Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 916: green grass maze

Looking at the lush weeds, all the flame warriors and water warriors, as well as the elementalists, were speechless.

After the three thousand flame warriors entered, they just disappeared without a sound.

"What's the matter……"

"What happened inside?"

The flame warriors and water warriors, who were still aggressive before, only felt a sense of panic at this moment.

Before, they thought that they could use the advantage of numbers to randomly kill those strong men.

40,000 against 10,000, wouldn't you kill with your eyes closed?

But it was completely unexpected that these strong men didn't give them a chance to collide head-on. The 40,000-strong army came to besiege them, and they turned around and disappeared, leaving only a patch of grass.

It felt like a punch that he had accumulated for a long time and landed on cotton.

Looking at the silent and swaying grass in front of them, these flame warriors and water warriors almost vomited blood in depression!

But he still didn't dare to rush in!

A flame warrior looked at the grass in front of him, his eyes lit up: "By the way, Lord God's Chosen, I know!"

"Know what?" The Chosen looked at the flame warrior with anticipation.

"I see," the flame warrior pointed at the bushes with a serious expression: "They must be hiding in there!"


The Chosen One slapped the flame warrior in front of him with a slap.

The flame warrior was stunned by the sudden slap, and looked at the chosen person expressionlessly: "Do you think I'm an idiot? What nonsense!"

"You're still using you to tell me they're hiding inside?"

All flame warriors with normal IQ know that at this moment in their hearts, those strong men are hiding in those grasses.

But... they knew that those strong men were hiding in the grass in front of them, but they didn't dare to enter rashly!

The three thousand flame warriors who disappeared without a sound just now are the lessons learned.

For a time, these flame warriors and water warriors could only stand outside the grass and were incompetent and furious, shouting loudly:

"Come out! Aren't you amazing?"

"Didn't you kill so fiercely just now?"

"Come out if you have the ability, and continue to fight with us!"

But no matter how they yelled, the grass didn't move.

"It can't be dragged on any longer." The Chosen One of the Flame Warriors took a deep breath: "Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be some accidents."

"In the end, they are only more than 10,000 people!"

"Everyone, form an array, and follow me into it!"

"I don't believe it anymore. Even if they had the blessing of the grass, could it be possible that they could destroy 40,000 of us?"

Under the orders of the chosen one of the flame warriors, the 40,000 troops lined up again and rushed to the densely covered grass.


After entering that patch of grass, the Chosen One felt something was wrong again.

These grasses seem to grow at will and are densely covered.

But it's like a labyrinth!

After walking a few hundred meters in it, he was completely lost, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west, and there were green walls all around him.

Obviously, 40,000 troops rushed to it, but after entering, among the weeds, there were only ten people side by side.

And every time you pass a fork, you have to separate teams to explore other directions to find the right exit.

This led to the fact that the original army of 40,000 people was actually divided into small teams!

This is a green labyrinth!

Although the sound can be transmitted, the sight of each other is completely blocked by the grass!

"Lord Chosen, don't be so nervous, they are only 10,000 people." A flame warrior beside him sneered: "Oh, we are 40,000 people..."

And right now.



After a mass of lush grass, there were several screams full of fear!

The Chosen's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted through the grass several meters high, "What happened over there?"

No one answered!

"The team near there, quickly send someone over to see what's going on!" The Chosen's voice was trembling.


"I've arrived here." A flame warrior's voice came: "Report to Lord God's Chosen, this is the direction of exploration of the seventh team of water warriors that we branched off at the third fork, a total of 100 people..."

"But now, there is no one left!"

"You can see some battle marks on the ground, and two broken running water knives... But they are all gone!"

As soon as the words came out.

All the flame warriors and water warriors who entered the green grass labyrinth stopped talking.

"How could it be possible..." A flame warrior's scalp was numb, "They only have ten thousand people, how dare they attack us?"

"I understand." The chosen person of the flame warrior family suddenly turned gloomy, "These guys, although there are only 10,000 people."

"But with the help of the grass maze, they can move silently in the grass."

"And we, in order to explore the exit of this green grass labyrinth, were divided into several teams by fork in the road..."

"In the end, even if we have 40,000, they only have 10,000."

"But in this green grass maze, they can still do more and less!"

When the Chosen One said this, there was a trace of panic on his face.

Because he suddenly found out.

Here, is the battlefield of those strong men!

Rather than saying that my 40,000 warriors came to besiege those strong men, it is better to say that my 40,000 men broke into the realm of these strong men!

"Isn't it?" The flame warrior who spoke was incredulous: "10,000 people, hiding in the grass and making no sound at all?"

"And it doesn't matter if the strong men hide in it. How could those white-haired bears and kobolds who were more than ten meters tall from before hide in?"

He really couldn't understand.

What kind of means is this?

The **** of drilling grass?

In fact, this is a very simple lol setting.

No matter how old the hero is, as long as he gets into the grass, he is almost invisible. Even if he dances and rolls in the grass, the blades of grass will not sway at all...

As for realistic logic?

A 1000-meter-tall Void Fear can hide in a grass, even a Dragon King holding a star in his hand can hide in a grass. Does this require logic?


So, let alone Lin Fan's melee followers only 10,000, even 100,000, 100,000, they can be silent in the grass!

At this time, Huo Rulong also saw what happened to his followers in the labyrinth of green grass.

The complexion also turned ugly in an instant.

"Lin Fan, that's a good trick." Huo Rulong's spiritual incarnation raised his head and looked at Lin Fan's spiritual incarnation on the other side of God's Domain.

With the help of the believer's sight, he can also see the situation in the green grass maze.

But even fire like a dragon can't judge the direction in that green grass maze!

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