Remember [new] in one second! The next day, it was still pouring rain

There was already a lot of wailing in the channel. Fishing boats and other things have become a hot-selling item again, and many people have begun to seek refuge in the Merchant Alliance.

I heard someone say that the hotels at Station 032 are already full.

There are more travelers than Aboriginal people.

The entire business alliance seems to have become a gathering place for time travellers.

On the World Channel, heavy rain began to fall in other areas.

I don't know if it's spreading or if the heavy rain is migrating in one direction.

In front of the Lord's Mansion.

The maids held umbrellas and were divided into several waves.

One wave was led by Yin'er to travel to the lizard people's rainforest, another wave was led by Anjia and Beate to the orc area, and the other wave was led by Laurana and headed to the Eternal Night City of the Vampires.

The troll area is still in an unstable area, and the trolls' eating habits cannot be controlled for a while. A group of rabbits and foxes suddenly appear.

Even if there are guards, it is difficult for ordinary trolls to understand the situation clearly, and they only think that these orcs are gifts from nature.

Then rushed forward in one fell swoop.

Just like last time, when they saw him, the Dragon Queen, and Laurana, they would rush forward.

Therefore, there are no trolls in the selected areas.

The maids were all ready, put on their skirts and carried small bags.

After saying goodbye to Fang Hao, he happily went to the teleportation array and disappeared into the light curtain.

After sending away the maid, the whole city seemed to be empty and a little less lively.

Only the skeletons patrolling in the heavy rain looked a lot more eerie.

Fang Hao returned to the hall.

I looked at the channel again.

There are no beautiful girls posting photos anymore, the screen is full of people complaining about the weather and buying supplies.

There was nothing to see, so Fang Hao closed the Book of Lords.

He took out the godhead of the God of Slaughter again and held it in his hand.

[Godhead (Level 8)]

As long as he absorbs the eighth-level godhead, his overall ability will reach a new level.

Now that there is time, it is also time to absorb the godhead.

[Can swallow the eighth level godhead, choose to devour it or not. 】

Without any hesitation.


The godhead in his hand instantly turned into a ray of light and merged into his body along his arm.

As the light of the godhead merges, the long-lost tingling sensation spreads throughout the body again.

It was as if countless bone spurs were digging into his muscles from the inside out.

Fang Hao's expression began to become ferocious and twisted, and he gritted his teeth to endure the pain.

Wait until all the aura of the godhead is absorbed into the body.

The pain gradually disappeared.

[Successfully integrating the ‘Eighth Level Godhead’, your power of faith has been improved. 】

[Unlocked features: Killing Charge, Bloody Fury, Ancient Blood Troll. 】

[Unlock skill: Death Blow. 】

After the fusion of the Godhead is successful, one can clearly feel the expansion of the Godhead energy and the full sense of power in the body.

[Your divine level is increased to level 10. 】

Before swallowing, his godhood reached level 7.

Another level 8 godhead was devoured, but it was only raised to level 10.

It is understandable that the higher the godhead, the greater the energy required.

But 7+8, it can’t just reach level 10.

Is there any level limit for becoming a god? Once you reach level 10, it’s the end?

If divided according to the lower gods, middle gods and upper gods, 10 has indeed reached the peak of the upper gods.

I don’t know if there are any higher levels above.

It's probably unlikely.

The camp gods are already considered to be the top gods in the pantheon, with their own fixed territories and believers.

It's only level 8 godhead.

It is very likely that you will have reached the top by level 10.

Of course, these are just his own speculations.

He didn't know much about the godhead either. The Dragon Queen and Laurana around him had just become gods.

Even if I want to understand, I don’t know where to start.

No longer pay attention to matters of godhead level.

Start checking out newly unlocked features and abilities.

The God of Slaughter is quite fierce. By absorbing his godhead, at least his melee combat ability can be improved to a certain extent.

[Killing Charge]: Absorbs the energy of all deaths on the battlefield, which can improve all attributes of oneself and restore one's 'stamina' and 'injury'.

[Bloody Fury]: Be furious on the battlefield, gain 'furious' and 'unstoppable' status during battle, and increase the effects of all characteristics and skills by 500%.

[Ancient Blood Troll]: All attributes +450%.

[Death Blow]: A full blow, ignoring defense and blocking, damage +500%.

Three characteristics, two skills.

Generally speaking, it is the ability to increase for fighting and killing.

What Fang Hao is most satisfied with is the first 'killing charge'.

At that time, the God of Slaughter was beaten by the Dragon Queen and Laurana, and was severely injured all over his body.

But with the death of the soldiers on the main battlefield, he still withstood the attacks of all of them and was not at a disadvantage in the fight.

It is even said that as long as the main battlefield continues to be fought, he will be basically invincible.

It can be said to be quite powerful.

The remaining two characteristics and skills have nothing to say.

Characteristics add attribute improvements, and skills are attack skills that increase damage.

He stood up and stretched his hands and feet.

My body feels full of strength, and my five senses are sharper than before.

Looking along the open door, one can even clearly see the flying insects and dust wrapped in the raindrops thousands of meters away.

Clearer than a telescope.

This kind of vision was something that I had never dared to think about before.

I just wanted to go upstairs and show off this matter to the Dragon Queen and Laurana.

The system beep sounded again in my ears.

[Congratulations, lord, for becoming the first lord to reach level 10. 】

[Reward distribution: Mortal camp influence +10,000, Spirit Alliance member loyalty +50, leader faith +20%, a single-page map, Lost Ancient Stone +800, War Coin +1,200,000.]

Fang Hao's expression suddenly suffocated.

I almost forgot about the system rewards.

When the lord reaches certain achievements, the system will give some rewards.

However, it appears less and less frequently, and has almost been forgotten by the time-travelers.


As the rewards were distributed, large amounts of war coins were scattered all over the sky.

Falling on the floor tiles, there was a harsh and dense landing sound.

As the gold coins fell, Fang Hao saw the only reward, a drawing.

【A long-standing map】

[Category: Map]

(Description: A map made from the skin of a demigod's back, unbreakable by the passage of time.)

Seeing this map, Fang Hao frowned again.

Map made with demigod skin.

So violent? In other words, there used to be a lot of demigods, and they were not as rare as they are now.

It's okay to use it to make a map.

The next second, the map in his hand turned into a ray of light and merged into the Book of Lords.

In the overall large map, the locations recorded on the map are displayed.

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