Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 996: Bai Zhaoyun, fell down

Pain drowned Lin Weimao.

The power from the beginning of all evil, the power that represents pure killing, raged within him.

This is power beyond divine power!

At the beginning, Lin Weimao also resisted this blow and endured the scouring of this force.

But at that time, he was in a state of divine power resonance. He not only possessed the divine power of light, but also possessed the divine power of darkness. Under the resonance of the two diametrically opposed divine powers, the terrifying power was enough to allow him to withstand this killing force.

But now...

Lin Weimao's breath, which melted into the light, instantly weakened, and his skin instantly turned red. The killing force left an inconspicuous red spot on his body, which quickly spread.

With that red dot as the center, his skin began to fester, his muscles began to crumble, and his cells began to decompose themselves.

Wherever that violent slaughtering power passed, everything turned into a mass of viscous blood!

This is the power of killing.

Lin Weimao, who did not have the body of Lucifer's archangel, only felt that his life was being mercilessly deprived, and the heart-piercing pain spread and penetrated deep into his heart!


Lin Weimao's expression changed suddenly, and he blocked his heart with the last divine power, trying to resist the scouring of the killing force.

For the higher gods, even if the heart is broken, it does not die immediately.


For Lin Weimao, his heart must not be hurt in any way!

Because the path of divine experience that he had dug out of his heart was in Lin Fan's body!



The shield that the divine power of light turned into was completely unqualified to block the power from Cain.

In an instant, it shattered into a spot of light.

The scarlet power greedily absorbed the shattered photoelectricity, rushing towards the beating, crystal clear heart of light from all directions!

"I'm sorry." Lin Weimao's eyes shed tears.

And the other side.


Lin Fan, who had lost his mind with Bai Zhaoyun's sword, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, and suddenly fell to the ground while covering his heart.


Pain from the soul.

A force appeared in his heart out of thin air, and that scarlet force raged in Lin Fan's body!

"what happened!"

Lin Fan's eyes instantly turned red, and blue veins burst out on his forehead.

The power pouring out of his heart not only washed his body, but also seemed to tear his soul apart!

His path to divine experience came from Lin Weimao.

Although the road to divine experience has been dug out by Lin Weimao, it was originally born in Lin Weimao's body.

This is the bond between father and son.


At this time, it has become a channel for the power of killing to pour out!

Kneeling on the ground, feeling the soul-like tearing, Lin Fan looked behind Lucifer for no reason. For some reason, he always felt that there was someone there who was suffering the same pain as himself, and was even blocking that pain for himself!

"Lin Fan, are you alright?" Cao Dahua immediately noticed something was wrong.

But Lin Fan was unable to answer at this time.

His soul began to crack under the killing force, and the Divine Realm began to shatter at this moment!

This is the power from Cain.

Pure killing power.

Even if it was just the first blade's own counterattack, it was just a touch of contamination, but it was definitely not something that Lin Weimao or Lin Fan could resist at this time.


Lin Fan let out a roar like a beast, and at the moment when death was about to happen, something in his body seemed to sense the danger.

It was the blood of the ancestors of the werewolf.


Lin Fan's body began to swell rapidly, and his nails began to grow deep!

"Come out!!" Lin Fan felt the surging savage power deep inside his body, and gritted his teeth, "Come out and help me!"

The former Lin Fan was extremely resistant to this werewolf consciousness in his body.

But this moment.

Lin Fan extremely hoped that guy would come out.


This time, the werewolf consciousness that was thinking about occupying Lin Fan's body at that moment was like stagnant water, with no intention of appearing at all.

He was even actively resisting, as if he didn't dare to face this force!

Cain, the power of the God Punisher, even the ancestor of the werewolf dare not face it!

Even Lin Fan's body, which had already begun to transform into a werewolf, gradually returned to his normal appearance at this moment.

"You coward!" Lin Fan gritted his teeth and cursed in desperation.

But right now.


