The sound of Zhu Mei's sobbing made the surroundings strangely quiet.

The faces of other people were all inexplicably silent.

Logically speaking, Zhu Mei's boyfriend Xu Dadao was still here.

It was indeed a bit inappropriate for her to cry and talk about Jiang Yi.

But Xu Dadao didn't think it was inappropriate.

Because what Zhu Mei said was the truth.

The Jiang Yi of their Hanjiang University was indeed a very upright character.

If Jiang Yi, who ranked first on the battle list, was really him.

He would definitely not stand idly by!


Is it really "certain"?

Xu Dadao's eyes unconsciously fell on Li Yaoping again.

When Li Yaoping forced Jiang Yi to leave...

Did anyone among them speak up for Jiang Yi?

Except Tang Ke, who had the best relationship with Jiang Yi.

No one else did.

And after all that...

Would Jiang Yi not regret saving them?


In fact, Xu Dadao had thought about speaking up for Jiang Yi at the beginning.


It should be similar to the principle of an old man falling on the roadside and no one helping him.

In addition to "not daring", more of it comes from the law of "diluted responsibility".

Everyone always thinks-

If I don't help, someone else will.

If I don't speak up, someone else will speak up.

As a result, everyone thinks so, and no one speaks up.

And there is a very strange mentality-

When a person makes a mistake.

He may reflect on it.

But when a group of people make a mistake.

They will feel that they may not have done anything wrong.

After all, everyone is like this!


After the Jiang Yi incident.

All of them who still had some conscience but chose to remain silent, tacitly stopped mentioning Jiang Yi.

It was as if the person "Jiang Yi" had never existed.

In fact, for a long time afterwards, Jiang Yi's name seemed to have disappeared.

Until a "Jiang Yi" suddenly appeared on the battle power list.

Only then did these people have to face those memories again.

Even at this moment, the situation is quite similar to the original one.

Finally, someone couldn't help but mention the Jiang Yi they knew and who saved them.

At this moment.

Xu Dadao, Xu Xiaoduo, and Wei Lingshuang.

The silent expressions on the faces of these three people.

It was almost exactly the same as the expressions they chose to remain silent when Jiang Yi was usurped and driven away by Li Yaoping!

Only Zhu Mei choked and sobbed, and she felt more and more uncomfortable!

Obviously, she also remembered it at this time.

When Jiang Yi was forced to leave by Li Yaoping, they were silent and did nothing.

Zhu Mei was a little out of breath because of the discomfort. She looked at Li Yaoping and then quickly looked away.

Li Yaoping's face was a little stiff, and he said viciously:

"Don't have those unrealistic fantasies!"

"Whether Jiang Yi, who is ranked first in the battle list, is the Jiang Yi we know, he did not respond to the forum's petition!"

"He either doesn't care about the lives of Jiangcheng players at all, or he can't beat that Zhu Song at all!"

"Instead of pinning your hopes on him, you might as well count on the four major guilds!"

"At least the image of the four major guilds is much more decent than that Jiang Yi who is not sure whether he is a human or a ghost!"


Li Yaoping paused, and suddenly had an idea, and put forward a more absurd hypothesis:

"The four major guilds discovered Zhu Song's beastman identity by chance."

"But who can be sure that other players who look like humans are not disguised as beastmen?"

"Maybe... what if that Jiang Yi is actually a beastman player?"

? ? ?

Jiang Yi, also a beastman player? ? ?

What a joke!

But if you think about it carefully...

It seems that this possibility cannot be completely denied.

After all, they don't even know what Jiang Yi looks like.

How can they confirm his ethnic identity?

And if Li Yaoping's assumption is true...

Then their entire Jiangcheng is really in trouble!

Maybe... the whole city will be destroyed!

These survivors, who were already desperate enough, felt even more powerless because of Li Yaoping's words.

It was also in this extremely depressing atmosphere.

Wei Lingshuang, whose eyes had been fixed on the crystal ball, suddenly noticed a detail.

The picture on the crystal ball was still a strange scene like all the beasts paying homage to the master.


The entire Silver Frost Club was almost completely occupied by ferocious beasts!

Such a huge number of ferocious beasts.

It also made that place almost a restricted area for humans!

No one dared to get close at all!

Moreover, as time went by.

Ferocious beasts continued to flock there, just like believers worshiping the gods in their hearts!

And one detail that Wei Lingshuang noticed was...

She saw a giant bear among the huge group of ferocious beasts.

In fact, there were countless ferocious beasts of all kinds in the picture.

It was that bear that gave her a different feeling.

It was as if...

That bear had a different "aura" from other ferocious beasts?

At just the same angle.

Wei Lingshuang suddenly saw the eyes of the bear!

It was at that moment.

In her mind, the strong man who acted as a driver for Chang Jiao'e when she came to pick up Sun Hao not long ago suddenly appeared.

That was a strong man who was estimated to be two meters tall.

The look in the sturdy man's eyes was a kind of clear stupidity.

Very strange.

