Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 28 Life is like the first encounter

The military off-road jeep stopped, and the undead and the holy warrior got off the car first, while Jay also took care of the duty of "welcoming" the incarnation of the gods, which was actually to help the boss open the car door...

Controlled [Shadow of Broken] to get off the car, and the visiting incarnation of the god girl was followed by dozens of spellcasters and more than ten rangers scattered around.

The familiar feeling became stronger and stronger, light blonde hair, some pointy ears, and the familiar facial contours, Xu Yi almost blurted out the four words "Are you Du Yuan?"

It would definitely not work to ask directly, it would affect the foundation of faith of the two gods too much, it would be a devastating shake.

Then get close to whisper? No, not to mention that he would be stopped by dozens of spellcasters behind the other party, and now he was just a dark figure in the eyes of the girl, how could she let him get close easily.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment...

Du Yuanfei was a little confused. This black figure stood still after getting off the car. Could it be that he was waiting for her to speak first? She brought too many people with her, and the other side had only four people. Was he shocked?

Or did he not know how to speak at all? Yes, he didn't even look like he had any facial features, so he probably couldn't speak!

She tilted her head, and just as she was about to speak, Xu Yi spoke.

"But the God of Civil Engineering? I am the incarnation of the God of Wasteland, the dark man, made by the shadow energy of space 2561."

Du Yuanfei was stunned. The first half of the sentence was her name, and the second half of the sentence 2561 was her house number...

They are all in the 24:1 time domain, maybe they are neighbors...

She showed surprise on her face, but she suppressed it the next moment:

"Ahem, it seems that the God of Wasteland really has a lot of secrets, but I am not the god you said, and I have never heard of the name you said."

She looked back and said: "You should retreat first."

Facing the puzzled eyes of the female elf fanatic, she added lightly: "You are not aware of it."

"You should also retreat first."


After the subordinates retreated a certain distance, one person and one shadow slowly approached.

Du Yuanfei said with a hint of joy: "Are you Xu Yi? Hahaha, how come you look like this in the God's Domain? So ugly, hahaha."

A hint of helplessness flashed across Xu Yi's face, but no one should have noticed it.

"There are uglier ones in the old nest, do you want to see?" The helplessness in the words made the girl laugh even more happily.

The long-lost atmosphere seemed to have returned in another strange country.

But it didn't last for a few sentences, and Du Yuanfei's face suddenly changed: "The orc demigod has led a large army to approach, and there are only two days of travel. We can't beat them with the little power we have."

She recalled the three people who followed Xu Yi, a primary paladin, an ordinary second-level creature, and an orc sharpshooter who was transformed into an undead?

She asked, "Have you met them?"

"Well, I wiped out a team. The sharpshooter had good attributes. My clan lacked burst, so I took a picture of the undead. It's okay. I can summon my dad." Seeing Du Yuanfei's puzzled expression, Xu Yi continued to explain, "He just awakened not long ago and became a demigod. I was also surprised."

"Uncle Xu is coming too..." The girl may not have focused on the demigod...

"Well, it's still a bit uncertain if he doesn't come." As if afraid that his friend would be disappointed, Xu Yi hurriedly changed the subject: "But with you coming, I'm more confident! Otherwise, you can go to my God's Domain first?"

"Uh, we may not be able to adapt to the attribute defense in your God's Domain."

In fact, it's not only Xu Yi's God's Domain that has environmental damage such as radiation. Many God's Domains have this kind of exclusivity. The most common one is the high temperature and heat damage of the flame God's Domain. Du Yuanfei naturally recognized the effect of [Leaking Nuclear Fission Reactor] as the environmental attribute defense of the God's Domain.

Looking at the dozens of mages and druids who were retreating far away, Xu Yi thought of the 50 radiation protection suits that he had thrown into the depths of the warehouse.

He did not expect that the useless things that he had complained about at the beginning would actually be used to promote diplomacy...

"Wait a moment."

He communicated with the Undead Archer with his mind, asking it to notify the other two to go back and organize the transportation.

A jeep quickly drove away...


The efficiency of the Blood Machine Clan has always been admired by Xu Yi. In less than 20 minutes, a jeep and a military truck drove back.

The large and ugly radiation protection suit was disliked by the girl, but in the end, she put it on after the straight man Yi's persuasion and her real interest in Xu Yi's divine domain.

Reuniting the elves covering three professions, Du Yuanfei explained that the radiation protection suit was a magical protective item provided by the other party's gods, and the elves also put on the radiation protection suit with breathing in their curiosity.

After stuffing a group of noble spellcasters into the military truck, Xu Yi and Du Yuanfei sat in the jeep and returned to the fortress at the core of the God's Domain.

This is also the complete trust between the two. Otherwise, bringing so many spellcasters into the core area of ​​the God's Domain is simply gambling with the future. A wave of spell bombardment from dozens of spellcasters is enough to destroy the core of the God's Domain!

The flesh and blood thugs who walked out of the fortress to greet them looked curiously at the elves wearing radiation protection suits who came down from the truck one after another. They could feel a vitality from a distance, and envy appeared in their eyes.

But they didn't realize that these elves who served as druids, mages, and rangers were just second-level creatures like them.

Close to the core fortress area, the elves felt bursts of discomfort even if they were wearing radiation-proof suits. The flesh-and-blood thugs moved pieces of heavy iron plates and spliced ​​them together to form a rest pavilion facing away from the core area. The iron plates were fitted with tight seams using craftsmanship level 4. Metal has a certain ability to isolate radiation. The elves suddenly felt that the discomfort had almost dissipated.

The rest pavilion has its own wasteland and rough architectural style, but it does not make the elves feel neglected.

The elves were not used to it. Dozens of second-level flesh and blood thugs like themselves came out carrying iron plates and worked hard to build a resting place for them. These strong humanoid creatures were labeled as simple and honest in their eyes. Tag of……

Under many worried eyes, Du Yuanfei continued to enter the fortress with Xu Yi in the jeep.

Looking at the girl who was only an arm's length away from him, with her followers staying far away, Xu Yi finally couldn't help it...

...Used the detection technique.

The moment the detection technique was used, Du Yuanfei immediately turned around with a hint of anger: "Why are you suddenly detecting my attributes? Your level of detection magic is not high, and your detection ability is okay, but it is too easy to be detected. Perceived.”

Xu Yi rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment: "I'm just curious. I haven't seen the attributes of other gods yet. At worst, I'll show you my attributes too."

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