A large seat is welded to the last row of the roof, which Xu Yi left for the undead blaster Moog Plaguebringer. This Orog, who is also three meters tall, has strong immunity to long-range attacks. Sitting at the end is a two-meter-wide and three-meter-high shield that can withstand all long-range attacks from behind.

Except for a circle of iron bars, the roof of the car did not block any sight, providing a better view for the flesh-and-blood thugs to shoot.

Now there is only one last problem left, the identification of the direction. This biochemical fog that has spread for an unknown distance has covered the sky and the sun, making it a big problem to identify the direction.

Xu Yi, who only brought a compass, still felt that it was not safe enough, so he added an extra layer of precautions.

At the entrance to the mist, Hoshgris and several flesh-and-blood thugs drove a metal stake into the barren wasteland. A thin copper wire was wrapped around it, and the other end was placed between the truck. The large bundle above was coiled with a pile of copper wire.

For every kilometer the truck travels, the thin copper wire spreads for one kilometer. And every one kilometer, he would drive down a metal stake, wrap the previous section of copper wire around it, and replace it with a new one.

By analogy, no matter where the truck travels, it can be found along the copper wire. Even if the copper wire is broken by something, you only need to search around a little to find the next metal pile and you can find the direction again.

The Black Shadow stood outside the fog, and Horshgris drove the truck carrying the bloated colossus one kilometer into a test. After nailing the metal stakes, the truck drove back smoothly along the copper wire.

After driving one metal stake from one kilometer to five hundred meters, Xu Yi was ready to officially set off. The area outside the black statue in the truck compartment was filled with gasoline, canned meat, metal stakes, copper wire and some sundries.

Moog was sitting on the roof of the truck at the end, followed by Jay and the undead sharpshooter Sisu, followed by the dark shadow, Eckert and seventeen flesh and blood thugs equipped with M24500 revolvers. At the front was the highest perception, wearing Thermal Observer's Mage Flesh Golem.

Nineteen flesh thugs and mage flesh puppets all wore chemical protective suits obtained from the lottery. The blood weapon clan, which was already extremely resistant to biochemical fog, was completely isolated from its influence under the chemical protective suits.

The three undead and the dark shadow are cold and unrestrained. The former can be regarded as zombies, while the latter is an element-like body. This biochemical fog seems to be only effective on living bodies.

All preparations were completed, and Hoshgris drove the truck into the fog...

As an undead, his memories of his life have been blurred, but his personality has not changed. Perhaps the living environment in the past four years has been much better than the vague past. At least he drives very smoothly and is no longer so paranoid.

After driving two kilometers, Hoshgris had laid four metal piles and replaced the connecting copper wires four times. The compass had begun to tremble slightly. As expected, this thick fog contained substances that interfered with the magnetic field. .

Not far away, the truck was attacked for the first time. A big mouth occupied the first half of the truck. A white creature the size of a striped hyena leaped up. It instantly spanned a height of two to three meters and gnawed fiercely with its big mouth. To a flesh and blood thug.

There were two explosive gunshots, and the unknown creature that had been detected by thermal imaging was almost turned upside down by two bullets with huge kinetic energy, and fell helplessly on the roof of the car.

Without hesitation, Xu Yi controlled the dark shadow and activated the detection technique!

【Gray spotted rabbit (parasitized)】

[Attributes] Strength 1.2, Agility 2.1, Constitution 1.1, Intelligence 0.3, Perception 1.2, Charisma 0.8

[Feat] Jump enhancement lv2, passive detection lv1

This one, which is the same size as a striped hyena, is actually the most common gray rabbit in the wasteland. Xu Yi was a little surprised, but his face was silent. Although the dark shadow looked panicked, no one seemed to be able to notice it.

Just having one more parasitized state makes its agility attribute break through the extraordinary, making it a quasi-second-order creature. He knew the original attributes of the gray-spotted rabbit. Except for agility, it was incomparable to ordinary people. Now it even had the unique specialty of jumping enhancement.

At this time, there was a faint shout from the front, and Xu Yi's dark shadow signaled the truck to drive towards the source of the sound.

After only driving for more than a hundred meters, a scene of a human-wolf confrontation appeared in front of everyone. Two humans with gray-white skin, wearing masks, holding wooden spears, and five giant wolves with no trace of hair and white bodies? This wolf has too many sharp teeth in its mouth.

Detection! Everything in this biochemical fog seemed strange, and Xu Yi no longer hesitated to use detection techniques.

[Striped hyena (parasitized)]

[Attributes] Strength 2.1, Agility 2.4, Constitution 1.6, Intelligence 0.5, Perception 1.0, Charisma 0.7

[Feat] Speed ​​enhancement lv2, bite enhancement lv2, passive perception lv3

Again, it's a hyena, but in this parasitic state, has its physique, attributes, and expertise all been strengthened?

So, what about these humans? Xu Yi used the detection technique on the one of the two who had gray hair and looked older.

【Infected Person】

[Attributes] Strength 1.5, Agility 1.3, Constitution 1.7, Intelligence 1.0, Perception 1.3, Charisma 0.9

[Experts] Robustness lv2, Craftsmanship lv2, Precision lv3, Frontal Defense lv3, Spear Weapon Mastery lv3

Compared with ordinary people, his comprehensive attributes are abnormally high, and the first three specialties look familiar. Are they common specialties of humans in this area?

The doubts did not decrease, and Xu Yi chose to help the only party on the scene who seemed to be able to communicate.

The sharp long cry was accompanied by the dull sound of a stapler, and the two parasitized striped hyenas fell to the ground. Unlike the panic caused by the sharp long cry of the Sharpshooter's epic sniper, the low sound of bullets fired by the Kiss of the Wild Maniac, like a stapler, brought people an ultimate auditory enjoyment.

Then, a series of "bang bang bang" gunshots rang out, and the remaining three striped hyenas fell into the coverage of the revolver's bullets even if they dodged. After struggling a few times, they lay on the ground.

The two masks turned slightly here, then put away their defensive postures, and walked towards the five hyena corpses that had already fallen.

At this time, Xu Yi and the others saw clearly that the wooden mask was tall and wide, like a very thick inverted T, with various oil paint stripes of unknown meaning painted on it.

The dark shadow sat still. For such a small matter as the initial negotiation, Xu Yi did not need to control the incarnation of the god to come out in person. Besides, the dark shadow without a face must not be very attractive in the eyes of others, and there is not even a charm bonus for negotiation.

Jay jumped down from the roof of the car, and his extraordinary charm seemed to start to work!

The two large masks turned slightly: "Outsider, you shouldn't stop us from killing those spies of the cleaners."

Jay: "..."

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