Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Cannon Fodder (4/2 more, please support!)

Victor had been racing, but when his consciousness became dark, he went to a place full of rocks, and the locomotive was still at his feet, so he turned off the fire.

Behind him stood a group of dumb orc boys.

“Huh? Where did I go?”

“Waaaagh! I have summoned you, my soldiers, go, the enemy is in the stone forest ahead, tear them apart!”

The voice and figure of the Great Maoist appeared in the minds of all the orcs.


“Mao God has summoned me?”

“The enemy is ahead!”

“This is really waaaagh!”

“Haha, hahahaha, waaaagh!”


All the orcs jumped up happily when they heard the voice of the Great Mao. This is a god’s choice, definitely a god’s choice, they have been chosen to fight!

“Boys, cheer up and tear up the enemy in front of you, waaaagh!”


“Knife him!”

Under Victor’s leadership, a hundred locomotive boys drove to the forefront, the machete boy and the pistol boy followed behind, and the farts followed with a half-meter-sized Skug at the end.

The battlefield they entered was a rocky mountain forest, where the green skin was very conspicuous.

The battlefield was not big, but I saw the enemy in a short while.

They are giant horned rock sheep and the animal breeds that breed them.

The half-human races are stronger than the human races, and each have different abilities. They are very popular, and they are the general family members of the general public.

In total, there were 700 shale sheep and 200 shepherd dogs, all dressed very clean.

The rock wool has a big horn and a good spirit, as is the shepherd, a strong figure, a shepherd whip in hand, a machete on the waist, and a short outfit.

High in the sky, Li Yang couldn’t help but praise the girl’s training ability, at least it seemed more pleasing to the eye than the orcs rushing in.

“Wang, the enemy rushed, ready to charge, for the glory of the gods!”

The shepherd’s whip waved and hit the ground with pappa sound, and the giant horned shale sheep were ready to charge.

Li Yang’s battle naturally attracted the attention of the students. This public figure who won a lawsuit not long ago has become a big hit on the campus network.

Therefore, many people came to watch his battle. Sun Hai saw the situation and directly projected the screen onto the big screen so that everyone in the martial arts field could see it.

“This is a green-skinned orc?”

“It doesn’t look like it, the green-skinned orc’s IQ can drive?”

“Is that a goblin? How can it look silly, and there is a goblin, why don’t you have weapons and equipment?”

“You are blind, that something like a machete and a pistol is not a weapon!”

“But this is too broken, you said it was turned over from the trash, I believe, can this kind of knife be used? This gun is not afraid of exploding!”

“You don’t know what conditions are Li Yang, do you have the money to buy equipment?”

“Didn’t he win a lot of money in a lawsuit?”

“Those orcs feel crazy!”

Not only the classmates are discussing Li Yang’s family, but even the teachers are discussing, Sun Hai is watching these nondescript orcs with great interest.

The orcs rushed, and the giant horned rock sheep was also driven and rammed by the dogmen.

Soon the two sides made contact, but Victor did not rush directly.

He stopped in the middle of the journey, and ordered the fart spirit and Skug to go up first. Anyway, the fart spirit was originally cannon fodder, meat shield, and emergency food.

The farts reluctantly drove Skug to stand in front, facing the big horns of the giant horned blue sheep.

“What tactic is this? Sending death?”

“Should you not use a powerful orc in front of you? Li Yang probably wants to retain vitality.”

“The kid is still too tender. If you use a goblin to block a giant horned gorgon, I’m afraid it will soon be pierced. Not only did it fail to stop it, but sacrificed in vain.”

“Walking Cao, those orcs really shot!”

“How can you hit a teammate with such a low hit rate?”

“That’s not a blast, right?”

Soon, the ass was really cut through, but it also successfully blocked the pace of Yanyang, and the pistol boys behind shouted and fired.

The loud roar did not sound like a pistol, but rather like an explosion of a cannonball.

And the hit rate is touching, even most of them hit the back of the ass, like a black gun, the power is quite big, and the hits are directly blown up.

It just occasionally explodes, three or four pistol boys have died because of the explosion.

“Haha, this kind of force.”

That petite girl also smiled at this moment, what kind of army is this?

Why does it feel so unreliable? This one seems stable.

“Um… Yes, the boys are very motivated!”

Victor laughed instead of anger, and the other orc boys laughed, showing no trace of worry about the death of the ass and the shooting rate.

“Those orcs are laughing?”

“seems like it.”

“How did Li Yang command it? Isn’t it a mess?”

“Don’t you find that those pistols are very powerful?”

“It’s too powerful to be used as a fart, and looking at this magazine, it’s probably going to be finished soon.”

However, they were wrong. The blasting gun in the hands of the pistol boy did not have a shortage of bullets at all.

In fact, these pistol boys don’t even know what it means to be shot.

Isn’t the pistol just used when you pick it up?

Aim, squeeze the trigger, boom!

A few wheels were ejected, and the rock sheep that was actually pressed could not move forward. Under the firepower of the concentrated fire, the shooting rate actually didn’t matter.

Someone can hit the enemy.

Needless to say, the power of the blasting gun is a direct death if hit, or even torn apart.

The corpse of the fart on the ground and the corpse of the rock sheep are good proofs.

“Hahahaha, well, give me waaaaaaagh up!”

Seeing that the fart spirit and Skug are almost dead, and the enemy’s details are also clear, Victor roars and leads the machete boy into the battlefield!

The orc boys had long been unable to restrain themselves, one by one, with red eyes, rushing towards the enemy like crazy.

“They rushed, Wang, Yanyang charged, Wang!”

The shepherd leading the team commanded Byanyang to launch a second charge.

The pistol boys rushed and fired. There was no set fire, the hit rate of a single bullet was much higher than that of the enemy.

Several machete boys fell on the way to charge, don’t get me wrong, the enemy has no long-range weapons.

In human terms, they were shot with black guns. If those pistol boys were left in the human world, they would definitely be arrested and taken to a military court to execute the execution in order to look loyal.

But in the orcs, no one paid attention at all.

Even those few orc boys who fired would not pay attention to where their bullets flew. Anyway, the shot would be fine, the booming waaaagh would be fine, nothing else matters! *

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