After the game, the two sides finally got together.


Jiang Yi answered straightforwardly.

He flipped his palm and put a "coin" on Liao Yuanfeng's "mobile phone".

In fact, players who are more familiar with doomsday games can complete the operation of adding friends by directly touching each other.

However, at this stage, most players are more accustomed to completing this operation through the collision of exclusive horoscopes.

It's a very ordinary operation of adding friends.

The informal players on the side were envious.

Only then did they realize very clearly that --

Jiang Yi...

has completely become an existence that they need to look up to!

Afterwards, Liao Yuanfeng continued to lead the team to find Zhou Yiming.

While contacting friends to raise money.

After walking for about ten minutes.

Their team met another team next to a towering tree in a forest!

"Captain Guan?"

Liao Yuanfeng was surprised when he saw Guan Ling, "Aren't you supposed to be guarding outside Qin Lake? How did you come into this beast world?"

Guan Ling still looked quite arrogant, and she swept her eyes over the members of Liao Yuanfeng's team.

When she saw Jiang Yi, her eyes paused for a moment.

She replied to Liao Yuanfeng calmly:

"I received news from several members of the Blood Swallow Club--"

"This Qin Lake beast world is a bit special."

"Huh? Special? How special?"

Liao Yuanfeng only felt that the danger level of this beast world was lower than any other he had explored before.

As long as you overcome the polar night environment, it can almost be said that there is no danger!

However, Guan Ling said, "The difficulty of exploring this beast world is indeed ridiculously low."

"But if we want to go back, it may be more difficult."

"Hmm?" Liao Yuanfeng had some knowledge and quickly reacted, "Is the passage leading to our world guarded by a powerful beast tribe?"

Guan Ling shook his head slightly: "It is not clear whether there is a powerful beast tribe guarding it."

"Because according to the information from the Blood Swallow Club's scouts, the passage seems to be deep in a miasma swamp."

"Miasma swamp!" Liao Yuanfeng's face turned ugly when he heard this!

However, this was not enough, Guan Ling added: "The miasma is highly poisonous, and there seem to be powerful beasts lurking in the swamp."

Liao Yuanfeng's face became more and more ugly, and his eyes looking at Guan Ling were a little strange:

"You knew the existence of the miasma swamp, but you dared to enter this beast world?!"

Poisonous miasma! And unknown beasts lurking in the swamp!

This means that the difficulty of their return journey has increased significantly!

The club had known about this before -

Some of the beast worlds that caused the death squad members to be wiped out were not necessarily filled with terrifying beasts.

It is very likely that it was just the return passage of that world, with an extremely harsh environment or guarded by powerful beasts!

Those death squads who explored the beast world were not necessarily dead.

Instead, they were trapped to death in the beast world and could not return!

In that case...

The club may not necessarily send people to support and rescue them!

Instead, they may be trapped to death in it and let them fend for themselves!

Their current situation is quite bad!

Although being trapped to death in this beast world will not be life-threatening.

But the polar night environment here is actually not suitable for long-term survival of humans!

Moreover, this limited environment will also limit their growth!

In this case...

Liao Yuanfeng really didn't expect that Guan Ling dared to break into this beast world even though he knew this!

Guan Ling's attitude was quite relaxed, and he shrugged indifferently.

She even smiled:

"You may have underestimated how much Wang Xueyan cares about Zhou Yiming."

"If we are simply trapped here, we may be abandoned by the club."

"But don't forget that Zhou Yiming's news is also here!"

"As long as I send a message to Wang Xueyan casually, I found Zhou Yiming alive."

"She will definitely find ways to conquer this world of beasts!"

"..." Liao Yuanfeng's mouth twitched slightly after hearing this, and he felt that this woman was really too bold!

Guan Ling didn't care what he thought, and smiled again: "And I heard that there is a high probability that there are treasures near those passages guarded by powerful beasts."

"..." Liao Yuanfeng was speechless for a while, and felt that this woman's ambition and courage were really...

Really comparable to Jiang Yi!

Thinking of this,

He pretended to receive the message, but secretly sent a message to Guan Ling:

[Can you still use skills to see Jiang Yi's data panel now? ]

Guan Ling replied calmly: [No]

The two words revealed a thought-provoking information!

Either Jiang Yi has some anti-detection props or skills.

Or Jiang Yi's level is higher than Guan Ling's!

