Leaving the Wounded Qi Village, Qin Feng continued to rush towards the Vientiane Temple.

It didn’t take long for his figure to disappear from everyone’s view.

Qi Yue stood silently at the entrance of the village, looking at the direction where Qin Feng left, inexplicably a little melancholy…

But on the other side, Qin Feng was shuttling through the jungle and was speeding up.

Now, he just wanted to arrive at the Vientiane Temple earlier.

He estimated that it would take about an hour and a half to reach Tongtian Lake.

The Vientiane Temple is located on the shores of Tsutenko.

Looking at the sky again, it was almost dusk.

He will soon usher in, the fourth night of this world.

At this moment, a prompt came from the Heavenly Dao.

[Reminder: Your villager Wang Tao’s combat power has reached 30 stars, and you have obtained 10 attribute point rewards. 】

Not bad!

Harvest again!

Qin Feng felt relieved.

All his subordinates are constantly improving, and the benefits he has gained are increasing little by little.

Today, his free attribute points have accumulated to 2440 points.

By the way, with so many attribute points, it’s time to add points to improve your strength.

The stronger the strength, the faster the rush!

Previously, in the Wounded Qi Village, he was unwilling to add points in front of everyone.

Now there is no one around, just enough to operate.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng opened the panel and began to add points.

With this addition, his momentum continued to soar!

In the blink of an eye, all 2440 attributes were added, and his combat power reached 196 stars.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

Level 16!

Combat power 199 stars!

This is already very strong!

If you count his more than a dozen talents, the comprehensive strength is even stronger.

Having said that, among his many talents, except for the bloodline talent that is D level, the agility talent is C level, the rest of the talents are all B level or above, and one of them is A level.

In this way, many talent abilities are superimposed, which is comparable to SS-level combat talent, which makes his comprehensive strength much higher than the combat power assessment.

But even so, with his current strength, it was still impossible to obtain the ultimate foundation in the Saint Martial Examination.

It seems that he has to find a way to increase his combat power to 300 stars.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t even get the ultimate foundation.

Without the ultimate foundation, I am afraid that it will be difficult to win in the Great War of Ten Thousand Realms.

Think of that Qi Star Realm, there is not even a strong person who is extremely good in building foundations, and finally failed in the battle of ten thousand realms.

Perhaps, there is a strong person who is extremely good in foundation building, and he can have one more chance in the Ten Thousand Realms War!

Qin Feng thought cranky while continuing to hurry,

He was thinking about what ways he could improve his combat power as soon as possible.

At present, upgrading the village should be one of the fastest ways to do it.

At the same time, winning the top three in the village competition has extremely rich rewards.

As soon as this thought arose, a hint came from the Heavenly Dao.

[Reminder: The number of level 2 novice wooden houses in Longyuan Village has reached 100. 】

[Reminder: Longyuan Village has completed all the standards for upgrading to a level 2 village, and now opens the permission to build the guardian altar. ] 】

[Reminder: If the Guardian Altar is successfully built, Longyuan Village can be upgraded to level 2. 】


Qin Feng’s eyes showed surprise.

Ha ha!

All the hardcore conditions have finally been met!

Longyuan Village has been upgraded to a 2nd level village, and victory is in sight.

At that moment, he opened the village chief’s operation interface and checked the conditions for building the guardian altar.

At the same moment, in all corners of Longyuan Village, people’s cheers sounded.

They also received information from the Heavenly Dao.

Even in the Wounded Qi Village, cheers sounded one after another.

Because the people of the Qi clan also know the significance of village upgrading.

Unconsciously, their interests were already tightly tied to Longyuan Village.

At this moment, the entire chat channel was thunderous, and everyone was chatting excitedly.

“Haha! Reached! All upgrade conditions met!! ”

“yes! So exciting! Now, we are almost building the guardian altar. As long as we build the altar, we can upgrade to the 2nd level village. ”

“Guys, when we level up to a Tier 1 village, each of us gets a 50 attribute reward. If you level up to a 2-level village, you will get 100 attribute rewards. ”

“Upstairs, you’re mistaken! Have you forgotten that the difficulty of upgrading in our village has doubled, so the reward is also doubled, which means that we are a 200-point reward, not a 100-point reward! ”

“Yes! It’s 200 points! If I get such a reward right away, I will wake up laughing at night! ”

“Haha! I was already excited! ”

“Brothers, don’t get excited! Next, wait for the boss to announce the construction of the guardian altar. ”

“Yes! I don’t know what materials are needed to build the guardian altar? ”

“I don’t know! Just wait for the boss to announce! ”

“When will the boss announce it?! I can’t wait! ”

“Woohoo! Xiaomei is also waiting to die! Brother Village Chief, why hasn’t it come out yet?! ”

“Don’t rush everyone! The boss must be busy! ”

When the words fell, a message popped up at the top of the chat channel.

