The private rooms in the VIP building are similar to the private rooms in the restaurant, not the private rooms in the hotel.

Fang Hao ordered some food and drinks, and the two of them ate while paying attention to the movements outside.

"The food here is not inferior to Yi'er's cooking." The Dragon Queen said while tasting it.

Yi'er's cooking skills have also improved rapidly due to various precious ingredients.

According to the grade of craftsmen, it has also reached the master level.

If you were any major force and had reached the level of Grandmaster, you would be a respected figure, and your status would be no worse than that of a high-level hero.

But the Merchant Alliance is a place that is not short of money, and it is normal for the chefs who apply for jobs to be masters.

"This is a business alliance, and it's so expensive. Who would come if it doesn't taste good?" Fang Hao said.

"These little dwarfs are indeed rich. Have you never thought of robbing them?" The Dragon Queen picked up a piece of meat and put it in her mouth.

"With our current strength, what's the point of asking for so much money?"

"Well, grab it before you want to grab it."

Fang Hao raised his head and glanced at her, "How do you know? I haven't robbed it before."

The Dragon Queen paused slightly while picking up the vegetables and looked at him doubtfully.

Could it be that Fang Hao had robbed the merchant alliance before?

He is too courageous and has not yet become a god.

"I still underestimated your courage."

Fang Hao wanted to say something else, but there was a faint sound of intensive movement outside the door.

The door was not closed tightly, but left a large gap, and the sounds coming from the corridor could be clearly heard.

It sounded like a lot of people walking in the corridor.

Fang Hao stood up, opened the door and took a look outside.

I saw a large number of undead soldiers coming up from the stairs and entering a private room in the distance.

The location is not next door to me, but on the same floor.

He closed the door again and sat back at the dining table.

The Dragon Queen continued to ask: "Coming?"

"Well, the undead people are here, but they don't see the dwarf. They are in the private room next to the stairs." Fang Hao replied.

"Go over now?"

"Don't be in a hurry, finish eating first, the food here is so expensive."

The Dragon Queen rolled her eyes at him again, "You still want to eat? If you have anything delicious to eat, let's do business first."

Fang Hao nodded, stuffed two more bites of food into his mouth, and then put on his coat. The Dragon Queen also got up and put on her sun hat.

Opening the door, the Dragon Queen took his arm again.

The two of them were like lovers, leaning closely together and heading towards the stairs.

In front, a large number of skeleton soldiers have gathered, guarding the door of the private room.

Needless to say, I also knew that the Undead Emperor was in the private room.

"No... here." The two undead were about to stop him.

Whizzing! !

Two golden rays directly penetrated the skull between the eyebrows.

With a crashing sound, bones were scattered all over the floor.

The remaining skeleton soldiers looked down at the dead skeleton and were about to draw their swords to make some move.

Swish swish~!

Golden rays continued to shoot out, and more than twenty skeleton guards instantly turned into piles of bones, scattered all over the ground.

Fast and accurate.

It didn't even attract the attention of the rest of the group.

The two stepped on the bones on the ground and stood directly in front of the door.

With gentle force, the door opened.

The private room was no different from Fang Hao's private room.

In front of the dining table, two undead heroes were sitting and standing.

[Immortal Emperor-Isolde (demigod)]

[The Face of Horror-Nadir (Dark Gold Level 8)]

The Immortal Emperor is a living undead, wearing a golden undead robe, a high golden crown on his head, and holding a scepter with a gray orb on the top in his hand.

Especially the gray orb, which is as big as a baby's head.

Sitting upright on the chair, he exudes the aura of a king.

Standing aside was a guard wearing armor, with a horrified look on his face.

Fang Hao had met him before. He was a guard general of the undead tribe stationed in the Merchant Alliance. The last time Laurana and the Dragon Queen fought, this terrifying face led his troops to try to stop them.

Later, thanks to the Dragon Queen's two skills, a large number of soldiers were wiped out, and he left dejectedly.

Unexpectedly, today he accompanied the Immortal Emperor as a bodyguard.

There is also a buy one get one free offer.

Seeing the two people coming in, the two undead were also slightly startled.

He wasn't a dwarf, and there were so many guards outside the door, so why did he let humans in?

After being stunned for a moment, he immediately realized something was wrong.

Just as he was about to make a move, he heard the man say: "Isolde, Nadir, you can't control your body."

After the words fell, the two people's movements suddenly froze.

Sitting and standing, everyone froze in place, with only dry eyeballs that kept turning, reflecting uneasiness and fear.

"It's quite rich." The Dragon Queen walked over, took the opponent's scepter and put it in her hand to examine it.

Fang Hao glanced casually and saw that it was still a dark gold scepter.

[Supreme Dead (Dark Gold)]

This undead emperor has a lot of good things in his hands.

The Undead Emperor, who was sitting stiffly on the chair, seemed to recognize the Dragon Queen, and he could see the surprise in his shriveled eyeballs.

Fang Hao ignored the other party's hint that he wanted to speak.

Take out the World-Destroying Battle Ax from the storage space.

