Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 819: Trials from other teams

Huo Rulong looked at the words on the ring again.

"should not."

"He is his own."

"He has already told us a piece of information. If he really wants to harm us, he should not even tell us a piece of information and pretend to know nothing."

Before Huo Rulong spoke, he would pause for a few seconds to think about whether what he said next would involve revealing the specific content of the rules.

Even in order to avoid accidents, he even replaced the word "rule" with other words.

"He shouldn't know, there are other things in this place... that need to be followed."

"After all, it's really a little weird here. Logically speaking, there should be only one... It's not Lin Fan's fault that needs to be followed." Huo Rulong took a deep breath and concluded, "So, Lin Fan is his own and a good brother. .He won't trick us."

If Lin Fan heard that he was actually called Huo Rulong, he would probably be moved to tears...

Hearing this, the fat chef frowned slightly and said, "Then what should we do next?"

The sense of security that originally appeared because of knowing the rules was gone. At this moment, the forest looked so weird again.

An inadvertent action will cause oneself to die inexplicably.

Everyone felt a chill inexplicably at this moment, as if countless eyes were secretly observing themselves in this silent forest.

"Stand here and don't move, call the believers out and let them do all kinds of actions that we may do here, eat, drink, walk, run, fight, rest, speak, and fly." Huo Rulong said here , his voice became cold, "Let them help us find out."

"But remember, don't talk too much. Even if you see a believer dying, don't talk, just watch it quietly, and keep it in your heart."

"I emphasize again, don't make yourself stupid, be cautious in your words and deeds." Huo Rulong's eyes swept over the two remaining teammates.

Zhang Chengfeng once said.

Behind every rule, there are countless lives of believers and gods.

This is the cruelty of the Land of the Fallen.

When faced with the complete unknown, we can only use the most primitive methods to explore.

Pave **** roads with one life after another.

at the same time.

Those teams that were bribed by Xingye were looking excitedly at the mutated fruit on the surrounding trees.

They also know how precious the herbs and fruits from the resting place of the gods are, and they can sell for a lot of money!

A fruit from the resting place of the gods can sell at least hundreds of thousands of Faith Points.

Even some precious fruits, even if they can sell tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of Faith Value, are still worthless.

In fact, this is also the only hope for ordinary teams to participate in this Shenzang battle. After all, they also know that they can't compete with Huo Rulong and the other teams for Shenzang.

Seeing that everyone couldn't hold back, Xingye said lightly, "You can pick them, but don't forget to hand in some tributes, such as fertilizers, before picking them."

"But it's best to pick something with high value, such as the red flame spirit fruit, which is a great tonic for the God of Fire."

"Because, there is a limit to the number of fruits that each **** can pick on the road of divine examination. This is not a rule, but there is such a common sense in the resting place of the gods. After all, this is not an orchard that you can pick casually."

"In addition, according to the cooperation requirements, each of you will hand over the three most valuable fruits to me after you pick them up."

Xingye, who was born in a consortium, is different from these high school students who know nothing about the resting place of the gods. She already knows about the resting place of the gods.

After all, every year the family sends out some hunting teams to explore the newly discovered resting place of the gods.

In the resting place of the gods, in addition to some rules that cannot be violated, there are also some common sense.

For example, if foreign gods want to pick something in the resting place of the gods, they must leave the corresponding tribute. In addition, the number of fruits that can be picked is limited. Once the number is exceeded, they want to pick again. , will be attacked by surrounding plants or animals.

But unlike the rules, just stop picking fruits and herb flowers, and that attack will stop.

As soon as these words came out, the bribed team suppressed their excitement while looking at the surrounding plants, trying to determine which fruit was the most valuable.

Xingye didn't speak, just watched quietly.


A **** of power who had picked five fruits was reaching out to pick the sixth one, and he looked at the branch in front of him and whipped it down!


"Five harvests are allowed." Xingye nodded: "This is the resting place of the fifth-level gods. Each **** can harvest five fruits, and there are no restrictions on the strength of the pickers and the clergy."

The number of times the fruit can be picked, or the number of animals actively hunted, is a judgment on the quality of the resting place of the gods.

The resting place forged after the fall of the more powerful gods, the worse the temper, and the lower the tolerance for foreign gods.

The resting place of the gods above the third level not only allows the gods to pick three fruits, but some even have requirements for the strength and vocation of the gods, as if only the gods recognized by it are qualified to pick the fruits.

So proud.

"The resting place of the fifth-level gods, there may be taboos and the road to divine experience, but the quality of the taboos will not be very high, at most C-level." Xingye whispered.

Above the resting place of gods of level 6, it is possible to produce the path of divine experience and taboos.

The highest exploration record of the Xingchen Consortium is a resting place for the second-level gods. In it, all gods, regardless of their strength, can only pick two fruits, and at least the middle-level gods of the tenth order can enter the abyss of fire. Only the **** of fire can pick the fruit.

It was also the taboo produced that time, which gave the Stars Consortium the qualification to negotiate with the Fate Circus, and was allowed to hold the taboo.

Furthermore, by virtue of that taboo, the Xingchen Consortium has an almost infinite number of taboos.

But even though he knew that he was in front of him was a fifth-level divine treasure that might produce taboos and the road to divine experience, Xingye was still a little disappointed.

Originally, she saw that Lieyang Divine Country sent 100,000 divine soldiers to guard it, and she thought that this place might be a precious treasure, so she took the initiative to come. Unexpectedly, it is the resting place of the fifth-level gods.

"Xiaohong, you go to pick five too, you can keep yours." Xingye instructed lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Xiaohong immediately looked grateful: "Thank you, Miss!"

After speaking Xiaohong stood there and did not move, but a team of Xiaohong walked out of her and scattered in all directions to search for high-value fruits.

And right now.


From the forest in the distance, there was a sudden scream and chaotic fluctuations of divine power.

Everyone was slightly taken aback.

Although it was impossible to see what was happening in the distance because of the forest barrier, it could be guessed that someone must have violated the rules.

"Hehe," a **** of power smiled, "It seems that someone forgot what Lin Fan said."

Xingye frowned.

"No." Xingye looked at the ground and shook his head: "How could someone forget such an important thing?"

To know.

Don't step on the grass, this is a rule that must be followed absolutely!

Even an idiot can't forget it!

And this rule is extraordinarily simple, you just need to pay attention to your feet. Impossible to violate at all.

"So," Xingye took out the abacus and moved: "There should be things we don't know."

"Now, everyone is not allowed to move, keep their current posture."

"do not speak."

"The five of you, release the believers, let them move freely, and figure out what they can do and what they can't do." Xingye looked at the team that was bought by him with cold eyes.

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