciousness of these mutant fruits and flowers. Even if Bai Zhaoyun is in the military, there is only a quota of three mutant fruits per month.

As for fertilizer...Isn't it something that isn't available in God's Domain? All in the septic tank!

For a while, the three of them also started to get busy.

Ji Long laughed and prepared to watch the fun, but he saw that Cao Dahua picked seven or eight fruits in one breath, but he didn't fly away...

"Why are they okay!"

Ji Long feels deeply discriminated against...

But then, Ji Long seemed to understand something.

The three of Cao Dahua poured some fertilizer on the ground each time before picking fruit.

"So it is." Ji Long felt that he had grasped the crux of the problem, and immediately condensed a bucket of fertilizer from God's Domain, and poured it out slowly despite nausea.

"Now, it should be fine."

Ji Long took a deep breath and picked a fruit.

Sure enough, it's fine!

Then I took out another bucket of fertilizer...

However, just when Ji Long picked five fruits, he excitedly stretched out his hand to pick the sixth one.


Another branch was drawn,


Ji Long was pumped away again.

"I don't have any friendship, I really thought I could pick it casually." The fruit tree whispered in Lin Fan's ear, "Does this kid think we are an orchard?"

Ji Long was pumped to the ground again, confused.

This is discrimination!

People picked dozens of them there and nothing happened, so I only picked five!

"Lin Fan, what's going on?" Ji Long looked at Lin Fan with an ugly face.

Lin Fan stood in front of the fruit tree and muttered to himself, then turned to Ji Long and said, "Brother Guoshu said, if there is no friendship, even if it is exchanged for fertilizer, each person can only pick five fruits at most."

"In the end, the gods are here, and they are still outsiders."

"You should be glad that this is not a rule, otherwise it would not be as simple as pumping you."

Ji Long: "..."

"But aren't you also an outsider?" Ji Long looked confused.

Lin Fan smiled and touched the fruit tree, "No, we are friends."

The fruit tree swayed slightly, as if responding.

Ji Long watched this scene in amazement, and suddenly remembered how Lin Fan had been whispering to Xiaocao Xiaohua before.

This, can you really make friends?

"So, as long as you make friends, that's all you need?" Ji Long suddenly laughed, "It's so simple, so can I!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Long said to the fruit tree in front of him: "Make a friend and let me pick some fruit?"

The fruit tree remained unmoved.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise." Ji Long reached out and picked it up.


The branches of the fruit tree were swept down in an instant, and Ji Long was pumped up again!

"What is this guy talking about, I don't understand." Guoshu whispered in Lin Fan's ear.

They do not understand the language between the gods.

Even the God of Aoki is just to make them feel friendly.

Lin Fan looked at Ji Long, who was bewildered, and said lightly, "He said he wanted to make friends with you."

"Who made friends with him! I've never seen him before, and they're not of the same kind." Guoshu snorted coldly.

It's quite cold.

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback.

I'm not of the same kind, why is this forest so passionate about me... But after thinking about it, the skill [Friend of the Forest] came from Ivern.

Who is Aion?

Cui God.

The good old man in the forest, the tree man with very low aggression, makes other forest life want to make friends after seeing it.

In other words, Lin Fan at this time, in the perception of these trees, flowers and plants, is a tree person, a kindred person, his own person, and everyone is a member of the forest.

Although it looks a bit like a god, and it looks different from flowers and trees, there is a forest atmosphere on its body, which cannot be faked, only the same kind can have it.

Those gods were outsiders, and even Lin Fan could feel the instinctive rejection of the gods in the hearts of these trees.

Lin Fan can also understand, after all, in this forest, everyone originally lived happily and unrestrainedly here, but a group of gods suddenly shouted "Treasure!" Grab it, and finally leave with a full harvest...

Not to mention picking fruit, I would like to dig three feet out of the ground.

In the eyes of these trees and flowers, these gods are like robbers who suddenly broke into their own homes.

At this time, Lin Fan deeply felt the power of the [Friends of the Forest] skill.

This forest has completely regarded itself as a kind and a friend.

In a sense, he is now Ivern.

"Actually, you don't need to disguise." The fruit tree whispered, "If I guessed correctly, you are a tree man lurking in the gods. Only the same kind can understand our whispers."

"Ah?" Lin Fan looked confused.

"Don't be nervous, I won't tell those gods." Brother Guoshu said solemnly: "Now those gods are cutting down forests everywhere and entering our homes to **** resources. Finally, the benevolent goddess of the forest is finally going to take revenge on them, right? "

"Don't worry, we'll help you. It's you, lurking among the gods, be careful."

Lin Fan: "Ah..."

Lin Fan was also a little stunned, but saw the fruit tree in front of him shaking again: "I discussed it with the other brothers and sisters, and they also want to bring you into the group chat and make friends with you."

