"No, just this one."

"But, if the commission is accepted and it cannot be completed within one month, 30% of the commission will be deducted?" The young receptionist was a little anxious.

"No problem."

"You haven't contributed yet, so 240 will be deducted. Converted into iron coins, you will have to pay 1,200..."

"Oh, it's okay. Trust me once and I can handle it."

After arguing, the young receptionist stole a glance at the direction of the union's management. After all, he was afraid of attracting the attention of his superiors, so he could only reluctantly hand over the commission to Xu Yi.

"Here, I give it to you. I really don't know what you are thinking. You must jump into this pit."

Xu Yi pressed the red handprint and asked casually: "Oh? Brother, do you know some of the hidden pits?"

Seeing that he had already pressed the handprint, the overly enthusiastic receptionist couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Many people have stepped on it, of course I know something."

"Can you tell me, I'm sure you can see that I'm a novice."

"Alas..." The receptionist sighed and glanced in the direction of the union manager. Seeing that he still didn't notice him, he explained: "The pitfall in the commission is the restriction requirement of the black bear."

"What do you think about this black bear?"

"Black bears are mostly three-striped beasts, which are very rare in the wild. Many chieftains or warrior teams who accepted the commission wandered around for a whole month but could not find them all. Later, they found that if they wanted to find the gathering place of black bears, they had to go to the wild bear cave forty miles north of the city. Moreover, there were a large number of brown bears in the wild bear cave, and not all of them were black bears. Accepting this commission was simply a thankless task!"

The reason given by the receptionist made Xu Yi stunned, but this did not overlap with the reason why he took a fancy to the commission [Collecting Materials of Bear Beasts]. The materials of various parts of brown bears could be exchanged for iron coins even if they could not be handed in for the task.

He took a fancy to this commission because of the bear beasts themselves. Bear beasts are strong and have strong skin and flesh defense capabilities. Their only weakness is their not very fast speed. This was not originally a weakness. Many beasts that are not as strong as them in frontal combat are not as fast as them.

But for the shadow beasts, whose speed is the only advantage so far and whose long-range attacks are excellent, it is an excellent winning point.

With the newly acquired Fierce Wind Walk, Xu Yi can almost kite these big guys to death without any injury!

Without further ado, the most urgent thing for him now is to learn the Fierce Wind Walk that can increase the speed of the entire army.

After thanking the receptionist with a full expression of emotion, Xu Yi left the union. There were still four days left, and he needed to learn the secret seal of Fierce Wind Walk during this time.

After leaving the Barbarian Union, Xu Yi returned to the hotel where he was staying. Time was tight, and he was in a hurry and did not notice that there was a faint blood light following behind him.

Crazy Blood Seven looked at the flashing blood light in his hand, and he silently followed Xu Yi to the hotel where he was staying, and confirmed Xu Yi's residence. Crazy Blood Seven returned to the Barbarian Union again and asked the receptionist for a list of commissions at will.

As he expected, the commission had been updated. The blood on the animal skin paper had not dried yet, and there were some signs of reflection. The chieftain with only one pattern in the blood light came here to accept the commission.

Kuangxueqi has a good memory, and the commission of [Collecting materials of bear beasts] is quite famous, especially in a circle of two-pattern strength like him, it is hard not to pay attention to it.

This guy actually chose such a pitfall commission?

This made Kuangxueqi hesitate. According to his previous actions, this guy clearly has something. Could it be that he is actually a complete novice?

Combined with his many judgments, he determined that Xu Yi's strength was one pattern.

This made him a little angry. He hunted geese all day but was pecked in the eye by a goose. He didn't expect that he, Kuangxueqi, would be deceived by a one-pattern newcomer.

Going directly into the depths of the grassland, that's not a skill and a courage, that's clearly just a foolish young man...

He casually accepted a resource collection commission that could be solved near the Wild Bear Cave. Kuangxueqi had gradually made up his mind. He couldn't stand letting this foolish young man take advantage of him for no reason!

Wild Bear Cave? Humph, very good, I chose a remote place. No one would go to the Wild Bear Cave within two miles, which was also a good place for myself.

His thoughts were full of malice, especially after confirming that the other party's strength was only one line...

In the next two days, he also moved to the hotel where Xu Yi stayed, but Xu Yi had been practicing the Fierce Wind Walk. Except for going out to buy blood food every day, there was almost no movement.

This made him, who didn't know, more and more impatient. It was just to kill a kid with one line, but he wasted so much of his time.

And you, a one-line guy, didn't have any sense of urgency after accepting such a task. Do you still have any self-knowledge?

Finally, on the third day, the boy made some moves. He checked out of the room leisurely, took back three iron coins, and went to the city gate to buy barbecue and other blood food with the remaining iron coins. He returned the remaining seven money bags to the old blood pattern mercenaries who had retired, and then walked out of the city gate.

This made Crazy Blood Seven feel like he had seen the blue sky after the clouds and mist had been cleared. Finally, I finally got what I was waiting for!

No hurry, no hurry, just follow him first, and then take action when we are far away from the barbarian city. Killing and robbing in the wild is not a rare thing. Even if you throw it beside the main road, within half a day, there will be several groups of passing barbarian beasts to help destroy the body and eliminate the traces. There is no need to worry about leaving any trouble.

Then he saw Xu Yi come to the extremely unreliable storage point outside the city, retrieve dozens of war beasts that looked a little weird, and after a gust of wind, they rushed away?

He chased for a few steps, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of the shadow beast. After a while, Xu Yi disappeared from his sight.

A gust of wind and sand rolled up, sweeping over the somewhat stunned face of Crazy Blood Seven. Damn, I forgot that the alligator was killed by his war beast kite. So it seems that he might really have the ability to hunt fifty black bears?

However, it is still dancing on the edge of a knife. No matter what, it is a pattern after all. Wild Bear Cave Wild Bear Cave, as the name suggests, is a gathering area for bears connected by multiple caves. The terrain is not as friendly to high-speed war beasts as the plains. If you just hunt bears bit by bit, you are not without a way out in the narrow cave. But, isn't he still there?

Crazy Blood Seven resolutely walked in the opposite direction. He wanted to gather all the alligators and cut off Xu Yi's retreat when he went deep into the cave. In this way, under the attack from both sides, he could kill these dozens of troublesome high-speed war beasts without paying much price.

Thinking of this, Crazy Blood Seven felt that he was fine again. Boy, you have to go to the Wild Bear Cave, right?

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