Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 2 God of the Wasteland

A light blue holographic interface popped up:

[Please select racial characteristics]

[Alienation] Half-blood and half-mechanized creatures spontaneously hate creatures with flesh and blood bodies. When facing flesh and blood creatures, strength, physique, and spirit are increased by 30%

[Cruelty] Transformed from the demon race characteristic chaos, when slaughtering, all attributes are increased by 20%

[Indifference] Inherited from the mechanical race characteristic mechanized mind, will not be affected by mental spells, spirit is increased by 50%

Without any hesitation, Xu Yi directly selected [Cruelty]. The higher the frequency of triggering characteristics, the stronger they are.

In the Endless God Realm, there are not only flesh and blood creatures, but also mechanical creatures, elemental creatures, and spiritual creatures. If you enter a world that is not dominated by flesh and blood creatures, the characteristic of [Alienation] can only be a blank.

As for [Cruelty], if you don't let others see your cruelty, it means there is no negative effect. Xu Yi curled his lips and continued to listen to the system prompts.

[Ding, the user's soul is detected to carry the God Realm Lottery System, the lottery system is being activated...]

As a time traveler, Xu Yi naturally fantasized about the existence of the system, but he could not count on it when his divinity was not awakened, so he slowly forgot about it. Unexpectedly, it came in the God Realm landing cabin.

[The lottery system has been loaded]

[The system is turned on, and a free draw is given. The first draw will definitely get the incarnation of the gods]

[Current lottery level: 0, please work hard to draw and increase the lottery level. ]

This system tastes a bit wrong, Xu Yi thought secretly, but there is a free draw, and it will definitely produce an extremely rare incarnation card, so he naturally accepted it with a smile.

As the mind goes, select the free option, a card begins to rotate, and the free word disappears, replaced by a single draw and a ten-draw.

The consumption of a single draw is 4,000 faith points, and the consumption of a ten-draw is 38,800.

Before he could think about it, the card that was slowing down its rotation emitted a circle of purple translucent luster, which drew Xu Yi's attention back.

Epic incarnation - Swelling Colossus, a huge gray-white figure was embedded in the purple card frame, with black suture marks on the skin that looked like it was swollen by blisters. It could be vaguely seen that under the stretched sutures were densely covered with fine lines of black inner lining.

The dazzling purple color that symbolizes epic quality looked gloomy under the image rendering of this incarnation card. On the contrary, Xu Yi's mood was sunny. I have heard that there are people who condense incarnations at the semi-god stage for purple incarnation cards, but I have never heard of epic incarnations just after awakening!

[Will you descend to the divine realm as the incarnation of the Swelling Colossus? ]

It is very difficult to establish initial faith. Without this incarnation, Xu Yi would have to spend some time, and this would take time. This incarnation could save him the time to catch up with his classmates, which is the most important thing for him now.

Xu Yi's time is running out. He awakened his divinity too late. There is only one week left before the last monthly exam of the second year of high school, and less than a month before the final exam to determine whether he can enter the key class.

That means how much resources Xu Yi can get from the school throughout the third year of high school.

Choose [Yes].

It seems that after floating in the sky for a long time, Xu Yi's thoughts penetrated a thick layer of clouds, and the appearance of the land below was completely revealed in his "vision". Knowing that this is an excellent opportunity to explore the surrounding environment, Xu Yi immediately concentrated his energy and sensed it with all his strength.

Directly below is a dark brown land with almost no vegetation. There is a small black forest in the south, and a large lush green forest further away. There is a yellow land in the west, a towering bare mountain range in the north, and a fog in the east.

Two thoughts appeared in Xu Yi's perception, either fierce or gentle. The former came from the yellow land in the west, and the latter came from the lush green forest far in the south.

The mind slowly descended, and the dark brown land gradually occupied the vision. I thought that my original divine domain was on this land.

Ruins, countless ruins, there are large creatures in the north, it seems to be... a waste giant? There are several caves in the east. The consciousness sank faster and faster, penetrating some metal pipes and scrap iron plates, and gathered in a tall black object...

In the west, in the wooden fortress, the scarlet eyes were slightly raised, looking into the distance, and the long fangs revealed the ferocity of its owner. In the south, among the tall trees, under the soft black hair, the girl with a delicate face frowned, with a hint of vigilance.

What will this new neighbor look like?


