One after another, dark yellow shadow lions crawled close to the ground. They were proficient in hunting. These natural hunters suddenly jumped out from the blind spot behind the gentle slope.

However, what blocked them was the tall and burly Blood Knight with thick skin and flesh. The stealth plus shadow attack plus triple critical strike could tear a huge wound on the Blood Knight, and directly injure this powerful war beast with pure superimposed vitality.

But under this high-burst attack, the shadow lion itself would be hit to the brink of death.

The mountain cat, which was a circle smaller in size, also attacked by surprise, but its agility and strength were both one-line data, so it had no advantage in attack speed when facing the Blood Knight.

The blood-red spear turned, and the blood corrosion hit out, corroding a huge wound on the mountain cat. This one-line war beast directly entered a state of near death.

The ability to resist itself and deal damage is the highlight of the Blood Knight. Perhaps its only defect that is not a defect is its weak defense.

But this weakness is not a weakness for high-burst agile war beasts. The higher the damage, the higher the damage that the life curse can respond. It can be said that the bloody knight restrains all high-damage war beasts.

All these advantages were magnified to the extreme under Xu Yi's detection technique. Just like Tian Ji's horse racing, Xu Yi played to his strengths and avoided his weaknesses, and always arranged these war beasts with different attributes in the most suitable positions.

This is the effect brought by the priority of detection. This seemingly weak divine art actually allows Xu Yi to grasp the battlefield initiative and respond in advance.

Moreover, as the scale of the battlefield expands, this skill is playing an increasingly important role.

On the front, the three-striped young white tiger has collided with the shadow giant scorpion. In an instant, the front battlefield showed an overwhelming disadvantage.

The entire front line was infiltrated by the white tiger almost at the moment of the fight. The huge gap between the quality of the war beasts made the young white tiger easily split Xu Yi's front row of the central army into several sections.

This situation could not be reversed even if the superior forces on both wings were mobilized. The White Tiger's frontal combat capability was too strong. Xu Yi even felt that the Blood Knights on both wings would be forcibly pushed by these beasts.

The Dark Pool in the rear was fully operational and began to replenish the Shadow War Beasts.

The Blood Knights on both wings were divided into three rows, front, middle and back, to take turns to bear the wounds. The last row was for the seriously injured Blood Knights to heal themselves and restore their lives, so as to withstand the attacks of the Shadow Lions and Mountain Cats on both sides for a longer time.

The battlefield on the front was becoming more and more corrupt. The scattered Shadow Giant Scorpions could not alleviate the decline of the entire army's front row being broken.

Seeing this, I don't know when Xu Yi stopped sending the newly made Shadow Giant Scorpions to the front line, but inserted these meat shields into the central army promoted by Shadow Beasts, Shadow Snakes and Corpse Witches to increase the ability of this legion's output department to resist the impact.

When the White Tiger army gradually penetrated deeper, it was like a fierce bite, and it took away more than half of the front row composed of Shadow Giant Scorpions, Bean Soldiers, etc., and Xu Yi finally had a response.

He took out two spell scrolls with orange-red flame patterns, and the divine power fluctuations flashed, and the energy on the two spell scrolls surged.

At the end of Xu Yi's vision, behind the entire White Tiger War Beast team, two craters suddenly rose with rolling heat waves.

It was the spell that Xu Yi obtained in the second supply competition, a volcanic eruption that can only be used three times.

In theory, in such a battle situation, the damage of the Meteor Mars spell is more stable, and Liu Ming, who is suspected of obtaining this spell, is also his neighbor.

Unfortunately, the three spells in Xu Yi's hand are too critical, and any trade out will pose a huge threat to himself.

Without exchanging spells, it is difficult for Xu Yi to obtain supply spells that can reverse the battlefield situation from Liu Ming, who is also a contestant.

Especially the spell [Meteor], this kind of targeted attack is a fatal threat to the gods who accompanied Xu Yi with the large tripod cart containing the dark pool.

One [Meteor] can directly disintegrate the logistics system of the large tripod cart, and cut off Xu Yi's ability to recover before the battle.

Moreover, as a spell that ignores the enemy and me, the volcanic eruption normally hurts the enemy by 1,000 and hurts itself by 800, and the output is extremely unstable.

Now, as the young white tiger of the vanguard unit, the entire battle formation behind the white tiger unit is quite dense, and it is almost impossible to find a battle situation more suitable for using volcanic eruption than this.

Xu Yi needs the high burst of this spell to bury the opponent's elite troops. For this reason, it is not a difficult choice for him to abandon the front row that was cut into pieces.

The crater slowly rose in the rumbling earth vibration, and the huge hole and scattered cracks directly swallowed the mountain cats that were too crowded and unable to disperse around.

Even a few five-striped adult white tigers that fell behind accidentally fell into the steaming ground fissures and died instantly.

But this was just the beginning of the volcanic explosion spell.

After a while, the ground shook more and more violently. This time, there was no water country built by the Great Surfing Spell. The volcanic explosion seemed to fully exert its original power.

The time when the lava god cast it, these ground fissures with magma were covered by thick water and cooled into igneous rocks again, which in turn reduced the impact of this spell on the landform.

Now there are only bare rocks around, and this place is even close to the crater occupied by the Ministry of Metallurgy. The volcanic explosion connected to the ground veins here, and the power was even higher.

Red magma soared into the sky with billowing smoke, and then turned into magma balls of different sizes and scattered around.

Similarly, because there was no water to buffer, a large amount of magma that had not yet erupted flowed along the two small craters.

The first to bear the brunt was the White Tiger Army under the volcano!

In the battle between the two armies, the young white tigers and mountain cats were crowded together, and the agility that both were proud of was completely useless.

They were directly scalded to death by the magma left behind at a high speed. Only the five-patterned adult white tigers with a higher level of agility and a few young white tigers jumped high, stepped on their companions and quickly escaped from the range of the magma spread.

Even so, this greatly disrupted the offensive rhythm of the White Tiger Army.

Nearly half of the 30,000 young white tigers were directly wiped out, more than a hundred of the five-patterned adult white tigers were killed or injured, and countless mountain cats died.

The chieftain of the White Tiger Tribe also responded very quickly. Fifteen or sixteen golden rays shot out from the back far away from the crater. Some of them were bestowed on the war beasts attacked by the magma, and some were bestowed on the young white tigers and shadow lions fighting in the front row.

They caught a tiny mistake made by Xu Yi, which was almost not a mistake. In order to avoid too many accidental injuries to his own side and to cause more damage, Xu Yi placed the volcanic explosion too deep into the White Tiger Army.

And this gave them a chance to save the situation...

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