Judging from the current situation, under the crazy offensive of the demon, the size of Su Lishi's skeleton army is decreasing, but the demon's consumption speed makes the god feel a little pressure, and the rear is almost empty, and the entire White Elephant Valley's beast resources They were all used to fight against the skeleton god in front of them.

That's right, one of the three great magical skills he possesses is the Devil's Eye, which allows him to see the skeleton's incarnation body hidden under Su Lishi's human skin.

The two of them broke through the upper limit of blood pattern driving in different ways. One used the method of summoning war beasts from the logistics base, and the other relied on the weapon characteristics comparable to rare objects to use the battle-supporting skeleton sea tactics. To the extreme.

Coupled with Ma Liuyao's ability to spread beans and become soldiers and the dead ghost Zhu Wuyou's characteristics of the Hungry Ghost War Beast, there are four ways to bypass the blood pattern rules.

However, among the more than ten thousand participating gods, most of them are outstanding in talent. Who knows that there are no more methods?

On the ranking list, Xu Yi's ranking rose back to second place, not because his combat power value had improved, but because the combat power and influence value of Li Chatu, who was ranked second, had both dropped, and looking at The drive has no intention of stopping easily.

But it was Su Lishi and Li Chatu who finally distinguished themselves. At this stage, Su Lishi, who had stronger on-the-spot consumption ability, won. He relied on the powerful consumption ability of the skeleton war beast to completely beat up Li Chatu. , shrink.

In the end, they had to cut off their tails, leaving a group of demons to retreat, and Su Lishi did not continue to pursue them.

Don't chase after the enemy. His current condition is not very healthy. Most of the hundreds of corpse witches can no longer release the corpse summoning technique. Although the skeleton army still maintains a scale of nearly a thousand, after constant fighting and elimination, from the corpses The resurrected skeleton guards already account for the majority.

This means that the average quality of the skeleton army is slowly decreasing. When only skeleton guards are left in the skeleton army, this seemingly unsolvable skeleton sea tactic will be defeated.

Li Chatu, who was able to maintain third place by relying on his farm ability, naturally saw this, but the price he had to pay to reach that stage of the death of Paddle Su was too high for him.

Therefore, in the end, he wisely chose to stop the loss in time. In this battle, the two people exchanged huge health points, which was not considered a loss. The development progress was replaced by the improvement of blood lines...

This wave of commotion finally calmed down soon after, and almost all of the top ten on the ranking list were eliminated. But everyone knew that this was only temporary, and most of the many gods who were eliminated from the top ten could start again. Return.

It is just that the combat power is temporarily reduced, and war can actually increase the speed of personal blood accumulation, so it is not clear whether it will be a loss or a gain.

It varies from person to person, and maybe someone who has fought a battle will be ranked higher after re-entering the list.

In the next ten days, the movement on the ranking list became much smaller, and the ability to use the two people's combat power to fluctuate at the same time could tell how the two sides would fight. Therefore, most gods were very cautious and avoided fighting as much as possible.

And getting closer to the Navel of the Wilderness made them more and more wary of the Barbarian Convention. If they really encountered the twelve tribes during the battle, it would be difficult to gain a foothold in the future.

These most elite tribes in the wild world will not let the chiefs who violate the barbarian conventions run away wantonly. After the Qianbu summoning order was issued, they violated the conventions and fought with each other. They ignored the safety of the barbarians in the entire land. If word spread, if there was no Proper solution will affect the credibility of the Qianbu Calling Order and the Barbarian Union, which some people will never allow.

On the third day after replenishing the number of war beasts to the upper limit, it was also the forty-eighth day after he set off from the Blood Mad Tribe. While heading towards this gentle slope, he finally encountered an army.

The troops were spread out and retreated almost in a straight line. They were called war beast troops and were prohibited from doing so. If it were an ordinary barbarian army, it would have been in chaos long ago during such a retreat.

After retreating from the gentle slope, they discovered the presence of Xu Yi, and immediately the powerful voice of a middle-aged chief came out:

"New chief, please state your tribe's name. When we retreat to the next line of defense, I will register your tribe. Now, don't hinder our retreat and drive your war beasts back, now!"

The situation seemed to be very critical, and the middle-aged chief's tone was not very friendly. Xu Yi did not care about it, retreated as he was told, and responded: "The Blood Mad Tribe."

Seeing this, the middle-aged chief nodded. Xu Yi didn't rush around, which left a pretty good impression on him. If it gets in the way in this situation, that's really bad luck.

The middle-aged chief has a four-marked rank. He also has two three-marked men under his command, both of whom are from the Southern Xuanwu Tribe, one of the four major mythical beast totem tribes among the twelve tribes. The war beasts arranged in a horizontal line with a long snake are mythical war beasts. The beast, Xuanwu with the body of a turtle and the tail of a snake, has two attributes: water and yin. The two can also be combined to form a gray ice attribute, which is second to none among large tribes.

This long snake is not entirely a thin layer. There are always several places where multiple war beasts guard one place.

Among them, a huge wooden vehicle is the most conspicuous, with huge hardwood wheels coated with unknown grease, a bronze carriage engraved with graphic characters, and faint cyan smoke coming from the roof.

The small cauldron is one of the symbols of large tribes. Even large tribes only have one or two in stock, because in the barren resource environment of this wild world, even if you can pay the price, you may not be able to buy one. This is a brutal weapon that uses a lot of metal.

Yes, this is a barbarian weapon, and it is the top one. It has only one function, which is to move the location of a small fortune pool without damaging the foundation.

Of course, in order to match the fortune pool, there are also medium tripod cars, large tripod cars and giant tripod cars, but those are more expensive. Except for some large tribes that rely on special fortune pools or have the most outstanding strength, almost no one will buy them.

The Crazy Blood Tribe where Xu Yi is located naturally does not have such a barbarian weapon. His predecessor, the famous Yetan Tribe, has several tripod cars of various colors, but the Crazy Blood Tribe did not inherit them.

And this small tripod car should be the focus of the entire field protection. There is a fortune pool that emits non-white light and has additional attribute bonuses, allowing them to hunt the surrounding wild beasts to replenish the number of war beasts. Otherwise, Xu Yi does not know how the twelve tribes delayed for nearly fifty days and could wait for their arrival.

However, this strategy of giving up space in exchange for time is still excellent. This retreat directly retreated five kilometers away from the Navel of the Wilderness.

After retreating about two or three miles, the men finally reached a sloped terrain with favorable defenses, and the middle-aged chief decisively ordered the troops to station there.

The battle was about to begin.

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