In a desolate place in the Endless Divine Domain, dozens of ragged people were busy scattered in a factory ruin. At the entrance of the factory, a vertical line of words could still be vaguely recognized after years of weathering, "can" and "add".

The sky outside the factory is always filled with gray clouds that seem to be condensed together. The gray skylight shines into the factory through the high, cloudy glass windows, providing some light inside.

In the center of the factory stands a black statue of a god that is more than four meters tall. A tall and strong man, nearly two meters tall, with a cold and hard expression stands in front of it.

He was a little confused, wondering if it was an illusion. Recently, the black lines on the statue have become clearer, but he has no time to check it now. There are still 33 seconds until the end of work, and he will lead everyone to pray.

As the harsh bell of "ding ding ding" rang, most people gathered from a production line, and a small number of people walked out of another workshop.

Everyone gathered in front of the statue and prayed in a low voice under the leadership of the tall and strong man. Most people chanted their own requests, and only more than ten people prayed for God's response.

"Your Majesty, the great God of Wasteland, please pay attention to this land forgotten by God."

"My great God of the Wasteland, our canning raw materials are about to be exhausted, and there are several other groups of Wastelanders around us who are coveting them. I beg you for your help."

More than sixty people gathered together to pray. All of them had pale skin and looked young. Except for the faintly exposed black sutures on their flesh, they could not be distinguished from normal people.

The strong man in the lead is named Jay. After everyone prays in a low voice for a few minutes, he will begin to summarize the results repeated every day, reveal the results of the day, and give everyone hope.

Life in the wasteland is too difficult. If it weren’t for the transparency of survival resources and the longing for the existence of the God of the Wasteland, everyone might not be able to survive long ago. If God’s eyes could look at this land Abandoned land would be fine.

Sighing lightly, Jay began to summarize, with a cold tone, as if this would give everyone more confidence: "Today, 212 pieces of compressed biscuit cans were produced, the workshop repaired a shotgun, and produced 56 rounds of pistol bullets. After the canning raw materials were consumed, The foundation for hunting has been laid. Currently, there are 1,311 cans left, enough for everyone for 20 days..."

Xu Yi's thoughts were hidden in the black statue, and no one noticed. His thoughts had arrived in the morning, but he was a little sluggish at first sight and needed some time to adapt.

The mental power amplifier spread his thoughts to the extreme. The ratio of the time flow rate here to the time flow rate in Blue Star City reached 24:1. It is a very deep area in the Endless God Realm. From the beginning, he could spread his mental power here just by his talent. There are very few gods.

He remembered that Blue Star Civilization's initial limit of the time flow rate in the Divine Realm was 30:1. His result was already at the forefront. It was equivalent to one day of development in the Divine Realm, and only one hour passed by Blue Star.

During the day, Xu Yi had become slightly familiar with the touch of the black statue. The parts other than the joints of the limbs were a little stiff and not as flexible as the human body. It would take some time to get used to actually controlling it to move and fight.

This black statue is the carrier of the swollen colossus. He carefully checked the updated divine domain interface and faith interface.

【God's Domain Interface】

【God's Domain Type】Scorched Earth

[Divine Domain Size] 25 square kilometers

【Core of God's Domain】Not set

[Facility] Factory ruins (including a canning production line and a semi-abandoned weapons workshop), underground research institute (unexplored)

[Resource] Sulfide Ore (this vein is directly exposed on the surface, you don’t even need to dig, it contains rich copper and iron resources)

[Plant] Moss (under severe pollution, only this plant survived tenaciously)

[Organisms] Black rodent, gray rabbit, striped hyena,? ? ? (unexplored)

Evaluation: I am not strong enough to survive in this divine realm of yours.

【Belief Interface】


[Belief type] Primitive sect


【Saint/Fanatical Believer】0/0



【True believer】0

【Shallow Believer】11

【Pan believers】54

[Faith value] 60

The water in this divine domain is a bit deep, and there are areas that cannot be directly explored by the login cabin, indicating that there are deeper secrets hidden underneath. Before starting the exploration around the divine domain, there are many things that need to be explored in this 25 square kilometers of divine domain. at.

But before that, Xu Yi needed a suitable time for "God's arrival". Xu Yi, who traveled through time in the 21st century, was confident that his routine would not be inferior to the rigid theological education of the 81st century. The first arrival of the gods is the best opportunity to improve the quality of the family's faith.

