Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 812: Time to help those teams

What else can be done.

I can't cut it and chop wood to burn it, right?

After all, he is also his own ancestor...

Lin Fan also understood how helpless these plants were, but immediately took out a bucket of river silt and poured it on the fruit trees that were a little weak due to the loss of their root systems.

"Thank you for this time."

"Thanks to you pulling me into the group to let me know the news."

Lin Fan happily patted the fruit tree.

The fruit tree leaves rattled: "What's the matter, don't be so polite."

Lin Fan smiled: "No, these news are very important to me."

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now, I still have something to do, you can rest for a while."

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan walked over to Cao Dahua, Zhang Xiaoying and the others. The three of them were busy harvesting now, and everyone brought those mutant fruits to God's Domain.

"Okay, it's almost done, we didn't come to pick..."

Halfway through Lin Fan's words, he watched Zhang Xiaoying jump down from the fruit tree and step on a grass with one foot.

Even Lin Fan could feel the pained cry of the grass: "It hurts, it hurts! It's going to die! It's going to die!"

Before he could think about it, Lin Fan quickly pushed Zhang Xiaoying away, and then bowed to the grass: "I'm sorry, it was my friend who didn't pay attention, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

Immediately poured some silt from the bottom of the river on the grass, and said sincerely, "This is a compensation, don't be angry."

The grass swayed slightly.

Seeing Xiaocao forgive himself, Lin Fan heaved a sigh of relief.

Don't step on the flowers.

This is part of the rules.

Since you are here, you must abide by the rules here, even the gods are no exception.

Zhang Xiaoying and the three looked at Lin Fan who apologized to Xiaocao in amazement. Lin Fan didn't say much, but said solemnly, "This place is not as safe as it looks."

"Whatever I do, what you do."

"Don't take chances."

"Also, think carefully before speaking, which words should be said or not."

Lin Fan didn't directly say that the rules here include not to step on flowers and plants, because the resting **** doesn't like others talking about him behind his back.

Rules cannot be discussed in the resting place of the gods, this is a rule common to all resting places of the gods.

Zhang Xiaoying's expression changed slightly, as if she understood something: "You mean..."

The next second, Zhang Xiaoying suddenly closed her mouth, stunned to hold back the rest of the words!

Seeing that there was no change in the surrounding environment, Zhang Xiaoying exhaled, she just subconsciously said that the rule here is not to trample on flowers and plants.

If it really wants to be like that, let alone participate in the battle of Shenzang, I am afraid that I can go out alive or not.

Even Zhang Xiaoying could feel that at the moment he was about to say it, the entire forest that had no threat was changed invisibly, and the surrounding vegetation and animals hidden in the dark were staring at him coldly.

That's a killer everywhere.

Fortunately, Lin Fan's last sentence made Zhang Xiaoying react in time, and she stopped her thoughts in time.

"I understand." Zhang Xiaoying said with a terrified expression on her forehead with cold sweat.

In just a moment, Zhang Xiaoying started to gasp for breath.

"Do you understand?" Lin Fanruo looked at Cao Dahua, Bai Zhaoyun, and Ji Long meaningfully.

"Understood." Cao Dahua nodded while nibbling on the mutant apple.

Bai Zhaoyun's expression was calm: "Well."

Ji Long is not a fool, he also reacted at the moment, nodding fiercely.

Very excited!

So that's the rule here!

Don't step on the flowers!

Be sure to tell the perfect goddess this rule secretly, lest Lin Fan lie to the goddess and tell the goddess a fake news for a while.

"From now on, shut up and follow me out of the forest." Lin Fan took a deep breath.

Lin Fan didn't dare to stay here for a long time, not because he was afraid of these forests, because Lin Fan already knew the rules here.

The greatest fear comes from the unknown.

The reason why the resting place of the gods is frightening is because of the unknown rules that may be violated at any time.

When the rules are known, then this strange resting place of gods will not be so scary.

The reason why Lin Fan didn't dare to take Zhao Yaxin and the others here was because his teammates didn't know these rules. Lin Fan was afraid that Zhang Xiaoying would suddenly say something here: "Hey, you birdie..."

