Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 255: A surprise attack by a group of people larger than the enemy's entire clan

At this critical moment, the old chief of the Blood Mad Tribe did not care about many things, and took out another Ying Zhao arm, allowing Xu Yi to fill the Blood Knight with the highest quality.

And he secretly had one hundred more centaurs under his command.

It was impossible not to take action after just watching for nearly a month. The five-pattern chief of the Dark Tribe was also the patriarch of the Dark Tribe. The surprise attack team composed of four four-pattern chiefs and nearly twenty three-pattern chiefs quietly came to the edge of the Blood Mad Tribe.

The scale of this war beast is about three-fifths of the power of the entire Dark Tribe, and it has exceeded the total strength of the Blood Mad Tribe. This is also the strategy made by the Dark Tribe after observing for a month and finding out the number of chiefs of the Blood Mad Tribe.

That night, the bright moonlight seemed to be swallowed by an unknown darkness, and the surroundings of the Blood Mad Tribe were terribly silent.

If Xu Yi had not found out when he checked the rankings that a god who had joined the Dark Tribe and ranked over 700 had changed his position from the east of the Tianfang Prairie to the north of the Tianfang Prairie, the entire Blood Mad Tribe would not have been able to discover this strange darkness.

Finally, after a blood arrow tore through the darkness, the Blood Mad Tribe sounded the "woohoo" war horn, and all the members took action.

However, compared with the army that had already revealed its figure and was neatly arranged, the Blood Mad Tribe chiefs who reacted one after another and gathered their war beasts to charge seemed much more scattered, just like a desperate bandit, fiercely rushing into the dark army.

The Dark Tribe army, whose disguise was torn, was not in the slightest chaos. This war sacrifice secret seal spell called the Moon Without Light had played its due role.

Using this war sacrifice secret seal, it was enough for the Dark Tribe to take the initiative. Unlike the Blood Mad Tribe's all-faced kitchen knife war beasts, most of the Dark Tribe's war beasts have long-range capabilities.

The scattered war beasts of the Blood Mad Tribe charged in batches, giving them the opportunity to launch multiple long-range strikes before the battle.

The effect was also very obvious. Several three-line chieftains who directly activated the Crazy Blood Art to maintain their fighting spirit could not control themselves and rushed out.

Countless shadow energy bombs flew, and in the overwhelming shadow missiles, blood-lined leopards, blood-lined pythons and other low-lined blood beasts were corroded and decomposed into dry blood and flesh fragments, without even a ripple on the dark water surface.

Under the vigorous roar of the five-line old patriarch, these slightly crazy blood-mad chieftains of the tribe got better.

After the old patriarch's 10,000 blood beast army was assembled, these low-line chieftains followed and rushed out.

The 4,000 war beast army led by Xu Yi's 500 bloody knights was also mixed in.

Another round of volleys of shadow missiles, this time the Dark Tribe army should be all out, no longer holding back, the black energy missiles are like a dense rain, splashing towards the charging blood beast army.

Except for the old patriarch's 150-marked blood-willed centaurs and Xu Yi's 500 bloody knights, the vanguards of the rest of the troops were more or less injured.

After two rounds of volleys, even more than a dozen bloody knights fell, and the blood beast army finally engaged the dark army in close combat and entered a hand-to-hand combat state.

Although Xu Yi was not hit by the shadow missiles in the sky, he was at the rear of the army, but he also found that these attacks were actually divided into three types.

One is shadow toxin, which comes from the shadow snake, which was originally a one-marked war beast; one is cursed dark erosion, which comes from the shadow giant scorpion, which was originally a three-marked war beast; the last one is the black moon blade, which comes from the shadow walker, which was originally a five-marked war beast.

These three types of war beasts are also the mainstream war beasts in the army of the Shadow Tribe. Without hesitation, three detection spells were thrown out.

In the information fed back by the detection, the Black Moon Blade has the highest long-range damage. Wherever it cuts, the corpse is split in two. If it is unlucky, even the Blood Knight will be killed in one blow. However, after a Blood Knight was killed in one blow, a Shadow Walker in a certain place in the army also exuded a blood mist all over his body, and it was obvious that he would not survive.

However, there are only one hundred Shadow Walkers, the Dark Tribe Chieftain who is in his prime and wears thick or thin copper rings on his face. The target is the Blood Centaur of the old patriarch of the Blood Mad Tribe. Therefore, not many Black Moon Blades will be shot at Xu Yi.

The second trouble is the curse of dark erosion. This kind of damage from the Shadow Giant Scorpion is a curse damage that continuously consumes vitality for a long time. To a certain extent, it restrains the Blood Knight's core expertise of life curse.

This kind of war beast belongs to the front-line creature with high physical strength, and the scorpion tail's stab has the same long-term and continuous consumption characteristics.

The Blood Knight fought with it, and even if he rebounded the slowly losing blood, he could not immediately kill the Shadow Scorpion, whose vitality was equally strong.

And when a Shadow Scorpion was stabbed to death by several Blood Knights with blood spears, the giant scorpion had often stabbed many Blood Knights.

This vicious continuous curse damage will continue for a long time, and the life curse has no target for rebounding.

It can be said that the Blood Knight's blood volume was taken away for free with death.

The total damage caused by this curse of dark erosion is not low. If an ordinary war beast is stabbed, it will be crippled if it does not die.

The Blood Knight can withstand up to three times at the same time, and it cannot recover with its low self-healing expertise level.

The damage of shadow poison is minimal, but it can cause a cumulative paralysis effect. After being affected by shadow poison three times, the paralysis effect will burst out all at once, and the paralysis lasts up to fifteen seconds, which is almost a fatal situation on the battlefield.

Even if the Blood Knight with a HP of more than one thousand is paralyzed for a full fifteen seconds, it is enough for the Shadow Giant Scorpion to stab it four times.

In this case, if the four Shadow Giant Scorpions attack at the same time, they can even kill a Blood Knight without killing one!

This is very rare for the Blood Knight who can use every bit of physical strength to counterattack.

The three attributes are not simple goods that can be easily dealt with, and the combination is infinite. Even Xu Yi, who has a bloody meat shield like the four-pattern Blood Knight, was a little unprepared to deal with it, not to mention those chiefs who control ordinary blood beasts.

Large numbers of blood beasts were strangled by the three war beasts of the Dark Tribe, and the balance of victory gradually tilted towards the Dark Tribe.

The blood-red color representing the blood beasts is being eaten away by the black war beasts of the Dark Tribe, and the area of ​​the two colors is rapidly widening.

It seems that the only thing to guard against is the blood spell decapitation after the Blood Mad Tribe is defeated head-on. They have also made some arrangements for this. Many chiefs' teams are mixed with blood-marked warriors and battlefield priests to confuse the line of sight, making it impossible for the Blood Mad Tribe's decapitation to determine the target.

However, they did not expect that with the addition of Xu Yi, the blood spell's final decapitation has quietly changed...

Thanks to the black book friend for the three consecutive rewards, thank you for your support!

Thank you for the rewards from the book friend Luo Ye Man Chang'an w, thank you for your support!

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