Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 223: A draw, Ying Zhao appears

After spitting out dragon flames, the fire-winged dragon flapped its wings and returned to the higher sky to hover, making it unknown when it would swoop down again.

At the other end, a giant energy ball formed by the wind and sand breath level 7 flew out. Xu Yi and Ma Liuyao looked at each other and smiled helplessly. Neither of them had a large-scale defensive war sacrifice secret seal.

On the contrary, the chieftain of the stinky-faced Gnawing Rat, Zhong Xiao, cast a golden defensive war sacrifice secret seal, a golden light shield, and silently included the war beast teams of Xu Yi and Ma Liuyao.

After a brief exchange of ideas, the huge energy ball had already hit the shadow beast, the bean soldier, and the gnawing golden rat fiercely.

Countless air currents exploded and overflowed, and thousands of the three war beasts were swept by the endless wind and sand and blown to the sky and fell to death.

Among them, there were the most bean soldiers, nearly 600 in number, but due to their special body structure, the only ones who really died were cut to death by the strong wind blades in the center of the wind and sand energy ball, and the rest were slightly injured by falling.

More than 200 golden rats were blown away, with heavy casualties, and almost none survived.

More than 100 shadow beasts were blown away, with the triple bonus of iron bones, bone armor, and golden light shield, about 30 two-striped shadow beasts survived, and Xu Yi was quick to use two controllable mutations to promote cell division in the bodies of four shadow beasts that had severe internal bleeding and saved them from minor injuries.

However, nearly 100 shadow beasts still died, and groups of black mist rose for a long time. Nearly 100 black lines floated out and penetrated the sand armor on the side of the yellow crying beast as if nothing happened, forming a series of winding black spells on the surface of the yellow crying beast.

This is the embodiment of the [Revenge Dark Corrosion] specialty. If only one [Revenge Dark Corrosion] is triggered, only a faint black line will be formed.

However, the attack of the Yellow Crying Beast instantly triggered hundreds of them. As Xu Yi squinted his eyes and carefully identified them, the Yellow Crying Beast killed 71 one-line shadow beasts and 27 two-line shadow beasts with this attack.

The level of the Revenge Dark Corrosion specialty of the one-line shadow beast is lv2, which reduces the shadow resistance by 2%; the level of the two-line is lv4, which reduces the resistance by 4%.

The Yellow Crying Beast itself has no resistance, so its current resistance is negative 250%, which is equivalent to 3.5 times the damage of each shadow breath hitting it.

In this wave of offensive that seemed to be the Yellow Crying Beast's 10% recovery, the chaos in front of the war beast army seemed to have disappeared.

At the front, the old man, who was already a little old, punched the middle-aged chief with four stripes in the face. This punch almost swollen half of his cheek and knocked him out.

With this heavy blow, nearly 3,000 blood-striped leopards under the middle-aged chief stopped attacking, while nearly 10,000 blood-striped lions under the old chief continued to kill relentlessly, and only stopped after killing nearly 2,000 blood-striped leopards.

For a while, blood flowed everywhere. The fire-winged dragon smelled the blood and thought it had found a chance to take advantage of. It stopped circling suddenly, and after a loud cry, it swooped down. Before it arrived, three giant exploding fireballs fell first.

Three consecutive explosions sounded, and the giant fireballs exploded in the blood-striped leopards, blood-striped lions, and the blood-striped pythons of a three-striped chief, leaving hundreds of charred corpses.

The fireball was successful, and the fire-winged dragon became even more unbridled. A long column of fire spewed out near the ground, burning the ground crazily and chasing the fleeing blood beasts.

It even reached down with its claws, which were filled with fire poison, and directly grabbed a fourth-level blood-patterned lion.

However, the five-patterned chief of the Blood Mad Tribe in the army punched his traitor son away, and he was in high spirits. How could he allow the fire-winged dragon to be arrogant?

The seals he made with his hands were dazzling. Two huge blood arrows were formed. It was a double seal in a very short time. The blood arrows formed were sharper and thinner than the arrow that Crazy Blood Seven condensed that day, which simply occupied a huge volume.

Under the control of the old chief's tyrannical mind, the two thin arrows bent into two almost shapeless arcs, piercing the wings of the fire-winged dragon.

Compared with Xu Yi's delicate operation, the old chief of the Blood Mad Tribe has a stronger control. The blood arrows take shape faster in his mind, shoot faster, and have stronger penetration.

The originally loud and clear cry turned into a painful wail. The wings were pierced, and the fire-winged dragon lost its balance, and the blood-marked lion in its claws fell heavily to the ground.

But the old chief's expression was still not relaxed, his brows were still furrowed, and just at the moment when the blood arrows were shot, it seemed that there was a power of thought that interfered with his control, and its strength was about four lines.

Therefore, the two blood arrows lost their shape, but he knew the strength of Ah Da and Ah Er's thoughts, and they were not so weak. Ah San was just knocked to the ground by himself, and was controlled by the weird blood energy so quickly.

The problem lies with the younger generation. Among the third generation of the younger generation in the tribe, there is only you, the first genius among the younger generation, Crazy Blood One!

As he flipped his palm, several hand seals changed, and a bloody wind surged out from the palm of the old chief. The target was a pale but handsome young man, Crazy Blood One!

He did not hold back at all because he was a genius. When the bloody wind hit, Crazy Blood One sprayed a long line of blood and fell three meters away!

After the bloody wind, there must be blood rain. The Blood Crazy Tribe has a unique universal three-line secret spell, the bloody wind palm.

The rebellion in the army was completely eliminated, and the suicidal fire-winged dragon was also shot down with one blow.

If it had been hovering in the sky and shooting with explosive fireballs, the Blood Mad Tribe would have had no way to deal with it, but on the ground, it was at best just a larger fire-breathing lizard.

So endless blood beasts rushed forward, and gradually, the body of the fire-winged dragon was almost submerged and could not be seen...

Not to mention the old chieftain's great power in the front, but the central army, which had been washed by the fire column once, had another incident. I don't know whether the fire-winged dragon was killed or for some other reason, the mastermind behind all this finally couldn't sit still.

The first to show its trace was a four-horned goat. It was white all over, and it walked and bounced on the nearly vertical cliff as if it was walking on flat ground.

The only magical thing was that there seemed to be a strong energy fluctuation between the four horns, making the space in this area seem a little blurry.

It walked down the mountain wall calmly, bent its feet and bounced, and it jumped high, landing in the center of the army formation of a chieftain who had not made a move and was driving a green tortoise.

Suddenly, countless vague energy waves spread out, and even the hard tortoise shell known for its defense was neatly cut off, with smooth and flat cuts...

Behind the four-horned goat, another figure emerged. It was half-man and half-horse, with eagle wings and tiger patterns, and a circle of fur around its neck, like the softest collar of a mink coat, but the face that belonged to the human body was already covered with ravines and looked old.

But its heroic appearance still reminded everyone in the valley of a legend in the wilderness...

That was the guardian of the Emperor of Heaven's Garden, Ying Zhao!

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