After three hours of flight, the plane landed at the Shendu Sky Airport.

The airport has the same layout as the Shengshen Sky Airport, and is also composed of the roofs of sixteen huge buildings. This is because the layout of the Shengdu is copied from the Shendu.

In terms of seniority, the oldest ones are Xuandu and Shendu. These two were first established on the ruins of the post-cyber era and developed two sets of god systems with very different styles.

Shendu later divided into the four cities of Demon, Monster, Art, and Fantasy. The systems of the four cities are very different, but they are all separated from the system of Shendu.

Shengdu was established the latest and is a migrating giant city. The mainstream god system is still the same as that of Shendu, but it also includes some god systems of the four cities except Xuandu. It is the only hodgepodge among the current seven cities.

The demon system of the Xu family actually originated from the Demon City. In the Demon City, the true god level is called the Demon Duke, and the demigod level is the Demon Lord.

The remaining demons, arts, and illusions also have their own characteristics. Most of the gods in the demon city advocate individual strength, and the concept of the military department of the holy city is somewhat biased towards the demon city;

The gods in the art city master some priesthoods related to charm, such as music, dance, love, etc., which are at the bottom of the seven cities, but the effects of these priesthoods are also notoriously difficult to deal with;

The priesthoods of the gods in the illusion city tend to be illusions, fraud, strategy, etc., and their strength is only higher than that of the art city among the seven cities, ranking second from the bottom.

On the contrary, although the holy city was established the latest, it has developed rapidly in the fields of business and technology due to the entry of a great god, attracting many powerful true god families to migrate. Among the seven cities, its comprehensive strength ranks third, second only to the second Shen City and the first Xuan City.

The plane landed steadily, and the nearly 1,000-member holy city team chose to check in and rest at the luxury hotel below the airport.

On June 29th, after a half-day rest, it was time to enter the competition.

The competition venue is also a skyscraper under the Shendu Sky Airport, named Shendu New Shenchuang Competition Center, of which more than 600 floors are used for competition.

Each floor has 16 luxurious single suites. Of course, most of the facilities are not used by the students who come to participate in the competition, such as a bathtub that is about the size of a bathroom. They only have to use the Shenyu landing cabin placed in the center of the living room.

Nearly 10,000 participating students from the seven cities entered the competition venue in batches. At one o'clock in the afternoon, it was the time for the Shengdu participating team to enter the examination room.

The organizer was very considerate and left a day for the participating students to make the final arrangements for the Shenyu affairs.

Walking through the sky glass corridor between the star hotel and the competition center, Xu Yi had the honor of overlooking the sky of about 700 floors in Shendu, which was really no different from the sky of Shengdu.

The orderly space flying road, like a giant python, lingered in the public magnetic car ejection channel between the high-rise buildings... Even the equipment in Shendu gave people a sense of oldness due to its age, which was not as bright as the exterior of Shengdu.

He entered the building through the corridor bridge and casually took the room card handed over by the stadium staff at the door, 51404. After cursing his bad luck, he walked towards the elevator.

The room number is the stadium number. The stadium he used was Suite 04 on the 514th floor.

After sitting in the elevator for nearly a minute, Xu Yi went down to the 514th floor and successfully found his room. After looking around the luxurious furnishings in the suite, Xu Yi used the shower room next to the "bathtub" that was more than four square meters with an expressionless face. After washing his body, he got into the God's Domain landing cabin.

At 7 o'clock in the evening on the 30th, after arranging all the affairs of the God's Domain, Xu Yi's consciousness sank into the semi-god incarnation, activated the teleportation card given by Professor Huo, and teleported to his God City.

The thick logs were simply cut and arranged in rows. What appeared in front of Xu Yi was a wooden fortress, a typical barbarian God City with a large army style.

Professor Huo, who likes to wear formal clothes and has half a hundred hair, turned into a bald barbarian with two scars on his face.

Standing with the four people who arrived earlier, Xu Yi did not look at Professor Huo's face for long, because there was another person who was more eye-catching than him.

This skeleton incarnation with a giant staff in hand and covered by a purple robe was undoubtedly Su Lishi.

Is it really good to participate in the competition with this incarnation of a skull face? Xu Yi was a little unsure about Su Lishi's idea, but now is not the time to chat. Between 7 and 12 o'clock, the organizers left time for professors of various universities to move the city of gods to the designated position in the 30:1 time domain. Similarly, it was also the last time for the universities to arrange tactics.

Professor Huo naturally reiterated the key points again and arranged the division of labor for the five people.

At 10:20, the barbarian city of gods moved to the designated position.

At 11:55, a black and red vortex appeared above the city of gods. The vortex was very small and could not be distinguished without some effort.

Five crimson cards slowly fell down and landed in Professor Huo's hands.

When he saw these five cards, Professor Huo's face changed: "Random transmission cards, this competition really doesn't allow any loopholes to be exploited. All the tactics just mentioned are cancelled. Everyone develops according to the most basic development principles."

After briefly mentioning it again, it was already 11:59. Looking at the countdown, there was no chance to come up with a better solution. With the breadth of the Savage World in the data and the scale of 10,000 people in this competition, it would be very difficult for the five people to reunite. He moved his lips but couldn't come up with any strategy in the end. He just said: "Good luck to you."

At midnight on July 1, 9,882 candidates holding invitations and random teleportation cards were swallowed by a red vortex, and the 31st Seven Capitals Divine University Student Comprehensive Competition officially began.

After being swallowed by a vortex with a color similar to the random teleportation card, Xu Yi came back to his senses after a dizzy spell, and was already on a grassy field.

The shallow grass was only above his ankles, and the rich green color reflected its vigorous vitality.

With no one around, Xu Yi began to check his own condition. The three major divine arts he brought were all restricted in number of times. The detection technique was restricted to five times a day, the controlled mutation was three times a day, and the malignant radiation was the worst, and could only be used once every two days.

The effects of the three divine arts all changed slightly. In addition, when using the other divine arts, the divine power did not fluctuate at all, just like Professor Huo's half of the sleep.

However, there were still some surprises, and there were many of them.

The energy of the second-level Sha Dao Yun Bing Jue in the Qi Gui Blade can still be mobilized. It seems that the world rules judge it as the energy of the weapon itself.

Another surprise was that the demigod incarnation's long chain of trickery could still be used. This metal chain seemed to be judged as a part of the incarnation, but its length was also limited to the length of the arm, instead of being able to extend infinitely as before as a divine spell.

But it was still very useful. Xu Yi could disguise it as a gifted spell, so that one of the three spells he brought could be hidden.

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