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In the main city.

The originally empty city began to boil as soon as the enemy swooped down.

A large number of undead troops rushed out of the building.

Under the command of a group of heroes, they climbed onto the city wall and lifted off all the shields, revealing a large area of ​​equipment below.

They have been preparing for this operation for many days.

In the team, demigod heroes could be vaguely seen, walking quickly to the location of the city wall they were responsible for.

"Adjust the equipment, shoot..." Demitga ordered loudly on the northern city wall.

Bang bang bang!

The dwarves' newly developed continuous-fire anti-aircraft crossbow began to shoot out a series of crossbow bolts.

Weaving into a dense iron net, it shot towards the sky.

In an instant, a large number of enemies were pierced through their bodies, and people and horses fell from the sky.


At the same time, the enemy also began to fight back.

The wind-controlling mage pointed his wooden staff downward, and the sky full of fire snakes smashed against the city wall. The angel with golden armor and white feathers waved his long sword lightly, and fell pieces of holy light moon blades.


Beate snorted coldly, and thunder fell from the sky, killing all enemies that swooped close.

Similar scenes also appeared on the remaining three walls.

For today's battle.

Fang Hao mobilized a large number of demigods, including many demigods from the dragon and elven tribes.

Each city wall is guarded by more than two demigods to ensure the safety of the city.

The battle still continues

The scream of crossbow strings, the roar of magic, the sound of holy light cutting through walls.

The attacking mythical troops continuously walked out of the space passage, like locusts, swooping down again and again.

Blood accompanied the corpse and kept hitting the ground.

The originally peaceful and peaceful main city was as terrifying as purgatory on earth.

The city of Lysis.

Rebecca stood on the rooftop of the third floor, looking far away to the north.

Even at such a long distance.

You can still see the huge cracks in the sky.

And, the palpitating energy fluctuations scattered out from the black hole.

At this time, Eleanor's figure ran over quickly.

Standing downstairs, he shouted: "Madam, Commander Dougherty and Archbishop Milton are coming with their troops."

Rebecca retracted her gaze, looked down and nodded, "Let everyone get ready."

"Oh." Eleanor agreed and rushed into the building quickly.

At this time, the door of the leader's mansion was knocked open.

A large number of guards from the Hall of Justice, as well as the Templars and priests of the church, all rushed into the courtyard.

It takes up the entire garden in the front yard.

Rebecca was still standing on the balcony, looking condescendingly at the guards below, and said softly, "You two, lead the troops into the leader's mansion. Are you going to betray humanity?"

The Archbishop of Light, Milton, smiled slightly and said, "Rebecca, you are colluding with the cult. I think you are the one who betrayed humanity!"

"Cult? Where did this cult come from? I, the leader, don't even know about it, but you knew about it first?" Rebecca asked sarcastically.

The archbishop didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, and looked away, "Dougherty, get down to business!"

Dougherty stepped forward at this time and took out a scroll with the emblem of the General Assembly of the Hall of Justice.

After opening it, he said in a cold voice: "According to the order of the Palace of Justice, Rebecca colluded with foreign enemies, attempted to betray humanity, and betrayed the human gods. Her status as the leader of the Hundred Cities Federation will be revoked with immediate effect, and she will be imprisoned to await subsequent trial."

After finishing reading, he closed the scroll and looked at Rebecca again, "Rebecca, this is an order from the headquarters. You are no longer the leader. Come with us. We won't make it difficult for you."

Rebecca looked calm and still looked at Dougherty, "Is your scroll fake?"

"How can the order of the Hall of Justice be false?" Dougherty retorted.

Rebecca also took a similar scroll from behind and opened it and said: "I also have an order from the Hall of Justice here. Why is it different from what you said?"

Everyone below was stunned.

Does she have one too?

Archbishop Milton's expression changed, "Rebecca, stop messing around like this. When the order came from the Hall of Justice, I also received the oracle. You are the one who forged it."

Rebecca, however, still read unhurriedly: "Order from the Hall of Justice, take Doherty into custody and kill the traitor Milton."

The words fell.

All the buildings opened, revealing figures holding guns.


Dense and orderly footsteps appeared all around, and countless guards surrounded the leader's mansion.

The entire leader's mansion is like a prison.

Trapped them all in the middle.

"Rebecca, you are crazy. You dare to disobey the orders of the Hall of Justice." Dougherty shouted in a low voice.

Rebecca looked down and said coldly: "Kill all the rebels."

Bang bang bang! !

Dense bullets fell like raindrops, and all the surrounding troops were fighting together.

Silver Wing City, Longtengyan Restaurant.

A large number of troops surrounded the entire restaurant on three floors inside and three outside.

After the rest of the crowd was driven out, Xu Haide led a few Templar knights and strode into the hall.

Looking at the woman who was still eating at the table, she said coldly: "Li Rong, the Archbishop has ordered you to come with me."

Li Rong put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked up, his face still calm.

Said: "What are you going for? Can you come back alive?"

"Just some official business."

Li Rong still smiled, "Don't you ask if Milton caught Rebecca?"

Xu Haide's expression suddenly changed.

Before he could speak, a revolver was pressed against his forehead.

"You want to kill me, and I want to kill you too. Today is the time to make an end."


The bullet pierced the head, and a large number of soldiers rushed out from all sides.

