The sky was covered with dust and sand. Under the reddish sandstone, Xu Yi was half-crouching with the Broken Shadow, staring at the huge and deformed figure at the entrance of the underground ruins in front of him.

The divine art [Detection] was activated, 100 points of faith, which was not a big consumption for Xu Yi now.

[Waste Giant]

[Attributes] Strength 3.7, Agility 1, Constitution 2.5, Intelligence 0.9, Perception 1.6, Charisma 0.6

[Features] Giant Stick Mastery Lv1, Natural Armor lv3, ??? , ??? ?

Evaluation: This is a group of guys who have abandoned their faith. The evil magic energy they control prevents you from knowing more information.

Natural Armor lv3, the damage reduction has reached a terrifying 15 points. Using a revolver with .41 bullets should only break the skin and flesh.

There are two more undetectable specialties, Xu Yi was thoughtful.

No, we must attack first! Dozens or even hundreds of shots can also make this monster lose a lot of blood and consume a lot of its vitality.

Relying on hiding from a distance, the swollen giant, who was too obvious a target, sent a command to prepare to shoot to the more than 100 blood-machine gunners lurking behind the gentle slope of gravel. Dozens of gun muzzles slowly raised and aimed at the ugly giant who was standing more than 20 meters away, holding a huge wooden stick and wearing a torn crotch, standing behind a half brick wall.

The giant's back was bulging high, and the deformed bones destroyed the smooth beauty of the muscle lines. The large and small protrusions matched with the dark brown skin made it look particularly terrifying, and the eyes of different sizes...

Suddenly looked at the ambush of the blood-machine clan with the muzzle raised.

"What! How could it be discovered suddenly..." Xu Yi's face sank, and he subconsciously turned on the detection technique, and another 100 faiths were consumed.

The target's specialty [Passive Perception lv3] was triggered.

It turned out to be a troublesome specialty like passive perception, and it has reached the level 3. When judging whether there are ambushes around, the perception of the waste giant increases by a full 1.5.

The almost non-existent concealment ability of the blood machine family plus the increase in the sandstone back slope terrain cannot compete with the perception of the waste giant up to 3.1 after the specialty is triggered.

The giant's right eye, which was obviously a circle bigger, glared at the ambush of the blood machine family. The bionic dummy arranged five meters in advance on the right side of the [Shattered Shadow] incarnation made a muffled sound, and the back seemed to bulge strangely like the ugly giant. A large number of bent wires that could not bear the weight broke out from the bulge. This bionic dummy was obviously unusable.

At the same time, Xu Yi activated [Detection] again, and the last specialty of the waste giant that was previously blocked was revealed - [Evil Eye Control lv4].

The ability that the Waste Giant just activated is called [Evil Eye Curse]: The Waste Giant launches an evil eye attack with a gaze, and the target can make a charm saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the target will be infected with the curse and malice carried by the Waste Giant race and obtain the distortion curse state. In the distortion state, the target's speed and all resistances are halved.

If the saving throw succeeds, the damage is halved and the curse effect is immune.

There is no time to hesitate. The Waste Giant has already charged here with a giant wooden stick. With its 3.7 strength and the only mastery-level specialty that Xu Yi has seen so far, if it rushes into the crowd, it is afraid that one person will be seriously injured.

At the command, the sound of gunfire rang out in an endless stream, and dozens of bullet holes appeared on the Waste Giant's body. The momentum of the charge was also stopped under the huge recoil. In the hail of bullets, even such a ferocious monster was unable to resist. After losing a lot of blood, it collapsed to the ground with only one breath left.

However, another shocking change!

In the ruins, a thick wooden board that seemed to be used as a cellar door was thrown away like a rag and fell, making a few dull sounds of "bang" and "tap".

Seven useless giants rushed out, dragging giant wooden sticks in their hands. Obviously, they were attracted by the reckless gunshots and the smell of their own blood.

With his mind in a hurry, Xu Yi no longer cared about the majesty of the gods and decisively ordered a retreat. If the foundation was damaged by this small exploration, it would be more trouble than gain.

At the same time, the swollen giant turned on the second-level mode, holding two fine iron swords, and leaped out from behind a huge sandstone.

The seven useless giants launched an attack during the charge, all of them were [Evil Eye Curse].

The five bionic dummies were deformed and damaged under the distortion energy, and Xu Yi's pre-war preparations were finally exhausted. Two [Evil Eye Curse] fell on the two flesh and blood gunmen who obeyed the order to retreat and calmly raised their guns to fight back.

After a tremor, one of them seemed to be much paler, but he was still able to stagger and retreat; the other one had a gloomy look, and there seemed to be a "crackling" sound in his body, and the metal spine arched upward. Obviously, he could not withstand the charm judgment of [Evil Eye Curse]. His body became deformed and was supported by two companions to retreat.

Under the detection technique, the two flesh and blood gunmen received 13 and 27 points of damage respectively, and the physical fitness of the flesh and blood puppets was born to be more than 2.0, which was an extraordinary level, and the conversion ratio of physical fitness to health was 1:20.

Therefore, they generally have more than 40 points of health.

Compared to ordinary people, this is already a very high value. The physical fitness of ordinary humans is 1.0, the conversion ratio is 1:10, and the basic health value is only ten points. Even if you can withstand the charm judgment of the [Evil Eye Curse], you may not be able to survive.

However, the flesh puppet can completely withstand the curse after failing the immunity, and can also stagger away with the help of his companions.

The faith value dropped rapidly due to the consumption of the detection technique and the two incarnations. The seven-meter-high swollen colossus collided with the deformed giant headed by it, and a black shadow twisted and snaked quietly attached to the swollen colossus.

The giant sword and the wooden stick clashed, and there was a muffled "dong" sound. In terms of strength, the two were evenly matched!

It's just that the equipment of the swollen colossus has been replaced by the fine-grade fine iron two-handed giant sword that Xu Yi obtained in the lottery. After all, the quality of the hardwood stick is inferior. The fine iron giant sword broke the hardwood stick and left a trail on the body of the ruined giant. A long, swollen wound glowing dead white.

The drooped arms of the colossus were waving around, and the anger and malice revealed in the eyes of the degenerate giant headed by it had all been replaced by fear.

The disease energy used by the swollen colossus is not as weird as [Evil Eye Curse]. The wounds made by it are numb and unconscious, just like the swollen character itself, it is chilling.

Unspeakable fear arose in the heart of the deformed giant, whose head was swollen like a giant statue. Half of his body was paralyzed after being grabbed by several arms. Fortunately, six companions arrived and six huge hardwood sticks hit the swollen giant statue hard, causing it to run away without turning around.

The black scales of the colossus, which had perfectly defended against the fangs of the troll worm, were shaking gently. If Xu Yi could still turn on the detection technique while distracted, he would definitely be able to see that the swollen colossus had several injury records!

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