Jay was reaching the end of his words: "...The best way to eliminate fear is to face it. Perseverance is the victory. Come on, Wastelanders!"

Different from the usual scattered and feeble responses, Jay found that everyone looked behind him with wide eyes. Could it be...

Jay turned back in surprise, a sense of awe quickly rising in his heart.

From the fine lines of the black colossus, dead white flesh and blood quickly oozed out, and purple-black blood vessels interspersed between them. Not long after, a five-meter-tall swollen and pale flesh colossus appeared in front of sixty-five flesh puppets.

Jay took the lead and crawled down, with excitement on his face: "Welcome the God of the Wasteland."

"I am the Swollen Colossus, one of the thousands of incarnations of Akmon, the god of the wasteland." The words sounded directly in the minds of all the flesh and blood puppets. This is the inspiration sharing ability of the Swollen Colossus, which can directly share its knowledge with Others were used by Xu Yi to "come to the gods" at this time.

But after all, it was the first time, Xu Yi was still a little nervous, and he missed the word "Z" in the first sentence.

In order to maintain the majesty, it seems that the character "Zhi" will not be included in the name of this incarnation in the future.

Xu Yi did not forget to treat the most important real name with caution. It was not a good thing to expose the real name, and trouble would arise one after another.

Among the four true names, Ephisas is known only to his parents. It is relatively hidden and is also the name of God that truly belongs to him.

Akmon and Marchein were inherited from their respective parents' families, so they are relatively easy to guess.

The real name of Vesterso appears together with the name of the God of the Wasteland. Xu Yi himself has not yet figured out the generation mechanism. It is the most hidden part and the one he least wants to leak.

After comparing the appearance of the swollen colossus, it is obviously more inclined to the evil god. Let's use dad's demon to inherit Akmon.

As for Ephesus, unless it was a targeted sacrifice, Xu Yi was not going to tell his followers other than his saints/fanatics.

"I already know your request. The swollen colossus will grant you protection, and in return, you need to spread my name and spread my glory!"

It seemed that the voice came directly from everyone's heart, leaving no doubt in everyone.

Without looking up, Jay responded with a trembling voice: "I will obey God's command."

A respectful chorus came from behind him.

"I will obey God's command!"

As if moved by Jay's performance, the words continued: "Leader, report your name."


"Give your clan the name of Blood Equipment, and you will lead the Blood Equipment clan."

"I will obey God's command."

After a series of operations, Xu Yi looked at the sect interface and nodded with satisfaction.

[Cult Interface]

[Cult] None

[Faith Type] Primitive Cult

[Divine Art] None

[Saint/Fanatical Believer] 0/0

[Prayer/Fanatical Believer] 0/0

[Pious Believer] 1

[True Believer] 21

[Shallow Believer] 43

[Pan Believer] 0

[Faith Value] 30

Jay, who was designated as the patriarch, became a pious believer directly, and all the original shallow believers became true believers, and all the pan believers who originally had no hope for prayer were also transformed into shallow believers or above, which can be said to be an excellent effect.

A pan believer can only provide 1 point of faith value a day, thanks to Jay's brainwashing before work every day. Shallow believers suddenly become 2 points, true believers 3 points, and pious 5 points.

At the first level of prayer/fanatic, the faith value provided in a day reaches more than 10 points, and the faith value provided by saints/fanatics is more than 20.

It takes 300 faith points to open the swollen colossus incarnation for one hour. Xu Yi has just opened it for more than ten minutes, and half of the faith collected during the day has been consumed.

But this wave is still worth it. With the current quality of believers, Xu Yi can get 154 faith points a day. It will only take a few hours to earn back the 30 faith points.

As Xu Yi stopped supplying faith points, the pale flesh and blood along with the purple-black blood vessels slowly seeped back into the fine lines of the statue, leaving not a single bit.

The blood machines crawled for a while, and after confirming that the gods had left, they stood up under Jay's leadership.

After Jay's encouragement, they dispersed one after another.

However, unlike the previous work, everyone's heart was surging and new hope was ignited in their hearts.

The pious and true believers had a clear mind, and their actions and thoughts were supported by faith and more motivated.

The shallow believers had mixed thoughts and recalled the various disrespects to the gods in the past.

The mixed or pure power of faith gathered into a beam, and the gray skylight that penetrated the tall glass windows seemed to be brighter...

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