Charged together with the troops of the Guangming Sect.

Silver Wing City is in chaos.

Territory channel.

"What's going on? There are several holes in the sky to the east."

"I saw it too, and something rushed out of the black hole. It seemed to be some new military unit. Who is nearby to check it out?"

"It seems to be near the boss Zhang Bin. @Zhang Bin, is there any special mission triggered?"

"What should I do if I miss this day?"

"Nuwa Mendian, let's find out more about it."

"Bullshit! What the hell is going on? Angels are attacking our city of time travellers. Damn it! Damn it! [Picture] [Picture]."

"What do I rely on, angels, and wizards who can fly, or something."

"The version has been updated. Aliens have invaded. Aliens are coming."

At this time, Zhang Bin was also brought out by Aite.

He said directly: "Boss Fang Hao is resisting the enemy. Everyone should be on alert to be careful of someone taking advantage of the chaos to attack."

"Damn, Boss Fang Hao is so awesome."

"Boss, can you resist the aliens alone?"

"You're a chicken, don't you think she's an angel? The boss is looking for an angel to be our wife."

"Holy shit, sir, you are so righteous."


Outside the main plane, in a separate divine realm.

The calm space suddenly experienced an earth-shaking vibration, as if the entire space was about to be shattered.

In the midst of this violent shaking.

The space in the four directions of God's Domain began to fluctuate violently.

In the next second, several unfamiliar spatial divine realms directly smashed the edge shackles of this divine realm, connecting each other's divine realms.

Invasion of God's Domain.

Gods can use this method to temporarily link separate divine realms.

Create connected channels.

With the connection of space, several figures also appeared in the invading divine domain.

The god of justice, the god of wizards, the god of light, and the hammer-wielding god of fire and crafts.

The four gods glanced at the empty area in the middle.

The God of Light asked: "Why are there still four of us? Where is the person you called?"

"Maybe he doesn't want to get involved, but there shouldn't be anything wrong with the position provided by the God of Knowledge." The God of Mage said.

The Fire God waved his hand, "Instead of talking about this, let's see if this is the place we are looking for. I didn't see anyone."

Several people were silent at the same time, looking towards the central area of ​​the invasion plane.

This is a divine realm covered by dense woods, and in the center is a huge palace.

If this is really the divine domain where the target is, then the other party must be in the central building.

The God of Fire glanced at the remaining people, raised his voice a little, and shouted: "Come out, we can find this place, you can't escape if you hide."

Boom, boom!

After a moment of silence, heavy footsteps and large clouds of smoke were heard from the palace in the middle.

what's the situation?

Such a big movement.

You can't come to the wrong place!

Under the gaze of everyone, a huge monster with a head and arms all over his body slowly walked out of the hall.

It wasn't Fang Hao, the leader of the dragon clan, or the vampire woman.


Are the coordinates provided by the God of Knowledge wrong?

Why is there a giant here?

He is also a giant with such an ugly and twisted shape.

The four of them were not given time to think and ask.

When the giant among them saw the sudden appearance of the army, all the heads showed expressions of joy and obsession.


All the heads roared together and rushed in one direction.

The four gods all frowned and could only order, "This place must be related to Fang Hao. Kill him first."


In an instant, the earth trembled and the wind roared in the sky.

Together with the rear of the divine domain, a large number of mythical troops rushed out, overwhelmingly rushing towards the central target.

However, just getting closer.


There was a huge roar, and the ground collapsed layer by layer in all directions, forming a deep pit of several hundred meters.

The smoke that covered the sky spread like a sharp blade.

In an instant, the attacking mythical troops were shattered into pieces and disappeared in the explosion of energy.

Not a single trace was left.


The God of Justice held a giant sword, and his figure swayed slightly before appearing directly beside the giant.

The giant sword in his hand, with terrifying power, struck down on his head.

The giant took a step across, with a shield blocking the giant sword at the head, while the weapons in the other arms blasted towards his body at the same time.

Facing various incoming weapons, the God of Justice retreated to avoid, but was entangled in a chain that shot out quickly and was pulled back to his side.

Seeing that he could not dodge, the God of Justice showed a ruthless expression on his face. The golden sword in his hand instantly released light reaching into the sky, facing the opponent's attack.


Thousands of meters of air waves covered the sky and shook the earth.

In the air wave, several heads on the giant's chest were split in half, and he staggered back. The God of Justice's body flew upside down like a cannonball, and his chest and shoulders were rapidly disintegrating.

The two of them had just dispersed when another figure rushed into the air waves, the war hammer in his hand lit up with red inscriptions, and went straight towards the monster in the center.

The God of Fire took action.

The not tall body jumped up high and smashed several ferocious heads again.

Then retreat quickly.

At the same time, golden chains rose from the ground beneath his feet, binding the giant's limbs.

The giant who staggered and fell back was frozen in place.


"You can die."

In the distance, the God of Mage has finished casting his spell.

In front of the giant monster, a twisted and fluctuating black energy condenses, like an endless void.

The black energy kept twisting and twisting, expanding bit by bit.

Waves of terrifying energy fluctuations that seemed to destroy everything spread out from it.


The next second, circular energy enveloped nearly 10,000 meters of space.

Powerful energy, constantly churning and raging.

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