Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 410 The Second Target

After finally stopping the vortex force field, the gravity field·scatter attack and gravity field·spiral attacked from all directions.

He frantically blocked these attacks, but behind the special car king, Wang Ming had an extremely hidden and subtle attack.

A very simple gravity field·rush.

After the gravity field·scatter attack consumed the last bit of the motorcycle's energy shield, he stabbed the car king's heart from behind!

The body of the special car king was not much stronger than that of an ordinary person, and this simple attack took the car king's life.

At this time, we have to say that the chip control is powerful. When the person is about to die, the chip releases the restrictions. The current bursting out of the chip pretends to be biological current, which fully stimulates the potential of this slave car king.

A circle distorted the surrounding air, almost forming a substantial mental force field that flashed by. Even though there was a large circle of space next to where Wang Ming fought with the car king, it still affected a few drivers.

This location was where the Red Shadow Motorcycle Group and the Withering Motorcycle Group fought. Seven or eight drivers from the two motorcycle groups were affected. They didn't even trigger the energy shield, and they were shocked into idiots.

The 1:1 battle loss, Quantum City can now fully withstand it, and even for them, this is still a very comfortable battle loss ratio.

The number of all high-level drivers of the Withering Motorcycle Group and the Research Area Exploration Motorcycle Group that was eroded by it doubled that of the Red Shadow Motorcycle Group. One for one, it is absolutely worthwhile.

So far, the masters of the two sides have decided the winner. The Red Shadow Motorcycle Group can be said to have won a big victory. Almost all the slave car kings have been dealt with, and it is only a matter of time to deal with the rest.

However, they were about to get into a more difficult battle - they would have to clean up all the slave drivers who were twice their number.

At this point in the battle, Xu Yi and Wang Ming were no longer focused on the front battlefield. The Red Shadow Motorcycle Group was either dead or disabled after this battle, and they had no momentum to rely on.

The two began to slack off, dealing with the drivers who came forward casually, but in fact their attention was on the battlefield between the Speed ​​Motorcycle Group and the Quantum Motorcycle Group.

The two motorcycle groups fought even more fiercely, with a loss ratio of nearly 4:1. It took almost four high-level drivers of the Speed ​​Motorcycle Group to replace a mechanical guard of the Quantum Motorcycle Group.

But what was more eye-catching was the battle between the leader of the Speed ​​Motorcycle Group, Dekri, and the artificial intelligence of the Quantum Motorcycle Group, and the battle between Baghdad and Barat who drove the Blue of the Unfallen.

Dekri is still at an absolute disadvantage. Speedy Yellow ranks among the red machines because of its straight-line speed, and the Speedy Motorcycle Group's usual fighting method is to use the speed advantage in a straight line to come and go like the wind.

To put it bluntly, Dekri is good at mobile warfare. He fights with a knife when he meets someone, escapes far away, and then comes back to fight with a knife after a big circle.

In terms of close combat ability, he is definitely not as good as Aryan, and even Inster is not his opponent. In this case, he is almost completely suppressed by artificial intelligence.

Strength is not an opponent. The two fought with cold weapons, and Dekri's arm was numb. The same force on the mechanical body of the artificial intelligence brain was eliminated by the multiple shock absorption system.

Speed ​​is not an opponent either. In the continuous battle, the motorcycle under the artificial intelligence brain gradually began to show its performance. In terms of flexibility and cornering performance, it can be said that it completely crushes Speedy Yellow.

As for the energy shield... Dekri cut it seven times with energy weapons, at least now it doesn't seem to have any signs of collapse.

This performance is enough to rank as the fifth red machine.

However, although the fifth red machine under the artificial intelligence brain was produced in the quantum city like the Withered White, it did not have the fancy energy particle structure that affected the function like the Withered White, but the basic attributes were ridiculously high.

Coupled with the super-class strength of the artificial intelligence brain itself, it was particularly troublesome to deal with. Gradually, every block of Dekri began to be somewhat powerless, and the huge battle losses of the Speed ​​​​Motorcycle Group also interfered with his judgment at all times.

This disadvantage continued to accumulate, and finally, after a block, a muffled sound came from the side. It was the special car king who had been assisting him from behind that was caught by the artificial intelligence brain when he was weak and unable to block, and bypassed him and killed the special car king who had lost the energy shield behind him at some point!

Dekri was immediately in a state of confusion. After barely coping with two attacks from the artificial intelligence brain, the sturdy mechanical arm counterattacked and destroyed the energy shield of Speed ​​​​Yellow.

This time, not only the energy shield was cut off, but also Dekree's courage. He hurriedly called out twice to ask the drivers around to come forward to help, but he seized the space vacated by the driver behind him and used his superb driving skills to drill backwards.

The better the original personality image, the more disappointed the people around him were when it collapsed. Many drivers who saw this scene moved aside to let Dekree retreat, but also let the powerful artificial intelligence catch up.

Seeing that the artificial intelligence beat Dekree to escape, Xu Yi and Wang Ming's eyes lit up. In fact, the second most valuable thing in the world had been known to the two of them for a long time, but they did not have enough power to fight for it.

But now that the fifth red machine was slashed seven times by Dekree's energy weapon, it was at its weakest. If it weren't for Dekree's poor psychological quality, he might not be able to cut open the thin blue shield if he held on for a while.

The two looked at each other. The light blue wireless charging field in the air still existed. It was not the best time to harvest it yet...

In another direction, Barat almost crushed Baghdad in the battle. Baghdad had only experienced two awakenings on the way to the Great Rift Valley of Ruins. In terms of ability, he was just an intermediate radiator. His driving skills were just getting started, not much better than being able to drive on the road.

Therefore, Barat was almost unilaterally attacking the Blue of No Falling as if teasing.

However, the energy shield recovery ability of the Blue of No Falling was too strong. Until now, the energy shield light outside Baghdad was a little dimmer than before.

Baghdad also knew his own strength very well. In ordinary attacks, he probably couldn't even touch the corner of his brother's clothes. He could only grasp the moment when he attacked and the moment when his movement was the largest, and use his mental power to interfere with Barat, just like he did when he pushed Barat out of the Blue of No Falling.

Up to now, he took advantage of Barat's carelessness after his continuous successful attacks and used his intermediate mental power to make him lose balance. He took the opportunity to slash him twice, causing the yellow energy shield to lose almost half of its color.

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