A huge ghost ship squeezed out from the cracked ground, carrying all kinds of evil spirits. On the observation deck was a little boy wearing suspenders holding a human head balloon.

Next to him were hundreds of evil spirits who had escaped the blockade of resentment and returned to freedom.

Among these evil spirits of different styles, there was an extremely normal evil spirit hunter. He held a strange loudspeaker with a tongue sticking out and said loudly: "All the evil spirits of the Evil Spirit Alliance would like to thank you. No. 151513776, No. 13777, we will have a chance to see each other again later. However, it is better not to see you, you seem to covet our power!"

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears by the loudspeaker.

The evil spirits No. 13776 and No. 13777 mentioned were the numbers of Zheng Guihao and Ren Yayi.

The owner of this voice was Xiaoxing, the S-level evil spirit who was familiar to Xu Yi. His mobility brought by the free switching of his body was comparable to that of a god.

A trace of greed flashed in Xu Qin's eyes, but was suppressed by his reason. The ghost ship's horn cracked the space, slowly forming a huge passage, and a breath of keeping away living creatures from approaching spread out.

This was obviously a ghost ship that had been blocked by the Kun of Resentment for an unknown period of time, and could travel through the world of the dead. On it were nearly a thousand lives of various shapes and sizes with different rules. Killing them one by one represented nearly a thousand sources of rules.

However, it was almost impossible to leave them behind. After all, the rule blockade formed by hundreds of thousands of different rules should not be underestimated, and the entire ghost ship had been wrapped in the breath of death in the world of the dead.

This was a top-level power equivalent to the power of chaos, and it was a power closer to the original rules than the power of the ethereal spirit and the power of swelling of the incarnation of Xu Yi's colossus.

Watching a treasure house slip away like this, Xu Qin felt a little heartbroken, and only the card formed by [Kun of Resentment] in his hand could bring him a little comfort, because the level of this card was orange legendary.

Legendary Item Card [Casket of Resentment]: This locust wood box wrapped in whale skin can collect the resentment of creatures before they die and transform it into turbid faith.

Then he turned his attention to the hunters who were in fear in the evil spirit city. The quality of this group of people is good...

They are all people with the talent to use negative energy. If they are sold to some gods whose faith is based on the human race, they will surely make a fortune.

As for whether it is conscientious or not, I saved their lives, so what else can I say?

Demons originally belong to the chaotic evil camp. It is already very good that Xu Qin is chaotic evil and deviates from order evil.

The chaos brought about by the sudden appearance of the dead wood monster made Xu Yi unable to take care of the evil spirit hunters who fled on the airship. He didn't want to kill them all.

At this time, the demon city that Xu Qin brought down was still taken by these people.

The gray ball of resentment was getting thinner and thinner. Human faces rose from the air wall. After a fierce struggle, a gray figure was formed. The originally wide-open mouth closed, and the painful expression gradually became calm, and then turned into a gray shadow and dissipated.

Without the control of the resentful Kun, these resentments were finally relieved, and the air of the evil spirit island quickly became thinner with the huge mouth opened by the city of gods, but this did not pose any threat to the demon city of gods and the flesh and blood mechanical city with the characteristics of the city of gods. Both of them were self-contained spaces.

To a certain extent, the evil spirit island managed by the resentful Kun was close to the city of true gods, and perhaps there was no intrusion by Xu Yi and the other four. This starry sky will also have an additional resentful god after a long time, but now he has become a legendary artifact.

Two cities of gods floated in the starry sky. Without the control of resentment, the plane channel has returned to the normal state of two ends. As long as they want, they can immediately return to the 21:1 time domain of the endless god domain.

However, everyone at this time had no thoughts in this regard.

"You don't even know the source of the rules! Have you ever thought about how the racial characteristics came from, and how the strange objects came from?"

Xu Qin was talking with saliva flying, and the four people had to bear it. After all, without him, they didn't know when they could escape from the danger this time, and the demigod level could not completely leave the human body.

"But I'm glad that we met again soon, and you have been promoted to demigod."

He didn't say the rest of the sentence. He had been promoted to a true god, but he had no choice but to choose in the crisis of life and death.

He suppressed his emotions and stopped talking. Instead, he watched Xu Yi deal with these rule creatures in his own way.

A large piece of the flesh and blood of the flesh and blood mechanical city was separated by Xu Yi and placed between the formations used to restrict the bandaged man and the twisted wind. Everyone stepped back.

In Xu Yi's imagination, the rules should not contain their own emotions, but the rule creatures are different. The bandaged man also lost his mind when he was slandered by the patriarch of the infected clan, and the twisted wind was also angry by the turned man Xiaoxing.

If so, they have simple emotions, do they also have souls?

And the only thing he has that can hurt the soul is the indiscriminate mental shock and damage counterattack ability of the Flesh and Blood Mechanical City.

No one is left near the cut flesh and blood, and Du Yuanfei shoots a mind arrow from a distance to attack the flesh and blood, triggering a mental shock.

As for the lost flesh and blood, it only takes a few thousand attribute faiths to repair it.

The girl drew the bow and arrow neatly, and the arrow broke through the air and pierced into the flesh and blood at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye. The ring-shaped mental ripples bloomed like ripples.

The two still ignorant but distorted rule spirits under the influence of the Devourer dissipated in the impact of the mental ripples.

Two transparent rule sources that were so faint that they were almost invisible to the naked eye were turned into cards by Zheng Guihao, who was the fastest and waving his eagle wings from the sky.

The third unsolvable evil spirit, the Nine-Escaped Cicada, took everyone a lot of effort. Even if it was subjected to a mental shock beyond its own limit, it could still take off a layer of colorful shell and be reborn again.

After killing it nine times, several people gave up the attempt. Its body did not shrink like the dead wood beast, but did not change at all.

Moreover, after nine times, this golden bug could still be resurrected.

However, the reason that prompted several people to give up the attempt was that they figured out that the Nine-Escaped Cicada did not need to be transformed at all. It could originally give others the ability to be immortal nine times!

The attempt also allowed everyone to understand its situation, which was not as simple as the evil spirit information showed.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi felt sorry for the possible loss of a detection-type wonder.

This evil spirit number was not written by Shi, the resentful Kun. It is likely that he is also a strange creature with some kind of detection rules.

But all this may become a permanent mystery as the ghost ship sails into the dead world and the resentful Kun Shi's consciousness dies.

The last sentence also uses an old joke. Has anyone noticed it? ,.

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