"Group chat?" Lin Fan was slightly taken aback, "Wait, I didn't see you talking to other trees and flowers just now."

The leaves of the fruit trees rattled: "That's the way of communication in the forest. When we're free, we chat with other trees and flowers inside."

"Just by the sound of the leaves swinging, it doesn't go far."

"But in the group chat, we were able to talk to all the plants in the forest."

"Okay," Lin Fan quickly agreed, and then asked, "How do I join?"

"It's very simple, just become brothers with me!" Guoshu's voice was also very enthusiastic and excited, "Brothers and sisters in the distance can't wait to talk to you earlier and get to know your new friend!"

Lin Fan really couldn't understand, what kind of group chat could be in this forest...

However, Lin Fan still took out a table directly from God's Domain, placed a few offerings, and placed them beside the fruit tree.

Then he stood beside the fruit tree and knelt down and said loudly, "The sky is above, the thick soil is the proof, I, Lin Fan and the big green fruit tree brother..."

"What are you doing?" There was doubt in the fruit tree's voice.

Lin Fan was also stunned: "I swoop in."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding flowers and trees laughed, and the leaves rattled.

"Hahahaha, what kind of sworn sworn is this."

"It's so fun, what else are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, this new friend is really interesting."

The elder brother Guoshu also held back a smile: "I've been lurking in the gods for a long time, and have you forgotten about such things as worship?"

"Our sworn in the forest is much more practical than the false friendship between those gods. Just entangle the roots together."

The roots of the fruit tree slowly twisted and protruded towards Lin Fan, like a crawling snake.

Lin Fan nodded: "So it is."

Indeed, the root system is the most important thing for a plant. As long as the root system is still there, even if the body is broken, it will germinate again in the coming year.

Moreover, the root system is far more developed than the trunk. An inconspicuous small tree often has an unimaginable root system, with a huge range and a depth of more than ten meters.

But it is also the most fragile. The fine root system only needs to be gently pulled, and countless roots will be broken.

So intertwined, it is equivalent to connecting lives.

This kind of worship is more sincere than any words.

But then, Lin Fan's eyes became weird... I have no roots...

As if he knew what Lin Fan was thinking, Guoshu said with a low smile, "Although you tree person has no roots, there are other ways."

The root system climbed up along Lin Fan's legs.

It was entrenched in Lin Fan's chest like a poisonous snake.

Immediately, he stabbed into Lin Fan's heart!

Lin Fan didn't expect this kind of change at all. He was about to activate the shield right now, but he heard the fruit tree suddenly say, "Relax, I won't harm you!"

Lin Fan gritted his teeth and stopped the thought of activating the shield skill.

The minute the fine root system touched Lin Fan's skin, it split apart instantly. The roots as small as fluff penetrated into Lin Fan's skin along the pores, and carefully moved between the muscle cells, but did not cause any damage to Lin Fan.


Lin Fan could only feel a warm current penetrated from his skin into his heart, and his beating heart was covered with warmth.

It's like putting a coat on a fragile heart.

Root clothing.

It was a protective garment composed of densely packed and tiny roots, which did not affect the beating of the heart, but made the heart stronger and could even resist a part of the impact.

"My root system is already connected to your heart." The fruit tree disconnected the root system from Lin Fan, and it was a little weak. "Now, you have joined the forest group chat."

At the same time Lin Fan only felt that his body was stretched infinitely, and his feet seemed to spread out like roots, intertwined with the roots of other plants, forming a huge dense network.

The grass under his feet was extremely calm, but at this moment, Lin Fan began to feel an untraceable trembling, a faint vibration that had never been noticed before and belonged to a plant in his heart.

Suddenly, in Lin Fan's mind, there were a lot of different voices.

Little Little Green: "A new member has joined the group chat!"

Little Little Little Red: "Welcome to the newcomer!"

Xiao Xiao Da Qing: "Da Lv, is this the new friend you're talking about?"

Xiaoxiaoxiaodaqing: "Breaking photos of newcomers!"

Big and big Xiaoqing: "The new friend is a tree man who can move freely, right? Can you let him discuss with that black cat and rabbit, don't catch me gnawing all day, can you change the grass to eat? , I was almost bald by him. Look at how lush the big, big, and small greens next to me are. It must taste better than me! Why don't you eat it? Do you remember?"

Lin Fan raised his head blankly, looked at the fruit tree in front of him and said, "This is a group chat?"

But without opening his mouth, he said this sentence.

At this moment, Lin Fan's fingers, which seemed to be touching the leaves, vibrated slightly, as if they were shaking indiscernibly according to some wonderful melody, and it was like the branches were swaying in the wind.

This is the real language among plants.

It is also the secret language of the forest.

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