The three boys were originally in a small group called "Green Bay Group". The Green Bay Group was named after an Internet cafe called Green Bay. The members of the Green Bay Group were mainly students and gangsters who surfed the Internet in the Internet cafe. When the doomsday came, they were all in the Internet cafe, and then they naturally formed a team. The Green Bay Group had more than fifty people at first. But as the doomsday time went on. There were casualties and some conflicts in the middle, which led to the gradual disintegration of the team. Now, there are only about eight or nine people left. And these three boys just left the Green Bay Group not long ago.

The reason for leaving is also very simple, that is, a dispute over interests.

According to the smart boy himself, the captain of the Green Bay Group gave him a green turntable in a fake manner.

As a result, when he drew the good things from the turntable, the shameless captain snatched the things away on the grounds that the turntable belonged to him.

This situation is actually very common in small groups that are not large in scale.

In the Lotte Club, the rules for the lottery of the shoujiao worm are agreed upon.

In a small group, it is difficult for an absolute strong person who can convince everyone to make an agreement that everyone abides by.

Without rules, all kinds of back-and-forth phenomena are naturally common.

Therefore, such small groups often cannot last too long.

Only the kind of group led by a core strong person who is stronger than others and has absolute voice can develop little by little.

The Green Bay Group obviously does not have the elements to develop.

After explaining his identity and origin, the smart boy also blamed the Green Bay team for the compass in his hand.

"Didn't the Green Bay team captain steal the wind boots I pulled out? Then he threw this compass to me, saying it was compensation for me."

"After I left the Green Bay team, I also roughly studied it, and this compass seems to be useless at all."

"Now from what you said, this compass seems to have a positioning function? Is it used to locate the star Zhou Yiming?"

The smart boy spoke in an orderly manner and did not look like a lie.

Another short boy next to him also muttered and complained: "I told you earlier that this thing is useless, it's better to throw it away! If it was thrown away earlier, it wouldn't cause such a big trouble!"

The smart boy quickly patted him, signaling him to shut up, and then said to Liao Yuanfeng:

"Don't listen to his nonsense. If we can help Captain Liao, we don't think it's a trouble."

It must be said that the smart-looking boy is not only calm in dealing with things, but also quite good at being a person.

After he said this, Liao Yuanfeng, who was originally quite irritable, felt relieved.

Liao Yuanfeng was actually quite conflicted at this moment.

If it was just an ordinary person, he would not be found.

After all, it was the end of the world, and disappearance and death were normal.

But Wang Xueyan from the Blood Swallow Club really loved Zhou Yiming!

The reward for this task she issued was also very generous.

It was obvious that she was very determined to find Zhou Yiming.

In this way, Zhou Yiming could not be treated as an ordinary person.

At least...

You have to see him alive or dead, right?

Liao Yuanfeng only thought for a moment and made a decision.

He asked the smart boy again: "Are there any official players in the Green Bay group you mentioned?"

If there are official players, he can post a question in the chat channel or forum of official players.

However, the smart boy's eyes moved, and he asked curiously with a look of surprise: "What is a formal player? Are you all formal players? Can you tell us how to become a formal player?"

Liao Yuanfeng shook his head in disappointment and did not answer.

He thought for a while and asked again: "Then do you know where the Green Bay Group mainly operates?"

The smart boy knew and answered fluently: "The Green Bay Group's initial base was the Green Bay Internet Cafe, but later it moved to several places for some reason."

"When we broke away, the Green Bay Group was based in the Baishang Life Supermarket on Rongjiang Road."

"But from what the group leader said, they seemed to be going to Yucai Primary School on Xiaxicun Road to find someone..."

A Baishang Life Supermarket and a Yucai Primary School.

These two places can be in two different directions.

Liao Yuanfeng thought about it and looked at the team he led.

After a moment of silence, he looked at the two captains he designated, Luo Shan and Fan Hu.

"Are you two familiar with these two places?"

Fan Hu was tall and strong, and he answered immediately: "I am quite familiar with Baishang Life Supermarket. I have been there shopping before."

