Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 269 The consequences of using random group damage skills

The wounds caused by the blood spear were everywhere, none of them were fatal, they were all insignificant parts such as arms and thighs.

The truly fatal injuries came from the body of the Night Pond Walker. This young Night Pond Walker was killed by the backlash of the life curse.

Facing the life curse ability of the Bloody Knight, there is no good way to offset it. It is not about whether the fighting individual is strong or not, but whether there is a characteristic that can resist the backlash brought by the life curse.

If not, no matter how strong the combat power is, it can't replace a few Bloody Knights.

The trap that the young Night Pond Knight opened and could cast the lightless moon can not last long, only about five minutes, but this piece of darkness that swallowed the light still attracted the attention of other Night Pond Walkers.

Without giving Xu Yi and the others much breathing space, several figures that were so fast that they could hardly keep up with the sight shuttled rapidly between the rubble and the ruins.

The terrain in the Yetan Ruins is too familiar to these Yetan Walkers. Even though the collapsed stone wall seems to have no flat road between the rubble, these Yetan Walkers can still shuttle through it at a speed that ordinary people can hardly reach without touching any obstacles.

There are four Yetan Walkers who saw the ruins mechanism launching the Moon without Light nearby and immediately rushed to this darkness.

In the process of rushing, these Yetan warriors have already judged the general situation.

There are many enemies, no less than 10,000 people, but for the powerful Yetan tribe, the life energy contained in these enemies is too scarce and most of them are not worth mentioning.

Judging from the energy distribution of the enemies, they should be human chiefs from the outside world, which is reflected in the records of the Yetan tribe.

The chief surrounded by hundreds of strange knights should be the chief who leads these war beasts. There are only four people on his side, but after paying one person to infuse shadow energy to restart the Moon without Light and implement the decapitation tactic in the dark, it may not be impossible to defeat the majority with a small number!

This is also the usual method of the Yetan warriors, creating chaos in the darkness and beheading the enemy, and relying on this to achieve the result of retreating to the last place.

Among the four Yetan warriors, one of them, who looked the oldest and had some wrinkles on his face, stopped in front of the broken stone wall where the dead young Yetan warrior had stayed. Pure shadow energy surged, replenishing the source of darkness consumed by the spell in the mechanism.

As the old warrior of the Yetan clan infused his own energy, the darkness surged again, covering Xu Yi and others.

This time, Xu Yi was really a little anxious. The movement of the Lightless Moon would inevitably attract the attention of the scattered Yetan warriors. It was only a matter of time before they sensed the movement here.

In order to avoid this battlefield from attracting attention, the only way was to kill the Yetan walker hidden in the darkness as soon as possible, and then destroy the mechanism in the ruins that cast the Lightless Moon spell.

But how easy is it to kill the Yetan walker in the darkness?

At this time, Xu Yi missed a very basic specialty in the shadow attribute, night vision. With this specialty, at least there is an opportunity to launch an attack on the Night Pond Walkers, instead of relying on the Blood Knight's life curse to wear these Night Pond Walkers to death like now.

Or some domain-type dispelling skills in the natural domain and the holy light domain can also break through the dark blockade of the lightless moon.

Of course, there are also blind combat in the assassin's specialty, etc.... Unfortunately, Xu Yi does not have these now. The longer the lightless moon lasts, the more Night Pond Walkers will be attracted.

By then, if the Blood Knights are really killed, he will lose his greatest reliance in this ruins and the capital to face emergencies. Otherwise, launch the malignant radiation now? But there are only four Night Pond Walkers on the opposite side. It would be too bad to launch the malignant radiation now!

Fortunately, luck is not entirely on the side of the Night Pond Walkers. The three Night Pond Walkers who rushed out first do not seem to have sufficient combat experience, or it is because of their always arrogant mentality that they suffered a fatal loss.

Rushing into the group of bloody knights they had anticipated, the three Night Pond Walkers began to chop melons and vegetables.

In a careless manner, in order to create greater chaos as quickly as possible, the two Night Pond Walkers used the close-combat spinning double slash.

This close-combat move is actually the Night Pond Walker using the strength of his legs and waist to swing his two mantis arms with the whole body's strength, producing the effect of two instant spinning slashes.

But although this life energy is rich in their eyes, the energy concentration is still a little poor, and the bloody knight who should be killed with one strike actually survived.

Although this move is a range of two damages, compared with the full first half circle damage, the second half of the Night Pond Walker's spinning will eventually encounter resistance, so the damage to the ground is not small, only about 60% of the first strike.

So, the nearly 600 damage in the first half of the circle, plus the 60% of the first half of the circle of about 350 damage in the second half of the circle, slashed the bloody knight with four patterns and more than 1,000 health points to only a layer of blood skin, but did not kill him!

The two Night Pond Walkers who cast the Spinning Double Slash were greedy for group damage, so they sneaked silently into the middle of four or five Bloody Knights before casting the attack.

After the Spinning Double Slash, the Bloody Knights who were seriously injured in the surrounding area, before they could finish off the wounded, felt an unimaginable pain burst out from their bodies.

Four times nine hundred and fifty, three thousand eight hundred damage, even if the blood-sucking effect of the Night Pond Walker can absorb 50% of the damage, the remaining 50%, 1,900 points of damage, far exceeds the life limit of the Night Pond Walker.

The direct consequence is that the heart of the Night Pond Walker exploded directly under this huge amount of damage. The two Night Pond Walkers had purple-black blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, and fell down with a confused look.

And the remaining Night Pond Walker did not get any good. It was just one step slower than its companions. It slashed a knife at random, tried it, and found that the power of ordinary attacks was not enough.

So, a little impatiently, it launched its specialty, the double slash. If it was at night, it could see the fate of its two companions who launched the double slash.

However, its patience and experience were a little lacking after all, and it followed the footsteps of its companions.

In a moment of astonishment, a strong pain broke out from the body, and the first part that could not bear it was the fragile heart.

At this point, all three Night Pond Walkers who rushed into the formation died, and in return, more than a dozen Blood Knights were seriously injured, and one Blood Knight died.

The dead Blood Knight was first occupied by the Night Pond Walker who died last, and then used the Spinning Double Slash on his face, so naturally there was no chance of survival.

After providing shadow energy to the mechanism, the most experienced and oldest old warrior was shocked to find that the three younger generations had died.

This Blood Knight is weird, and the Spinning Double Slash cannot be used!

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