Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 205 Blood lines take shape, secret seal condenses

The carrion-eating jackals were lying on the ground. These jackals had a keen sense of smell and followed the smell of the wild boar corpses killed by Xu Yi. The size of the mastiff made it easy for Xu Yi to deal with them. He could kill one with one sword, but their meat was not good, so Xu Yi decided to bury them on the spot.

The huge wild boar corpse was hit hard by several jackals. Surrounded by dozens of jackals, he could not completely protect the corpse. However, he could not eat so much anyway, so he cut off three ungnawed pig legs and carried them on his back.

More than 60 blood qi were collected, and the blood veins on the neck had already emerged with clear cloud-like patterns.

The first blood vein condensed at such a conspicuous position as the neck, and normal clothes could not cover it at all. In this world where everyone knows that the chief's first blood vein condensed on his neck, if he wore a high collar, what difference would it make from covering his ears and stealing the bell?

The will of the wild world had no intention of keeping the chief low-key, and put this profession in the public eye.

Xu Yi continued to move forward to the low ground. The three pig legs on his back kept attracting some scavenging beasts to approach. There were more than a dozen vultures alone, all of which he killed easily.

From this point of view, carrying this actually accelerated Xu Yi's accumulation of blood patterns.

A valley appeared in the field of vision. There were a few trees sparsely at the mouth of the valley. It was also a way for Xu Yi to find the trees he had always been thinking about. With trees, there would be wood.

He casually slashed out with a murderous spirit and killed a flying vulture. The second-level Yunbing Jue in the semi-god body had merged with the Qi Gui Blade, and he was able to use the Qi Gui Blade to slash out the unique murderous spirit of the evil knife Yunbing Jue.

The last blood qi entangled up, and the dark red of the cloud-like blood pattern on the neck that almost occupied a whole circle turned from dark to bright, and turned into a circle of bright red.

One hundred blood veins condensed from the first level, which showed that Xu Yi had become a quasi-first-level chieftain, and the only thing missing was the secret seal in the blood veins.

After killing several monkeys and wild beasts at the entrance of the valley, he walked into the valley, and several blood veins floated and wrapped around his right arm, which was where the second blood vein condensed. The amount of condensation was still a trace, but the blood veins that the second-level chieftain had to condense were wider. According to Xu Yi's calculations, the blood veins of one arm required about five hundred blood veins to condense, and two required one thousand.

In the valley was a small lake and a small pit with white smoke accumulation, and this was exactly the fortune pool that Xu Yi needed most at the moment.

There seemed to be some wild beasts in the lake, but Xu Yi had temporarily forgotten all of this. What he had to do now was a very critical thing. If he was lucky enough, the subsequent development speed would be much faster.

After dragging up the bodies of two apes and wild beasts, Xu Yi threw them into the pool of creation. The smoke swallowed the bodies without any movement, but he had expected it, because he had not yet taken the most critical step, inputting divinity!

According to the proportions he had thought of in advance, Xu Yi mixed the mutant divinity with the flesh and blood divinity and input it first. The white smoke finally moved under the infusion of divinity. The smoke rolled inward and gradually showed a kind of abnormal red.

This is the color of the flesh and blood divinity mixed with the mutant divinity. The two have a good fit and no repulsion.

After injecting a certain amount, Xu Yi mobilized the shadow divinity, mixed it with the contract divinity, and continued to inject it.

Shadow and flesh and blood were originally opposites, and now there is only an additional buffer of contract divinity.

A trace of black air spread in the red, forming a black vein like a blood vessel, and the smoke became more and more violent.

This means that the current combination of divinity is developing in an increasingly unstable direction. Xu Yi did not dare to inject more, and switched back to the combination of mutation and flesh and blood divinity to make the smoke slightly more stable.

The density of the smoke was still as if it was substantial. Xu Yi hesitated for a moment and mobilized the last kind of divinity, the mechanical divinity, to infuse it. The bright copper color with a metallic texture occupied a piece of the mist, and just a trace of it made the mist violently churn.

The essence of machinery has the concept of lifelessness, which is opposite to flesh and blood. It is also substantial, which is opposite to the energy state of shadow.

The three are incompatible with each other, like a ball of unstable energy, which may lose balance and annihilate each other at any time.

What Xu Yi is doing now is the process of condensing the secret seal for the first-level blood pattern that has just formed. Once the secret seal is formed, it is like having a template. In the future, when using the fortune pool, the template will be directly reproduced by activating this blood pattern, without the need to re-infuse divinity.

But if the infusion fails, the three will partially annihilate each other, which is equivalent to forming a useless secret seal, which will have a great impact on subsequent development.

A long metal strip was formed in the red and black net of the bright copper-colored mechanical divinity. Just when the three were about to explode, the smoke was completely condensed, and Xu Yi's heart was relieved and he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps the top leaders of the First Army did not expect that, according to common sense, Xu Yi, who had 45 points of divinity and the richest types of divinity, would condense so thrillingly in this step of blood pattern condensation of secret seal.

The secret seal was condensed successfully, and Xu Yi was no longer worried. Now the smoke was surging, but it was just the fortune pool absorbing the blood and qi of the two monkey beast corpses before, thus creating new creatures.

He roughly estimated in his mind that among the various divinities he finally injected, the divinity fused with flesh and mutation accounted for about 60%, the divinity fused with shadow and contract accounted for about 35%, and the mechanical divinity accounted for only 5%.

After a while, the three-color smoke gradually faded, leaving only the white smoke that was seen at the beginning, a deep red color with dark black lines and a silver line running through it, and flew to the blood line on Xu Yi's neck, and finally dyed the bright red blood line into such a strange color.

Xu Yi's first blood line secret seal condensed, and he is now a one-line chief who has entered the door.

In the white smoke, two strange creatures on all fours crawled out swiftly. This is the war beast created by Xu Yi through the secret seal formed by the fusion of five kinds of divinity and the pool of fortune.

This is one of the main abilities of the chief, and it is also the greatest capital for a chief to establish a power.

At a high level, the chief often blesses a battlefield secret art sacrifice, and thousands of war beasts will emerge. Even the most powerful barbarian king among the barbarians, or the beast king among the barbaric beasts, will be exhausted to death.

The chief's war beasts can be created continuously through the Creation Pool. All he needs to pay are some corpses filled with blood.

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