Luo Shan's expression was a little embarrassed, scratching his head: "Well, I, I am quite familiar with Green Bay Internet Cafe. I often went there to surf the Internet for a while..."

"Okay! Then," Liao Yuanfeng immediately decided, "The team I lead will go to Yucai Primary School."

"Fan Hu, the team you lead, will go to Life Supermarket."

"Luo Shan, you lead the team to Green Bay Internet Cafe."

"Zhou Yiming is also considered a top star in the entertainment industry. You all know what he looks like, right? Our mission is to find him as soon as possible!"

Fan Hu is an old member of the Death Squad, and he is expected to be promoted to a formal member.

The missions he has been on before are much more dangerous than this.

At this moment, he naturally did not refuse and agreed on the spot.

How long has Luo Shan been a member of the death squad?

This can almost be regarded as his first official mission!

He was still a little scared in his heart.

But he was afraid that if he backed down at this time, Liao Yuanfeng would look down on him.

So, he gritted his teeth and agreed, not daring to say a word of no.

And Zhang Peng in his team turned pale and muttered: "But we are only five people, and there is no official player... Will something go wrong?"

After hearing this, the smart boy glanced at Zhang Peng and vaguely guessed the pattern of this team.

Liao Yuanfeng also glanced at Zhang Peng, and said in a deep voice: "This mission is much simpler than your mission to the beast world!"

"There will definitely be dangers. After all, the doomsday world can no longer be as comfortable as in peacetime."

"But the world is already like this. We have no choice but to adapt to it!"

Zhang Peng did not dare to say anything more.

And Fan Hu also glanced at Zhang Peng and sneered: "If I remember correctly, Green Bay Internet Cafe seems to be not far from this commercial street."

"So among the three teams that act separately, your team is the easiest. Even so, you still have the face to complain about danger?"

Fan Hu has strength, Zhang Peng dare not even refute him, and can only lower his head in frustration.

Liao Yuanfeng didn't say much, and directly gave Fan Hu and Luo Shan a small cloth bag each:

"Inside is a bag of beast-driving incense and a cloud-piercing arrow."

"If any of your teams find Zhou Yiming, fire the cloud-piercing arrow."

"If we haven't found anyone by 0:00 tonight, we'll gather here."

Fan Hu and Luo Shan took the bag and nodded.

At this point, the three teams completely split up.

After the team led by Liao Yuanfeng and Fan Hu left, Zhang Peng finally whispered again:

"Isn't it just a little stronger? What's so great about it!"

"If I have better luck later, maybe I will achieve more than him in the future!"

The "he" here naturally refers to Fan Hu who just confronted him.

Gao Chang frowned and said nothing.

Luo Shan wanted to teach Zhang Peng a lesson, but then he thought that his all-attribute +5 was time-limited, so he simply didn't offend anyone.

Therefore, he ignored Zhang Peng's emotions and made arrangements directly:

"Although Boss Liao said that we should go to Green Bay Internet Cafe."

"But our mission is essentially to find Zhou Yiming."

"So my idea is-"

"Anyway, Green Bay Internet Cafe is not far from here, so we simply don't drive, and walk while looking for people on the road. This is better than driving."

Jiang Yi knew that Luo Shan found Zhou Yiming in his previous life, so he was naturally willing to listen to his arrangements.

But Zhang Peng was not happy again.

Their team was not strong in itself.

Walking would be more dangerous than driving.

However, before he could say anything against it.

Jiang Yi, who had been silent all the time, said directly: "Brother Liao arranged you to be the captain, and we will all listen to you."

His words were equivalent to directly recognizing Luo Shan's temporary captain status.

At the same time, he blocked what Zhang Peng wanted to say.

Luo Shan was of course happy in his heart.

But Jiang Yi continued, "I'm quite familiar with the way to Green Bay Internet Cafe from here."

"Why don't you four go first? I have a stomachache and want to take care of it first. After that, I'll catch up with you?"

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