The enemy was in trouble.

He raised his hand and pointed at the tree hole, his tone becoming more and more angry:

"Those are bird eggs! Jiang Yi stole the eggs! That's why we were attacked!"

At this moment, the official player captain once again became furious against Jiang Yi!

They fought desperately against the birds and beasts outside the tree hole!

Result! The birds and beasts were coming for Jiang Yi!

And Jiang Yi was still hiding in the tree hole without saying a word!


The captain yelled at Jiang Yi again: "Are you an idiot?!"

"You didn't take Captain Liao's words to heart, did you?!"

"I told you to curb your curiosity in the beast world and not to provoke beasts! But you stole eggs!"

Just now, the captain almost died under the flock of birds.

At this moment, he was naturally furious! He didn't even give Wu Xu face!

He really didn't dare to offend Wu Xu.

But as a formal player, didn't he have the qualifications to scold a waste?


The captain knew Wu Xu.

He vaguely felt that Wu Xu might not really protect Jiang Yi.

Wu Xu was the typical character who would not do anything without profit.

How could he be so kind to protect a waste?

As expected.

Wu Xu put his arm around Jiang Yi's shoulder and they seemed to be good brothers, but when he glanced at the tree hole, he said sarcastically:

"Hey, it's really a black bird egg..."

"That's what's wrong with you, Jiang Yi!"

"You attracted the flock of birds, but you hid here pretending to be dead. Isn't that a bit immoral?"


"Before you chose to trade the elixir with me, I thought you were a smart person."

Wu Xu obviously had something to say, and reminded Jiang Yi to be smarter.

He smiled, still looking like a good brother, and continued: "Now about this matter, let's do this-"

"You just give us a gift and apologize."

"Brother Xu will make the decision for you, and let these brothers no longer pursue your immoral behavior."

"How about it? Brother Xu is good to you, right?"

The meaning is already very clear.

"Apologize" is secondary.

The main thing is to "make amends"!

Wu Xu almost said, "If you know what's best for you, give me back my three green wheels!"

This is not difficult to understand.

The "brothers" around Wu Xu naturally heard it.

They also followed suit: "Yes, you kid, hurry up and apologize, and this matter will be forgiven for Brother Xu's sake!"

Jiang Yi glanced at the people present and suddenly smiled:

"Make amends, apologize, and forget it?"

If Zhao Kuan, who was in the underworld, was resurrected, he would definitely get it instantly when he saw his smile.

It's just a pity...

Wu Xu's brothers just thought Jiang Yi's smile was a bit strange, but they didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

Wu Xu, on the other hand, was very unhappy to see Jiang Yi's smile.

His face darkened in an instant, and his voice became a bit sinister:

"What do you mean? Do you really think that I dare not touch you because you have the support of Lotte Club? Do you think I, Wu Xu..."

Wu Xu's threatening tone.

It was exactly the same as when he threatened Jiang Yi to choose to trade the turntable with him before!

But he didn't finish his threat this time, and he noticed the horrified eyes of his teammates next to him!

At the same time, they soon exclaimed-

"Fuck! Birds! More and stronger birds than before!"

"It's over! We're done!"

"Jiang Yi! It's all Jiang Yi! We're going to be killed by you, you bastard!!"

Jiang Yi also noticed it.

At this time, with their group as the center, all directions were surrounded by terrifying numbers of birds and beasts!

And this time, the number of birds and beasts was not only astonishing, but more terrifyingly, the aura was obviously stronger!

These birds and beasts...

Obviously stronger than the group that dispersed on their own before!

It turns out that the group of birds and beasts did not disperse on their own initiative.


They went to get help!

It felt like -

Before, the mother bird and beast brought its little sisters to get the eggs back.

And now, the mother bird and beast has found a terrifying number of father bird and beast...?

At this moment, people with intensive phobia may faint on the spot!

That dark black bird looked like a terrifying dark cloud, sweeping in from all directions!

Even Jiang Yi, whose attributes were already strong enough, felt his scalp tingling!

No matter how strong his attributes were,

, I'm afraid I can't beat such a terrifying army of birds and beasts!

But fortunately, there is a teleportation talisman in his space watch!

Of the three white turntables chosen from Sun Hao, the teleportation talisman option was really the right choice!

This thing is very effective in running away to save lives!

"Teleportation talisman! Who has a teleportation talisman?!"

"Now we can only escape with the teleportation talisman!"

"No! No teleportation talisman!!!"

"It's over! It's all over! We all have to die!!"

"Jiang Yi! It's all your fault!"


While cursing in despair, one of the team members was suddenly pecked on the top of his head by the most aggressive bird and beast!

At the same time, screams soon rang out in the central area of ​​their area!

"Ah! Help!"

"Hiss... It hurts!"

In theory, Jiang Yi should have used the teleportation talisman to leave directly at this time.

And the group of little Karami who just forced him to apologize will definitely die under the terrifying group of birds and beasts.

There will be no corpse left.


Jiang Yi already has the teleportation talisman in his hand.

It is also ready to use.

He was surprised to find that-

For some reason, those birds and beasts only attacked Wu Xu's team, and did not have the slightest intention of attacking him!

That feeling...

It was as if the group of birds and beasts were afraid of him!


What's going on?

Just wondering, Jiang Yi was not in a hurry to teleport away.

At the same time, Wu Xu's team naturally noticed this abnormality.

Wu Xu reacted the fastest.

While resisting the birds and beasts, he yelled at Jiang Yi:

"It must be a bird and beast egg! Jiang Yi, you fucking throw the bird and beast egg to me!"

Jiang Yi was actually very curious about the reason.

After thinking about it, he really took the bird and beast egg out of the tree hole and threw it to Wu Xu!

The moment Wu Xu caught the bird and beast egg, he was like grabbing a life-saving straw, and he was ecstatic:

"Hahaha! The bird and beast egg is in my hand! Let's see if you beasts dare to..."


However, the birds and beasts attacked Wu Xu more fiercely than before!

Almost in an instant, Wu Xu was seriously injured and screamed!

He had lost his mind at this time, and only instinct made him shout desperately:

"Jiang Yi!!! Jiang Yi save me!!"

"These birds and beasts will not attack you! You save me quickly!!"

Jiang Yi took a look at the wave of birds and beasts, lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, and then said sincerely: "Okay."

"Since Brother Xu just protected me, I will protect you once."

As he said, he walked a few steps to Wu Xu's side, raised his hand and-

"Hurricane Wave!"

"Swish--" a huge wave appeared around him.

As huge waves surged, they pushed away all the birds and beasts around Wu Xu!

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