Send off Rebecca and Elinor.

Fang Hao also began to reconsider the news brought by Rebecca.

The humans and dwarves began to prepare to attack the undead.

At this moment, I thought that Brinstone had brought news before.

It is said that there is some tension among the dwarves, and there is a large-scale mobilization of troops. The powerful dwarves are recruiting private soldiers or mercenaries.

It now appears that preparations for this operation have been underway since that time.

After sitting in the hall for a while, the Dragon Queen came back from outside.

Seeing her tired appearance, he asked, "What did you do all morning?"

"Go back to Longding Mountain. What's the matter? Do you have anything to do with me?" The Dragon Queen sat aside and glanced at him with her beautiful eyes.

What can he do to find her? There is a bit of shame in his eyes, but also a bit of hope.

During this time, Beate lived with her, and the two of them had little time to spend together.

And Fang Hao, who had just sent Rebecca and the two away, did not see the deep meaning of this look.

He said softly: "I happen to have something to discuss with you."

Hearing that something serious was going on, the Dragon Queen instantly became serious, "What's going on?"

"I got news that humans and dwarves are preparing to attack the Desert of the Undead when the undead are in chaos, and are determined to clear out the undead in one fell swoop." Fang Hao said slowly.

The Dragon Queen paused slightly as she took out the wine bottle. She was also extremely surprised by the news, "Attack the Desert of the Undead? Are you crazy?"

"After all, the two sides have been fighting for so long. It is normal for them to take the opportunity to level the opponent." Fang Hao said.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Anyone can analyze the reason.

The main thing is what to do next.

"Amanda has finally stabilized the situation. It is impossible for the human army to really attack the desert." Fang Hao thought for a while and said directly.

"What are you going to do?"

"We need to talk to the leaders of the two forces to make the overall situation more stable." Fang Hao continued.

The Dragon Queen shook her head and said: "If you stop it once, something similar will happen next time. The most appropriate way is to divide the humans and dwarves into territories."

Throughout the history of this world.

It is continued in the constant fighting.

That’s why the Dragon Queen will say that if you stop it once, it will happen again.

Fang Hao has actually considered this.

With the strength of the two main gods of the territory, occupying two camps is actually not a big problem.

However, the elves and the undead have not been dealt with yet. If they occupy humans and dwarves so quickly, I am afraid that there will be some problems later.

But now that something like this has happened, we can no longer think about it so much.

"You are right."

The Dragon Queen continued: "Furthermore, judging from the past battles between the human race and the undead, they will also invite the elves to join. Didn't you get the news?"

Hearing these words, Fang Hao's eyes narrowed instantly.

Normally, if the human race really wants to invite the elves, they will get the news earlier than Rebecca.

After all, Rebecca was on the obedient side, and the orders were given directly after discussion.

The coalition forces must make plans together.

Could it be that the elves are not honest?

"The elves didn't tell me about this." Fang Hao said.

The Dragon Queen glanced at him, "Your little succubus who took over the information didn't send you any news?"

"The Succubus just took over the work and replaced a large number of personnel. It can't be up and running so quickly." Fang Hao thought for a moment and said, "I asked the Elf King to come over and ask him."

The Dragon Queen didn't speak, she just picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Fang Hao contacted the people from the Elf clan and asked the Elf King to go directly to the main city through the teleportation array.

About an hour later.

The Elf King in purple robes, led by the skeleton merchant, appeared at the door of the Lord's Mansion.

Stopping at the door for a moment, he bowed and entered the hall.

"I have met the Lord God, and I have met the Dragon Queen." The Elf King saluted respectfully, showing great humility.

Fang Hao nodded and asked directly: "Has the human race contacted the elves?"

The Elf King lowered his head, without any change, and spoke softly, "About a week ago, news came from the human race, inviting the elves to send troops to jointly conquer the Desert of the Dead, but I rejected it with internal policy adjustments."

Fang Hao looked at him with squinted eyes and continued to ask: "Do you think this is a small thing?"

The Elf King trembled.

He immediately knelt down and said respectfully: "Humans and dwarves will attack the Desert of the Dead every few years. In the past few years, the elves have not participated, so I refused directly as usual."

Fang Hao stared at him, discerning the truth and lies in his words.

The truth, but not completely true.

In other words, this matter is true, but he still has some little thoughts of his own.

After all, loyalty is indeed not high.

"There's a lot of care." Fang Hao sneered and said to the outside: "Come here, take him to the blood prison and let Demitga and Beate watch him."

"Yes, sir." Two Nisbets came in.

As the Elf King said that he was wronged, he was taken back directly.