Looking at the bear's eyes at this moment.

What she thought of was the look in the sturdy driver's eyes!

Could it be...

Chang Jiao'e?

Why did Chang Jiao'e disappear?

This time the Silver Frost Club was destroyed and the players' bodies were sacrificed...

Could it be that Chang Jiao'e was behind it? !

Wei Lingshuang had always been at odds with Chang Jiao'e.

Naturally, she didn't hesitate to speculate about her with the deepest malice.


Before she had time to think about what this matter had to do with Chang Jiao'e.

Suddenly, she heard a "click"!

The crystal ball in her hand suddenly broke!

The live broadcast was also completely interrupted!

In fact, it was not just her.

The same was true for Luo Changqing.

Including all the players who used the Bee Shadow Ball to watch the live situation of the Silver Frost Club.

Their crystal balls were all broken!

Obviously, someone had cleared out those surveillance "bees"!

Wei Lingshuang looked at the remains of the crystal ball in her hand, and her face changed again and again.

She found that she was really strange.

After realizing that the destruction of the Silver Frost Club might be related to Chang Jiao'e.

Her heart, which had been desperate.

Inexplicably, a fighting spirit rose again!

She just...

didn't want to lose to Chang Jiao'e like this!

She had to cheer up again!

Wei Lingshuang took a deep breath.

After that, she closed her eyes and tried to adjust her state.

And when those eyes opened again...

Her whole spirit was different.

The crystal ball was broken, and she waved her hand and scattered the fragments at will.

Then, her attention turned to the forum again.

When she was about to use the forum again to post something.

But suddenly saw——

A post, the popularity soared wildly!

And the title of that post is indeed eye-catching!

[Zhu Song: If you also want to change your job as soon as possible, maybe we can discuss cooperation calmly @Jiang Yi]

Good guy!!

This this this...

A beastman player took the initiative to ask Jiang Yi for cooperation? !

Such a post by a key figure in a hot event naturally attracted the attention of the whole nation!

Below the post, various replies popped up instantly——

[What's going on? Why is such a strong beastman player willing to take the initiative to find Jiang Yi for cooperation? Does this mean... Jiang Yi's existence can really pose a threat to beastman players? ! ]

[What the hell? Is this true? Could it be that Zhu Song, such a powerful beastman player, is really afraid of Jiang Yi's strength? ! ]

[So, Jiang Yi's combat power is really still above Zhu Song? ! ]

[Good guy! What about the dog who said before that 100 Jiang Yis can't beat Zhu Song? ! Get out and keep barking! ]

[No, Zhu Song just posted a post to discuss cooperation. Are you so excited about praising Jiang Yi without thinking? ]

[If I were to ask you, the current situation is clearly - Zhu Song is in the open, and Jiang Yi is in the dark! In this situation, Jiang Yi dared not to trouble Zhu Song, but Zhu Song dared to take the initiative to call Jiang Yi! This already shows that Zhu Song's strength is stronger than Jiang Yi! He would cooperate with Jiang Yi, not because he was afraid of Jiang Yi, but out of other considerations! ]

At first, it was still the same group of people, still arguing about who was stronger, Zhu Song or Jiang Yi.

But soon, some neutral players who were too lazy to participate in the argument found the highlight -

[No, can you stop wasting your breath arguing about those trivial things? Can't you focus on the key point of Zhu Song's post? ]

[Zhu Song specifically mentioned the word "job transfer"! What could he mean by this? If I'm not mistaken, he sacrificed his body this time, maybe to upgrade the blue turntable of the Silver Frost Club! To a higher

! ]

[What the hell?! If that's the case... this is a great temptation! Jiang Yi might really cooperate with him! ]

[What the hell! If the two powerful men join forces, your verbal battle will be meaningless! Because they may not fight at all, but directly cooperate! ]

[What the hell! I suddenly have a more pessimistic idea——]

[Let's say, will the bodies of the Silver Frost Club not be enough for sacrifice? After the two powerful men join forces, they will directly sacrifice all the players in our Jiangcheng District? ]

[No, it shouldn't be that serious, right? Jiang Yi is a human! He can't be so cruel, right? ! ]

[Besides, if you really want to sacrifice human players, you might as well sacrifice those fierce beasts! ]

[I guess, now it depends on who is stronger between Jiang Yi and Zhu Song, whether to sacrifice fierce beasts or human players! ]

[Jiang Yi is more stubborn, so sacrifice fierce beasts! Zhu Song is stronger, so let's sacrifice the human players! So the arguments of those people are meaningless! It's better to pray that Jiang Yi's strength is really above Zhu Song! 】

After such a conclusion was reached.

All the players were in mourning again!

After their own survival was completely related, those players who originally thought that Jiang Yi's combat power was not as good as Zhu Song finally prayed hard!

Regardless of the facts, at this moment, they finally hoped that Jiang Yi was really strong, stronger than Zhu Song!

And at this already tense moment.

Suddenly, a world announcement suddenly rang in the minds of all players!

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