【Longyuan Village Announcement: List of conditions for the construction of the guardian altar】

【100 units of stone (0th order resource)】

【100 units of wood (Tier 0 resource)】

【20 units of iron ore (0th order resource)】

[10 units of King Fierce Beast Bone (Tier 1 Resources)]

As soon as this announcement was issued, everyone saw the information and started talking about it.

“That’s the material! Stone and iron ore, we have ready-made, wood is far from enough. ”

“yes! There is no wood in the repository. As soon as the wood comes out, it will be exchanged by everyone. ”

“At present, the wood resources in our village have not been completely alleviated, and everyone continues to work hard.”

“Upstairs, the wood is okay. How do you get that king fierce beast bone? ”

“In the resource channel, there are five or six king-level fierce beast corpses, exchange them out, take out their bones, or not.”

“Yes! However, to build the guardian altar, you need 10 units of king beast bones, are those five or six corpses enough? ”

“This… I’m afraid it’s hard to say! King-level ferocious beasts, too difficult to meet. If this bone material is not in order, I am afraid that the upgrade progress of our village will be delayed again. ”

As soon as these words fell, Qin Feng’s voice sounded in the ears of all the villagers.

Qi Shan, Qi Yue and other people of the Qi clan also sounded Qin Feng’s voice in their ears.

Qin Feng: “Everyone, regarding the materials for building the Guardian Altar, I have posted the situation at the top of the chat channel with an announcement, and you can check it at any time.” ”

Qin Feng: “Judging from the current situation, the most lacking thing is Rank 0 wood. From now on, the wood donated to the resource library will be temporarily exchanged. After the construction of the guardian altar, everyone will exchange it. ”

Qin Feng: “At present, the first goal is to build a guardian altar. In addition, the people of the injured Qi village, as well as the villagers of Longyuan Village, as long as conditions permitted, went to cut wood to speed up the collection of wood. ”

Qin Feng: “As for the bones of the king-level fierce beasts, I will donate a batch of the corpses of the king beasts, and you will deal with them and take their bones.” That’s how things are arranged, everyone works together! ”

After this arrangement, Qin Feng withdrew from the permission channel.

When the people received the order, they immediately acted.

In the Wounded Qi Village, Qishan even mobilized the whole clan.

Men, women and children, all go to logging.

And around their village, there are forest resources everywhere.

As soon as the people of the Wounded Qi Village joined, the collection speed of this forest resource increased geometrically.

But say the other side, somewhere in the forest.

After Qin Feng arranged the task, he entered the trading channel.

After some operation, the white light flashed in front of him, and there were more than twenty corpses, all of which were the corpses of king-level ferocious beasts.

Levels range from level 1 to level 7.

The corpse of the king beast above level 8 was not seen at all.

However, Qin Feng was already satisfied.

So many king beast corpses are enough to provide the king beast bones needed to guard the altar.

At that moment, he stepped forward to extract the corpses of those king beasts.

It turned out that those king beast corpses were purchased by him in the regional channel using power stone resources.

Under the temptation of the power stone, he acquired the business of the corpse of the king beast and did very hot.

For some time, he didn’t check it out, relying entirely on others to trade automatically.

Even so, he unknowingly acquired more than two dozen of them.

Soon, Qin Feng finished extracting the corpses of those king beasts, and obtained a total of more than eighty attributes.

Several kinds of king beast corpses were all extracted by him.

And his combat power has unknowingly increased to 201 stars.

This made Qin Feng very satisfied.

Subsequently, he donated the corpses of those king beasts, and the villagers would deal with the bones.

After doing that, Qin Feng continued to rush towards Tongtian Lake.

This time, his strength skyrocketed, and his speed was twice as fast.

In less than an hour, Qin Feng arrived near Tongtian Lake.

And the Vientiane Temple is on the shore of Tsutenhu.

Therefore, he will soon be able to see the Temple of Vientiane.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was a little excited, and at the same time a little nervous.

At this moment, Liu Xuan sent a private chat, reminding him that the materials for building the guardian altar were enough.

Qin Feng opened the resource channel and saw that this was indeed the case.

He was overjoyed.

Because Longyuan Village will soon be able to upgrade to a Level 2 village…………………….

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