The appearance of the countdown proves that the barrels really work.

A fool's operation basically means that you can brew fruit wine with your hands.

Moreover, I made 100 brew barrels at one time, and if I opened a tavern, I would definitely make money.

At the Manim Tavern, chat with the Bullhead Boss, and they don't sell cheap drinks.

At that time, if you open a tavern, you will definitely make money.

Anyway, it can be automatically converted by exchanging some water. Isn't this the same as picking up money for nothing?

After that, there will be more residents in the territory, or it will be opened to the outside world.

I must open a tavern myself, and arrange a few bunny waiters, and the business must be a big hit.


Orcs have different aesthetics. If the orcs tavern, bunny girls don't match their aesthetics at all.

Bunny girls are still better for human males.

At this time, a rabbit girl came over, lowered her head and whispered, "Master, it's time to eat."

"En." Fang Hao agreed and followed her out of the room.

Outside the house, all the rabbit people and pig people stood there waiting for Fang Hao's arrival, only An Jia sat there with Erlang's legs crossed.

When Fang Hao approached, he stood up.


"grown ups."

There are more people eating today, including the newly added rabbit people, An Jia, and the pig people who went to the market today to deliver goods.

Although the restaurant has expanded a lot, it is still difficult for so many people to dine together.

They simply built a simple dining table in the open space outside the lord's hall, where everyone could eat together.

"Okay, everyone, sit down."

Everyone was seated, and the prepared dinner was served at this time.

Grilled meat, steamed fish, steamed meat slices, salads, vegetable soups...etc.

A sumptuous dinner filled with slender dining tables.

Whether it is a new rabbit or a pig living in a pig village, it is rare to see such a sumptuous meal.

For a while, they all stared at the food and began to swallow and spit.

"Cough! Let me say a few words." Fang Hao stood up, and the audience instantly became quiet.

"First of all, welcome the bunny girls, you can live in peace here, the territory will provide you with food, shelter and protection, tomorrow I will arrange corresponding work for you, do what you know, and learn to do what you can't. ."

"The pig people have also worked hard today. Everyone let go of eating and drinking. The food in the territory is still very sufficient, so let's have dinner."

After Fang Hao finished speaking, he sat down again.

"Thank you, sir." Everyone thanked, but they started to eat.

Fang Hao saw that the time was almost up, and the fruit wine in the wine barrel should have been transformed.

They arranged for people to bring fruit wine to everyone.

Chat while drinking.

[The Rabbit Nancy's loyalty to you increases by 10 points, and the current loyalty is 80. 】

[The loyalty of Rabbit Mami to you increases by 10 points, and the current loyalty is 75. 】

[The Rabbit Race... Loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 70. 】

The prompts came out one after another, and the loyalty increased rapidly.

The bunny girls kept stuffing food into their mouths.

His face was filled with undisguised happiness and excitement.

They became slaves, and they ate some sticky food every day. The slave owners were afraid of them escaping, so they reduced the amount of food and could only keep themselves from starving to death.

But today, not only did they get their own room, they didn't need to live in a cage.

And ate such a sumptuous meal.

All the rabbit people have changed in their hearts. From the beginning of Fang Hao's fear, they turned into glad that they could be bought by Fang Hao.

After dinner, the pigs drove back to the pig village.

And the rabbits did not spread out,

Instead, they get together and chat with each other.


The next day, early morning.

Fang Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

He dreamed that he returned to the original world, and was stabbed several times in the chest because of disputes at work.

This tension, the pain, is so real.

It's so real, now that I've woken up, I can still feel the pressure in my chest.

Fang Hao touched his chest subconsciously, and started with smooth skin.

"Huh? What is it?"

Fang Hao woke up a little in an instant, and when he touched it, he saw that An Jia was sleeping beside him, her beautiful legs that had always been fair and slender, pressed indecently on his chest, and was sleeping soundly.

I rely on.

"Yeah! Master, you're awake." On the other side of him, Yier's voice came.

Turning back suddenly, I saw Yier lying on the other side of her, looking at herself with a smile.

"Ah." Fang Hao replied subconsciously.

In my mind, I quickly recalled what happened last night.

After dinner, everyone continued to drink some wine.

At night, they each went back to their rooms to rest.

At this point, what is going on with this left and right?

"Yi'er, why did you run into my bed?" Fang Hao asked in a low voice.

Yi'er used her head to drill into Fang Hao's arms, and whispered in her ear, "Maybe I've drunk too much. Master, do you want to get up now?"

Sure enough he drank too much.

An Jia on the side was still sleeping soundly, her posture was wild.

Fang Hao took her thighs away from his chest and clenched Yier in his arms, "Then stay for a while."

A few minutes later, under the gentle service of Yier, Fang Hao got dressed.

Ignoring An Jia, who was sleeping soundly beside her, the two went downstairs together.

Each is busy with his own business.


The sun is shining outside, and there is a natural aroma from the rejuvenating spring on the side.

Outside the room, the newly added rabbit people have started to work and clean all areas of the territory.

"Master." A group of rabbits greeted.

"Well, good morning." Fang Hao said and left quickly.

Only a few girls from the Rabbit Clan were left behind, with happy expressions on their faces, chatting in a low voice.

When I came to the military area, I saw that the Fire Blade was arranging the troops to be upgraded to the second rank to patrol the vicinity of the territory.

Seeing Fang Hao coming, he walked over, "Lord Lord, what are your orders?"

"I can't talk about orders, come with me, I have some news, let's discuss it together." Fang Hao said.

Nelson is currently in the Organ Museum, performing the transformation ceremony of the skeleton hero, and has not yet come out.

If you encounter something, you can only chat with Huo Ren first.

The two returned to the lord's hall, and An Jia had just walked downstairs with sleepy eyes.

He didn't even realize that he came out of Fang Hao's room.

"An Jia, come here too, let's discuss it together." Fang Hao immediately stopped An Jia, who didn't know what to do.

"Oh!" An Jia said reluctantly.

His eyes were squinting at the fire blade.

It seems that he is very interested in the blood-colored long blade in his hand.

The three sat down in the hall.

Fang Hao said directly: "Skull Broken Tribe, have you two heard of it?"

Huo Ren shook his head, "I haven't heard of it, is it an orc tribe?"

Fireblade's memory, or soul, was altered and deleted, and all the original memories of the Orc tribe disappeared.

Only changed, the memory after becoming the undead.

"The Skull-Smashing Tribe? The Skull-Smashing Tribe in the Cold Wind Mountains?" An Jia suddenly asked, curiously.

The eyes of the two fell on her at the same time.

It seems she understands a bit.

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