Like Liao Yuanfeng, he is just a formal member of the Lotte Club.

But Guan Ling is a core member of the Blood Swallow Club!

Her level is as high as level 8!

Jiang Yi was just a shoujiao worm yesterday, how could his level today be higher than Guan Ling's? !

Are you kidding? !

Liao Yuanfeng didn't have time to send anything else.

Instead, Guan Ling sent him another sentence: [Could he be Jiang Yi, who ranked first on the airborne level list? ]

Liao Yuanfeng thought for a moment and replied two times:

[I also suspected it and asked, he said it was not. 】

【If you think about it carefully, it shouldn't be. After all, being the first in the airborne level list should be something that only players from other regions can do! 】

Guan Ling seemed to be thinking about something, but he didn't reply.

Just when the two of them were sending private messages behind others' backs.

A scream suddenly came from Liao Yuanfeng's team!

It scared the surrounding birds and beasts away!

Liao Yuanfeng frowned fiercely, glanced over, and said in a bad tone: "What are you crazy about!"

Zhang Peng trembled and pointed to the ground next to the towering tree: "I just saw that the pool, that seems to be..."

He didn't finish.

He was interrupted by Guan Ling in a cold tone: "It's a pile of human bones that have been eaten up by birds and beasts."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene was quiet for a moment.

Guan Ling was indifferent: "This world of ferocious beasts is not very dangerous except for the polar night environment."

"But once a group of terrifying beasts are attracted, the scene will be like a swarm of locusts passing through. Even I can't resist it."

The swarm of locusts passing through...

These four simple words made many people feel terrified!

Just thinking about that scene made their scalps numb.

And Jiang Yi had witnessed it with his own eyes.

When he left the center of the flock.

That large group of black birds almost instantly devoured Wu Xu's team.

The scene was somewhat scalp-numbing.

But Jiang Yi thought of-

He can now switch to two professions.

One of them can be considered as a group attack type!

It would be best if he could form an army with one person!

He remembered that there was a strong man in his previous life whose professional ability was to control the Zerg!

However, it seems that the side effects are quite large. It is said that the strong man is skinny and his whole body is weak, like a skeleton!

However, Jiang Yi has never met that strong man.

He only saw him from a distance once. The strong man was also wrapped in a black robe and did not reveal his figure.

Just thinking about it, Guan Ling and Liao Yuanfeng discussed a few more words and decided to go to the direction of the miasma swamp to see the situation.

This group of teams that joined and expanded continued to move.

During the period -

Liao Yuanfeng collected the money to buy the elixir and completed the transaction with Jiang Yi.

Guan Ling also took the opportunity to add Jiang Yi as a friend and jokingly inquired about Jiang Yi's level.

Jiang Yi did not answer, with an unfathomable attitude.

This made Guan Ling even more puzzled -

Is he really strong, or is he bluffing?

There are indeed some half-baked ones who deliberately pretend to be very strong and arrogant, bluffing.

In fact, it was equivalent to the empty city plan, betting on the cautious psychology of some people!

Guan Ling was indeed cautious, she didn't dare to bet.

What if this guy was really strong, then she would lose more than she gained!

Therefore, before she understood the situation, she was quite easy-going with Jiang Yi.

But she couldn't help thinking in her heart -

Should we find an opportunity to test it?

Coincidentally, after they walked to the north for nearly 20 minutes, they finally found the miasma swamp!

In the polar night environment, the miasma-shrouded swamp looked even darker and weirder.

From time to time, there was a slight gurgling sound in the swamp!

It was obvious that there were ferocious beasts living in it!

Liao Yuanfeng witnessed the situation in the swamp with his own eyes, and his face became more and more ugly: "This extreme environment..."

He took a deep breath and turned to look at Guan Ling: "Do you have any ideas?"

Guan Ling subconsciously glanced at Jiang Yi, and was thinking about taking this opportunity to test him, but suddenly heard a slight movement from the woods outside the swamp!

She turned her eyes sharply and shouted at the movement: "Who?!"

However, in response to her, a tumor-like missile flew straight towards the direction of the swamp!

With a "plop", the unknown missile shot into the swamp!

The gurgling sound in the swamp suddenly became intense!

Guan Ling's face suddenly changed, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "Not good!"

Liao Yuanfeng, who was standing next to him, also realized something, his face changed, and he cursed fiercely: "Fuck!"

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