Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 89: Breaking through with two fists

Without any concealment, the three led the team to the bottom of the pass.

Xu Yi, who was walking at the end, had a serious expression on his face. This Wangxi Pass was indeed as Zhang Yin had investigated. The cement wall was restored intact, and there was no trace of a battle more than a month ago.

Although the deployment of the three Li brothers seemed very formal, Xu Yi felt that it was unreliable, as if he was applying what he learned from the textbook mechanically.

In fact, this was also the first time he saw others lead believers in battle. Before that, they were almost all single-player.

At Li Shang's order, the lizard shooters at the end of the team took the lead in launching the attack.

Their abdomens bulged high, spewing out an extremely viscous green acid liquid, a ball only the size of a fist, slowly drew an arc in the sky, and accurately landed on the cement wall of Wangxi Pass.

The acid was extremely concentrated, and it reacted violently when it fell on the cement. Wisps of white smoke rose, and the wall was corroded silently. It was much better than Xu Yi's high-level spell scroll, and its concentration was much higher than the acid that the proliferator could spit out in large quantities.

Li Shang also showed a hint of pride on his face, although he didn't understand why the concentrated acid was so effective this time.

But his pride didn't last long. After a large section of the cement wall was lowered, two rows of feather masters who had been ready were revealed.

"Stand and spread out!" Li Shang's face changed drastically, and he shouted anxiously. If there were third-level feather masters among them, the loss would be great.

A whole row of colored light balls lit up, and Li Shang's eyes widened, showing despair.

"What are you doing? Winged people and umbrella lizards are attacking!" Li Man, who has always been the leader of the three, did have this responsibility and made a not-so-bad decision at the critical moment.

The former flapped its wings and flew into the air, while the latter quickly climbed up more than ten vigorous ancient trees beside the mountain road, relying on the height difference to glide and directly cling to the outside of the pass wall.

Unfortunately, these actions eventually fell after the feather division drew the bow. The winged people took off and prompted the second-level feather division to change the shooting target, while the third-level feather division did not change its direction.

Twenty arrows shot down more than ten winged people, and the twenty light balls that flew down caused various attributes to burst. More than thirty lizard archers fell in this wave of volleys.

Li Shang's eyes were bloodshot, but the comprehensive quality of the top 20 in the grade was still there, and he was not completely demented.

"All lizard archers mixed into the giant lizards and minotaurs, and the whole army charged!" When the long-range firepower was not as good as the opponent, he could only choose to charge and enter the close combat stage as soon as possible.

As for retreat? He never thought that with such casualties, the two guarding the No. 173 Fortress in Zhongbei would never participate in the cooperation again. The five people were not of one mind.

Thinking of this, his face showed a fierce look. His incarnation was originally condensed based on the template of the lizard archer, so naturally he also had the same kind of long-range magic.

His abdomen bulged high like a lizard archer, and a ball of acid the same size of a fist was spit out by him, but the color was close to dark green, and its speed was almost the limit of what the naked eye could capture!

Magic, strong acid arrow level 6!

This ball of dark green acid hit the head of a third-level feather master with the most powerful arrow.

As expected, the strong acid splashed on his face, and the third-level feather master with explosive attributes fell down with a shrill howl.

His abdomen bulged again, and Li Shang shot the second strong acid arrow without hesitation.

But he failed to succeed. The concrete wall suddenly crawled up as if it had life and blocked it.

The acid corroded a smooth pit, but still failed to break through the layers of defense.

It can affect the surrounding environment. It is the fourth-level weapon master who took action!

Li Shang showed a trace of doubt on his face, but he could only grit his teeth and continue to charge.

The second-level umbrella lizards, whose main attribute was agility, flipped up to the tower. Except for a few lucky ones who flipped directly in front of the second-level feather masters, the rest were blocked by the swordsmen who were hiding on the ground.

There were forty swordsmen, including more than ten third-level masters. Under the protection of the swordsmen, the feather masters fought back one after another, and the casualties of the umbrella lizard tribe gradually increased.

However, the opponent's unscrupulous long-range firepower was eventually restrained, and Li Man's giant lizard tribe was able to climb up the wall by stepping on the pits on the concrete wall splashed by acid.

For the minotaur tribe led by the minotaur chief, it was too difficult to climb the wall relying on such a pit.

Therefore, the minotaur chief waved the totem pole in his hand, and a group of minotaur people holding blunt weapons began to cast shocks to destroy the foundation of the pass.

The winged people in the sky threw short spears with wind energy attached, but they could only barely break through the defense of the concrete wall and cause some casualties under concentrated fire.

Even if Li Chen also used gliding to reach the pass and used flexible thief skills to sneak kill several feather masters, it was useless, and the situation was still sinking bit by bit.

After another round of counterattacks by the feather masters, more than half of the umbrella lizards were killed or wounded, and more than 30 winged people had been shot down, and the attack could no longer break the still wriggling concrete wall.

The giant lizards were blocked outside the defense circle and entangled with the swordsmen, and the casualties were not small, but the minotaur tribe below was basically unharmed.

In the dark, there were still high-level weapons masters on guard, and the situation was completely controlled by the weapons masters. Except for a few good players, the weapons masters who died in the battle were all second-level cannon fodder.

In Xu Yi's opinion, except for a few minor mistakes, this battle was ultimately fought with great success. If the other party had not had too many third and fourth level creatures, the three brothers of the Li family would not have fallen to this point.

They ultimately suffered from their mentality and intelligence.

Without special means, the number of followers in military training will decrease. The fewer followers, the slower the incarnation will recover its divine power. Just like the sophomore Zhang Yin, he fell into a vicious cycle and ended up not being able to defeat even the third-level creatures.

Seeing that all the troops were about to die here, Li Shang even turned his head and cast a pleading look at Xu Yi, which was completely different from the arrogance before the war that did not allow others to interfere with his own interests.

Xu Yi had no intention of standing idly by. If these people could not capture Wangxi Pass, his mission would also be hindered.

Besides, they were all classmates, so there was no need to let them suffer too much.

The figure of the virtual spirit giant slowly rose and became slender, and a huge tentacle with virtual spirit fragments embedded in it quickly grew on its head.

In the eyes of those who were either distracted or staring in shock, the fifth-level giant rushed straight to the wall.

With the momentum, the giant punched the wall with his claws, and with the powerful slap of his body-length tentacles, a large amount of green spiritual energy seeped into the wall of Wangxi Pass.

The percentage damage took effect, and with the minotaur destroying the foundation first, the entire Wangxi Pass collapsed under his two heavy blows, burying all the weapon masters on it!

The umbrella lizards led by Li Chen spread the eardrums under their arms and glided to the ground lightly. Only a few unlucky ones were swept up and buried in the ruins.

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