The Elf King is fully capable of breaking free from the drag of 'Nisbet', but this is the main city of the gods.

Once he does something extreme, it may not be as simple as being thrown into jail.

After taking the Elf King down.

The dragon emperor continued: "It would be better to kill him directly."

Fang Hao shook his head, "If the Elf King dies, not only will there be chaos within the Elf clan, but the outside races will also notice something. It is more useful to be alive than to be dead."

In the past, what Fang Hao valued was the demi-god's godhead.

After all, there are many people around me who need to improve.

But now that the 'Ancient Blood Altar' can mass-produce gods, demigods are actually no longer important.

It would be better to let the Elf King act as a puppet leader to stabilize the situation of all parties to avoid problems.

"It's really troublesome." The Dragon Queen complained, and then continued: "What should we do next? Go directly to the Hall of Human Justice?"

The Human Federation is composed of five leaders.

Therefore, he is not called king or emperor, but is executing the highest order from the Hall of Justice headquarters.

It is also for this reason that the human race's military system is relatively complicated.

Each region is the same.

The number of 'excellent warriors' in the Hall of Justice is particularly small, and they are assigned to the main cities in each region to perform some important tasks.

Fang Hao nodded, "Don't be in a hurry to go to the human side. The main thing is the other side's gods."

While the two were talking.

The air around Fang Hao began to condense, forming the image of 'Cha Li'.

Gossamer barefoot.

The beauty was unreal, but there was no expression on her face.

Like a made doll.

"Cha Li, what's wrong with you?" Fang Hao asked curiously.

The Dragon Queen also cast a strange look.

Chali didn't speak, but waved her hand casually.

A light curtain appeared in front of him, playing a scene like a movie.

In this luxurious hall, three people dressed as priests from different sects were sitting together and talking in low voices.

Fang Hao and Long Hou both frowned.

The most eye-catching thing is the soaring divine light on the three of them.

Where are the three gods meeting?

In a luxurious hall.

Sitting on the edge of the beautifully carved round table were two human priests and a dwarf priest.

Among the human priests, one wore the attire of the Church of Light, and the other wore a robe embroidered with knight's swords and iron gloves.

The dwarf priest's clothing is printed with a shield formed by a wooden axis and fan blades and spoke gears.

They represent the God of Light, the God of Justice, and the ‘God of Fire and Crafts’ respectively.

Three gods gathered here and communicated using their identities as believers.

"When will the dwarves' troops arrive?" the God of Light said calmly.

The civil war in the Desert of the Dead gave mankind hope of counterattack.

Even if you can't really kill the entire undead.

It can also prevent them from recovering for decades.

The God of Fire said calmly, "We will set off in the next two days, but I heard that the undead have a new leader. Is there any problem in this?"

The God of Justice also said: "It is normal for new demigods to appear after absorbing the godhead. This is indeed a good opportunity to attack the Desert of the Undead. If you miss this time, it will be difficult to find the next one."

That's true.

There are countless undead buried under the desert, and this time the civil war has reached the main city and the leaders have changed.

Naturally, a lot of troops were consumed.

Attacking now is definitely a good and powerful opportunity.

The God of Light continued: "Let's do it again then. It won't be a problem to win the Desert of the Undead."

"Well, it's a pity that the elves did not agree to this action." The God of Fire also nodded and said nothing more.

We have already agreed on a joint attack, and there is no use in talking about it now.

While the three of them were discussing more details in low voices.

Another figure with divine light appeared out of thin air.

God of magic.

The God of Spells glanced at the three people present, and said with a gloomy expression: "Perhaps, you should put aside the affairs of your mortal country and consider your own safety first."

The three of them were stunned, and the God of Light asked, "What happened?"

"We gods are in danger."

"If something goes wrong, just say it straight away. Don't beat around the bush here." The God of Fire also said with some dissatisfaction.

The God of Spells sat aside.

With a serious look on his face, he continued to explain: "The elves' temple has several new statues, the same statues as those in the orc and troll temples."

A serious and solemn atmosphere began to fill the room.

Added the same idol?

"Is it still the time traveler and the leader of the dragon clan?" the God of Light asked.

This news is no secret.

If the elves become like this, it will give everyone a bad premonition.

The God of Spells nodded, "All the gods from several camps have lost contact, and the only one who can still be contacted..."

He didn't continue.

But everyone also knew what he wanted to say.

All the forces that can be contacted that have not set up the statue of the time traveler are here.

Of the major races, only humans and dwarves remain.

"How is this possible?" The God of Fire couldn't believe it.

The God of Mage shook his head.

"Things have happened and nothing is impossible."

After a short pause, he continued to say solemnly: "Get ready for the divine battle!"

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