However, before he could attack the "waste", he felt a suffocation in his neck! Shang Qinghua quickly stopped and looked down at the long red whip wrapped around his neck. His face turned cold and he frowned at Guan Ling who was holding the whip: "What do you mean?" Guan Ling's whip was still around his neck, but his eyes fell on the chaotic crowd and he shouted in a deep voice: "Stop it!" "Whoever dares to hurt others again, don't blame me for being rude!" Although Guan Ling was a woman, she had a strong aura. After saying this, Shang Qinghua's face froze. The chaotic crowd seemed to have been paused. However, some people's greed is not so easy to stop.

For example, there was a guy at the chaotic scene who had already pinned a middle-aged man to the ground.

The knife in his hand could cut the other's throat immediately!

At such a critical moment, how could he stop just by saying so!

His eyes were fierce!

He was about to ignore Guan Ling's order and make a move.

But he saw a dart.

It flew over with a "whoosh" sound and pierced the guy's temple!

His pupils widened, his eyes quickly blurred, and he fell straight down!

This scene was considered to have the effect of killing a chicken to scare the monkey.

The entire chaotic scene was completely calmed down.

However, Jiang Yi noticed...

Just after Guan Ling killed the guy to scare the monkey.

Her eyes also showed a moment of doubt.

If I guessed correctly...

That killing of the chicken to scare the monkey also gave her...

The so-called talent!

Jiang Yi didn't know what Guan Ling was thinking.

But she walked a few steps towards the center of the chaos like a strong leader, and then shouted:

"Now! Everyone calm down!"

"According to the underlying rules of this doomsday game, you informal players who are not even level 1 can't hear any announcements at all!"

"So there must be something wrong with the announcement just now!"

"Didn't you notice? The announcement said--"

"Limited-time killing game, first round!"

"That is to say, there will be a second and third round after it!"

"The essence of this so-called killing game is to let us stab our teammates with knives and be disintegrated from the inside!"

"So this limited-time killing game must be a trap set for us by a beastman player!"

"Including the black career turntable in the swamp pit that I just saw in the crystal ball, it is probably just some kind of bait!"

Guan Ling's voice was sonorous and powerful, and her words were righteous.

As if she had seen through the truth!

In the crowd, Du Yuanze and Zuan immediately echoed:

"Captain Guan is right! This must be a conspiracy of the beastman players!"

"From now on, no one is allowed to attack their companions!"

Of course they said that.

Anyway, they have killed people and obtained talents.

In the crowd, those members of the death squad who have also killed people and obtained talents also echoed Guan Ling's statement.

And those who have not killed people have a bit of an ugly look on their faces.

Even looking at those vested interests, their eyes are red!

Shang Qinghua didn't have time to kill anyone.

His face was slightly stiff.

Of course he knew that what Guan Ling said was not unreasonable.


What if?

What if the killing game is real, and the talent is also real?

It's just sacrificing a life to gamble on a possibility.

For him, it's almost no loss!


How can those members of the death squad be worthy of being companions of official players!

They are nothing but a bunch of trash, cannon fodder on the battlefield!

However, Shang Qinghua is not as strong as Guan Ling.

He knows that Guan Ling is a man of her word, and he dares not challenge her.

But at this time.

Just as Guan Ling was about to say something else.

Suddenly, a voice in the crowd spoke to Guan Ling:

"I admit that Captain Guan, you are right."

"But now is not a peaceful era, but a cruel doomsday world!"

"Human life is no longer as valuable as it used to be!"

"You said we don't want to be 'internal disintegration', but in fact, most of our 'internal' people are just rotten stuff!"

"If we can sacrifice some weak people in exchange for the strong to become stronger..."

"Even if it may be false, it may be true!"

"I say this not for myself."

"But I think that people like Shang Qinghua

Such a big man should be worthy of a talent!"

He said "worthy of a talent".

But the subtext is clearly: worthy of killing a person!

And in this case, the one who dared to say this so brazenly.

Of course it was not someone else, but...

Zhou Yiming!

The purpose of these people entering the Qinhu beast world is to find Zhou Yiming!

So of course he is more confident than others!

Shang Qinghua used to hate Zhou Yiming in his heart.

After hearing what he said, he instantly felt that this pretty boy was not so annoying.

He also looked at Guan Ling and continued along with Zhou Yiming's words:

"Just now, the middle-aged man who was pounced on by the guy you shot to death with a dart."

"He has been seriously injured and almost lost his combat effectiveness."

"This kind of person..."

Shang Qinghua's meaning is very clear.

However, the middle-aged man was originally cleaning the wound with his own saliva.

When he heard this, his face suddenly turned pale!

He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Guan Ling: "Captain Guan! I, I, I..."

He wanted to say something, but his mind seemed to be blank and he couldn't find a way to save himself.

He looked at Du Yuanze in despair again, crying and shouting: "Captain Du, please save me! I, I am from Lotte Club! I, I..."

"I know Captain Liao! Captain Liao praised me before!"

"He, he said I was good, so he took me on the mission..."

"Save me! Save me! Captain Liao...Where is Captain Liao..."

"No, I can't die...I still have a son...He is still young...He is waiting for me to go back in the underground garage of Lotte Club..."

"Captain Du, save me...I can't die!! "

The middle-aged man knelt down without paying attention to the wounds on his body.

You can even say that he was crawling on the ground.

The voices of begging for mercy were miserable, humble, and desperate.

Inexplicably, it was moving.

Luo Shan did not kill anyone or be killed in this chaos.

He was indeed an uneducated gangster before the end of the world.

But he was not born a cold-blooded person.

Perhaps he was the kind of "dog butcher".

Looking at this scene from the perspective of an observer, I felt quite complicated.

In his mind, he could not help but think of...

In the past, on the roadside in peacetime, he saw a food delivery rider kneeling down humbly to an old man, saying:

Please let me go, I'm going to be overtime!

That kind of humility and pleading seemed to be the common background of the weak struggling at the bottom.

It was sad.

It also made him...

feel sympathetic.

He subconsciously glanced at Jiang Yi.

Now, anyone with a brain problem can see it.

Jiang Yi has risen!

I don’t know how much he has risen.

But at least he can talk to Guan Ling, Du Yuanze and other official players.


Luo Shan looked back at Jiang Yi.

He lowered his head after all.

If he had the strength, it would be his own business.

But now he is also a weak person, how can he have the right to point fingers at the strong.

However, what surprised Luo Shan was——

Du Yuanze, who was begged by the middle-aged man, His face was cold and unmoved.

But Guan Ling suddenly raised his hand and threw something over.

The middle-aged man thought it was a dart at first and was almost scared to death!

When he came to his senses, he found out...

It was a rejuvenation pill!

The middle-aged man held the rejuvenation pill in his bloodstained hands, and was moved to tears. He looked at Guan Ling as if he was looking at a living Buddha!

Guan Ling's expression was cold, but he glanced at everyone fiercely, and his tone and attitude were tough:

"No one needs to question what I said!"

Shang Qinghua pursed his lips and said nothing more.

Guan Ling was about to reveal the matter and continue to talk about her thoughts.

However, to everyone's surprise, Zhou Yiming's face suddenly darkened, and while the middle-aged man was kowtowing to Guan Ling, he swung a stone and smashed it at the middle-aged man's head!

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