Yes, as soon as this sentence came out, it was immediately finished.

The key point is that Lin Fan can't take the initiative to remind them here, he must leave here, and then tell them the specific rules.

Lin Fan walked outside with everyone, carefully avoiding all kinds of weeds along the way, shuttled between flowers and plants, even if he accidentally stepped on one, he would immediately apologize on the spot.

how weird...

While walking, Lin Fan was also thinking about these rules.

That big green didn't lie to himself.

Do not defecate anywhere.

Don't step on flowers.

No dirty words allowed.

No fighting.

It stands to reason that a resting place for gods cannot have many rules.

But in reality, there is only one rule.

Be polite and ethical...

Having said that, it makes perfect sense.

This rule contains everything before, and even more.

Saying this rule is like a joke. It seems that everyone is not here to explore the treasures of the gods, but to go to kindergarten. How to listen to how positive energy.

But Lin Fan could sense the terrifying aspect of it. This seemingly ordinary rule was actually the most dangerous!

Not to mention that some people swear at every turn, the first reaction of a normal person after being frightened is to say "I'm Cao!"

There is also no stepping on flowers and plants.

In the forest, who will remember this?

It's easy to die here if you don't know these rules ahead of time.

But Lin Fan was the most speechless.

"Don't fight, is this a joke?" Lin Fan was entangled in his heart, "If you don't fight, how can you fight for Shenzang?"


Lin Fan suddenly thought of something, "Since this is left by the **** of morality, then the most important point should be morality."

"That said, fights are allowed, but there must be moral and polite fights."

Then comes the problem.

What counts as an ethical fight?

"A sneak attack is definitely impossible."

"Then you have to learn from the front, you can't make a dead hand, and click until you reach it."

"Let's learn from each other, shouldn't it be a fight?"

Lin Fan suddenly realized that the rules can also find loopholes.

How can it be considered a fight?

Divine Kingdom No. 7 Middle School prohibits students from fighting, but allows students to have legal discussions in the training hall.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan smiled.

after all.

He stepped in first to explore the way, not only did he not become cannon fodder, but he had insight into the rules and found out the loopholes in the rules.

Next, you can mislead other teams with true and false rules!

"But then again, why is the life brewed by the God of Morality so unethical..." Lin Fan thought about the loopholes in the rules, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion again.

Especially the one called Dalu, who is simply a middle schooler!

Just like that **** of justice.


The **** of morality... the **** of justice... Although these two clergy are different, they sound a bit similar.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan suddenly understood why the big green was such a middle schooler.

The **** of morality is probably the same as the absolute justice, shouting the slogan of the second year at every turn all day long, wielding the moral stick, and strangling all immoral.


Just as he was about to leave the forest and return to the beach, Lin Fan stopped.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xiaoying asked curiously.

Lin Fan didn't speak.

It was just that he suddenly thought that he could not go out and go directly to Shenzang.

After all, now I know the rules, and I know the exact location of the treasure. It can be said that it is just waiting for me to get it, and the forest will not become an obstacle for me.

And even if other teams reacted incorrectly and wanted to catch up with themselves, they would be blocked by the rules.


"If you go directly to get Shenzang, you won't be able to pit other teams."

"The greatest treasure is not a divine treasure."

"It's the team of these peers!"

Lin Fan His thoughts had already changed in the previous process.

In this battle for the divine treasure, is the greatest treasure the divine treasure?

Do not,

It's these lovely classmates!

Especially on that starry night, a little rich woman who had no idea how much faith and taboos she had on her body, how could Lin Fan let her slip away from his eyes like this?

They must be brought in.

With the forest as his eyeliner and his first understanding of the rules, this resting place of the gods has become Lin Fan's home!

Coupled with the identities of multiple spies, Lin Fan can completely mislead other teams with true and false rules.

As long as they come in, Lin Fan is sure to defeat them one by one!

"Okay, let's go out." A kind smile appeared on Lin Fan's face, "It's time to help those teams."

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