There was a loud bang in Lin Fan's body, which was constantly collapsing.

On the altar of the origin of God's Domain.

The fire of death, which had long been out of Lin Fan's control, was burning violently at this moment, and the dark death energy spurted out!

It was like announcing Lin Fan's identity.

The unstoppable killing force suddenly paused slightly, as if feeling the breath of the fire of death, and it dissipated so actively!


Lin Fan spat out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes were confused.

He clearly and felt that the killing power that was about to shatter his body and soul, at this moment, dissipated on its own.

Just so invisible.

"How is this going?"

"The fire of death, and the power of killing, do you know?"

Lin Fan was confused, he couldn't understand why the killing power that wanted to kill him suddenly disappeared at the moment when the fire of death was beating.

This is... incomprehensible.

But before he had time to think so much, Lin Fan quickly took out a mutant fruit and gnawed it.

And the other side.

Lin Weimao, who was trying his best to stop the killing force from rushing into his heart and was about to be strangled by the killing force, also gasped heavily.

Melting in the light, he turned to look at Lin Fan in disbelief.

just now.

After those killing power rushed into Lin Fan's body through his heart, not only did he not kill Lin Fan, but even the killing power in his body dissipated instantly?


"How did this kid do it?"

"What's in him? Or does he have anything to do with Killing Power?"

Lin Weimao was also confused. After all, it gave him the feeling that these killing powers and Lin Fan knew each other...

Moreover, Lin Weimao was even more complicated. He had just tried his best to block those killing powers and prevent them from spreading into Lin Fan's body.

I knew this earlier.

I'll stop the fart, just let them rush over to recognize the relatives!

This makes me look stupid, I have suffered for so long in vain.

But too late to think so much.

Lin Weimao's previous strike had consumed almost all of his divine power, and he was swept away by a trace of killing force. Although he was not dead at this time, he was seriously injured!

Lin Weimao forcefully took out an elixir from God's Domain and swallowed it slowly.


The killing power just now came and went quickly.

Although he almost killed himself.

But it was too inexplicable. At this time, it disappeared without a trace, and Lin Fan didn't take it to heart.

Lin Fan swallowed the fruit and quickly recovered while looking at Bai Zhaoyun and Lucifer.

The sword just now is still repeated in Lin Fan's What a terrifying method!

From Lin Fan's point of view, it was the brother who released an invisible sword energy through Lucifer. Lucifer was not hurt at all, and he was still laughing.

Behind him, a giant sword suddenly appeared!

Sword Qi is 30,000 miles away!

That Lucifer, kneel directly!

"As expected of a senior brother!" Lin Fan looked at Bai Zhaoyun with shocking eyes.

Sure enough, compared with his senior brother, he is still far behind.

Senior Brother, as expected of the real No. 1 Sword God!

Ta Ge Xing has cultivated to the extreme, and it can be so terrifying!

this moment.

In Lin Fan's eyes.

The shaky back of this white shirt is indescribably tall and radiant!

"Senior brother, hurry up, give that guy another sword!" Lin Fan urged.

As soon as this word comes out.

Even Lucifer, who barely survived, had incomparable fear in his eyes!


The sword just now was unbelievable, but it was amazingly powerful. It was as if it had pierced through space. It was clearly stabbed in front of him, but it was stabbed from his defenseless back!

He can survive, relying on the first blade in his hand.

If there is another sword...

Lucifer's body trembled violently.

But right now.

Lin Fan's expression full of admiration suddenly stopped, and his expression became strange.

I saw Bai Zhaoyun's eyes closed tightly, as if he had lost consciousness.

The body standing on the spot also seemed to be unable to support and began to sway.

"Senior brother, you..." Lin Fan said blankly.


Before Lin Fan finished speaking.

Bai Zhaoyun's whole person is already in a coma, and he falls down like a gossamer!

The last moment to fall.

There was only one thought in Bai Zhaoyun's hazy head: "Junior Brother, this wine is so powerful."

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