The moment the battle ax appeared, a sense of oppression targeting the soul instantly spread in the room.

Let everyone feel a strong sense of crisis in their souls.

Fang Hao held the battle ax and looked at the Dragon Queen, "Do you have anything else?"


Fang Hao nodded, took the battle ax, and cut off the head of Horrible Yan with one blow.

Boom, boom! !

The shriveled head fell to the ground along with the helmet and rolled to the feet of the Undead Emperor.

Fang Hao continued to walk in front of the Undead Emperor. In his eyes that kept turning, he raised his battle ax and struck it in the middle of the neck again.

The Undead Emperor's eyes widened and his head instantly fell to the ground.

The moment the body fell to the ground, it shattered into ashes and disappeared.

In the dust on the ground, a level 0 godhead was left.

Fang Hao put away all the equipment on the two corpses and walked out of the private room directly.

The Dragon Queen held her arms again and walked down the stairs.

"go back?"

"It's rare for us to go out alone for a while, walk around here, and then go back when we are tired."

"What are you looking for?" The Dragon Queen said, but the arms she held were a little tighter, and her face showed a happy smile like a little daughter-in-law.

The two of them walked down the stairs and happened to see a group of dwarves walking upstairs.

Needless to say, this battle looks like the arrival of the dwarf team.

Fang Hao took her initiative to give way to the dwarf, showing the humility of an ordinary person.

The dwarves continued walking upstairs without even looking at them.

Fang Hao held her hand and left the VIP building quickly.

Not far away, chaos began in the VIP building.

It seems that the scattered bones and the missing undead emperor attracted the attention of the dwarves and the merchant alliance.

The leader of a force died here, and the matter was much more serious.

The undead are afraid that they will pursue the business alliance, and may even start a war with the dwarves, thinking that the dwarves have done something wrong.

No matter what the possibility is, the undead will not swallow this breath.

The Dragon Queen held his arm and said softly: "Where are we going?"

"I heard that the new commercial street has been repaired and many shops have been opened. Let's go shopping one by one."

"Okay!" The Dragon Queen adjusted her sun hat and responded with a smile on her face.

The two held hands and started shopping.

When we returned to the main city, it was night again.

The Dragon Queen once again became the dignified and indifferent leader of the dragon clan.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords and contacted 'Clea Orlando' who was still fighting in the Desert of the Dead.

"How's the battle going over there?"

Soon, news came back from the other side.

"We have passed the 'Deep Sand Sentinel' and are continuing to march according to Queen Amanda's order without stopping."

That's all good about the undead.

No need for rest, no need for food.

It reduces a lot of burden and can maintain a long-term marching state.

Fang Hao thought for a while and then looked at the Dragon Queen who was drinking and reading comics.

Continue to send a private message to 'Kerry Orlando' and said: "I would like to ask 'Amanda' if you can take a break and come to the main city through the boundary gate?"

It took more than ten minutes for Kerry Orlando to send back the news, "Queen Amanda is looking for a camp location and will head to the main city via the three-headed dagger."


As soon as I waited, I waited until late at night.

The maids have all gone back to their rooms to rest, leaving only Fang Hao, Dragon Queen and Laurana who never sleeps at night.

Amanda walked into the hall with 'Kerry Orlando'.

The two of them were tired and a little embarrassed, but they seemed to be in good spirits.

"My lord, Dragon Queen, Miss Laurana." The two saluted.

"sit down!"

After the two sat down, Fang Hao continued: "The Immortal Emperor is dead, and the undead will inevitably fall into chaos during this period. Take this opportunity to speed up the attack."

Hear the news.

Amanda and 'Kerry Orlando' looked over in surprise at the same time.

"You said that the leader of the Desert of the Dead, the Immortal Emperor, was killed by you?" Amanda asked again to confirm.

"Well, he died today." After Fang Hao finished speaking, he took out the fallen godhead and said, "Amanda, this is the godhead of the Immortal Emperor. Now I give it to you. After you swallow it, you can become a demigod."

Amanda was frozen in place again, a little dazed.

Not only did Fang Hao really kill the Immortal Emperor, but he also gave her the divine power to use.

Anyone who absorbs the godhead of the undead leader can become the second emperor.

After being stunned for a while, he stood up and walked to the middle, put his cane on the ground, and knelt on the ground, "Thank you for your continued help and support for me."

The undead are not as sensitive to emotions as the living.

Even so, Amanda still felt that Fang Hao had always helped her.

After Fang Hao rescued her from the cemetery, all his achievements, including recapturing 'Only Yin'er', were all due to Fang Hao's constant help.

It was a force that lifted her to her current height.

This kind of kindness completely exceeds the level of a lord's treatment of his subordinates.

"Get up and work harder for the territory from now on." Fang Hao said.

"Yes, sir."

Fang Hao handed the godhead to her, and Amanda stood up and stepped forward to take it.

"Okay, you will stay in the main city tonight to absorb the divine power. Some of the Immortal Emperor's equipment will be given to you when the time comes. 'Clea Orlando' will also rest in the city for the night."

"Yes, sir."

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