Text Chapter 111, Xiaoyou

Return to the territory.

Skeleton Soldiers sort all the loot they carry.

Some go to warehouses, some go to places where basic supplies are hoarded.

An Jia walked into the hall and threw the backpack containing various blueprints and energy cores to Fang Hao.

The latter was taken in his arms, all recorded in the Book of Lords.

Compared with the jewelry collected from outside, these drawings are the real harvest.

"That little ghost is waiting outside, do you want her to come in?" An Jia picked up the fruit and said while eating.

The ghosts in the ancient tombs belong to the field troops before they officially join the territory.

With the guidance of An Jia, you can enter the territory, but if you want to enter the lord's mansion, you still need Fang Hao's advice.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as an attack and will be attacked by the troops in the territory.

"Let her come in." Fang Hao said.

An Jia walked to the door and led the ghost in.


An Jia returned, followed by the ghost of the floating woman figure.

When entering the Lord's Hall.

When he saw Fang Hao on the Throne of Bones, Gloomy Soul instantly showed a surprised expression.

She couldn't react a little, the adult just now was still a bone, why is he here in the image of a human now.

"Ghost, I'll give you one more chance, do you really want to join the territory? If you want, I can sign a contract with you, and if you don't want to, you can leave on your own." Fang Hao sat on the throne with a solemn face.

Without any hesitation, the ghost picked up the transparent skirt and bowed slightly, "Dear Sir, I am willing to join your territory."

On the way here, An Jia did not restrict her freedom.

Instead, let her follow behind the team.

If you want to leave, you can leave at any time on the way, and no one will stop her.

All the way to Fang Hao, she had already made a choice.

"Okay." Fang Hao didn't talk nonsense, he directly opened the book of lords, selected a blank slave contract, and signed it with the ghost.

It is different from the contract of normal creatures.

Ghost does not need to use blood to press fingerprints, but after mutual consent.

At the slave's position, a gray-blue fingerprint automatically appeared.

Contract completed.

[Ghost, the current loyalty to you is 70 points. 】

Maybe it's because of the undead camp.

The initial loyalty of the ghost has directly reached 70 points.

"What's your name?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

As the first female ghost in the territory, I can't help but know what to call when we meet in the future.

"Sir, I don't have a name, please make one for me," the ghost said.

Ah this....

It was hard for him to come up with a name.

In the eyes of the other party's expectation, Fang Hao said directly: "You are a girl, just call Xiaoyou, I hope you will be free from worries and troubles in the future."

"Thank you, sir, I like this name very much, and I will be called Xiaoyou from now on." Xiaoyou showed a smile.

It's just that this smile, which appeared on the female ghost, was a little gloomy.

[Ghost Xiaoyou's loyalty to you is increased by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 75 points. 】

Fang Hao also smiled slightly.

Sure enough, it sounds good, and it works wonders.

Then, immediately check Xiaoyou's attributes.

【Ghost (Tier 3)】

[Faction: Undead]

[Racial characteristics: undead, incorporeal, light weakness. 】

[Skill: Soul possession, dark void, unfinished business. 】

[Inherent ability: Primary combat mastery. 】

[Void]: All physical damage is reduced by 25%.

[Soul Possession]: The ghost can possess the target creature for a long time. (Multiple factors such as the target creature's rank, consciousness, consciousness, etc., determine the success rate of possession.)

[Dark Void]: In darkness, the incorporeal state is not restricted by terrain.

[Unfinished business]: Unfinished wish before death, help ghosts to fulfill their wish, there is a chance to restore the memory of life, advanced hero.

(Wish mission: Collect all her collections, 12 swords of probation.)

(Note: They are bound here, eating and sleeping, reliving the pain of dying.)


This ghost is no ordinary undead.

Not with many skills, but also with a special plot.

Fulfilling her wish will have a chance to make her a hero.

Fang Hao looked at the ghost again and asked, "Xiaoyou, do you know the 12 swords of probation?"

Xiaoyou's figure was erratic, and she asked curiously, "Is it a weapon? I don't know much about weapons."

It must be related to memory loss.

It seems that I can only rely on myself to find 12 long swords of probation.

"Okay, you are welcome to join in. First, familiarize yourself with the territory. After dinner, I will build you a house and live there in the future." Fang Hao said.

"Thank you sir." After saying that, Xiaoyou floated out of the lord's mansion.

After Xiaoyou left, Yier's dinner was also ready.

The two sat at the table to eat.

Fang Hao habitually opened the Book of Lords and ate while checking it.

An Jia, on the other hand, was very interested, and told Yier about her exploration of the ancient tomb today and the origin of the female ghost in the territory.

Listening to Yi'er's big eyes widened, she was a little scared, and she was full of curiosity about the plot behind it.

After dinner.

Fang Hao walked out of the room.

I happened to see Xiaoyou, drifting over from a distance.

The sky was dark, and if it weren't for the luminous stone street lamps in the territory, it would be difficult to find her figure in the night.

"Sir." Xiaoyou said softly.

Most of the territory is filled with skeletons, and Xiaoyou also strolled around the territory to be familiar with the environment.

"Well, there are no special rules in the territory. Don't approach the Organ Museum, don't hurt others, and you can tell me anything." Fang Hao asked softly as he walked away.

Corpse Witch-Nielsen's status is second only to Fang Hao in the territory.

Whether it is knowledge or the ability to make a skeleton hero, it is enough for him to receive this treatment.

Therefore, it is very important not to disturb Nielsen's work.

"Follow your orders, I will keep your orders in mind." Xiaoyou followed behind and said softly.

The two came to the area near the undead building one after the other.

"Build a house for you here, can you see it?" Fang Hao said.

Although ghosts are undead and incorporeal, they will not float around all day long.

"You can, sir."

Fang Hao nodded, opened the book of lords, found the house column, and built it directly.

The light flashed, and a wooden house appeared in front of Fang Hao.

Then, the wooden house was directly upgraded to level 4 and turned into a two-story building.

[Ghost Xiaoyou's loyalty to you is increased by 5 points, and the current loyalty is 80 points. 】

After the house was built, Xiaoyou happily circled in the air, and her loyalty also increased.

It seems that the house can really bring a sense of security to women, which has not changed since ancient times.

"There is a lot of furniture in the warehouse. See if you can use it. I will arrange for the skeleton to move into the room for you."

The furniture in the territory is all looted from various tribes, it is not easy to sell, and it is useless.

All piled up in the area where the supplies are stacked.

"Thank you sir, when it comes to furniture, I see a wooden coffin in the corner of the warehouse, can you give it to me?" Xiaoyou said.

"Wooden coffin?"

Fang Hao frowned, recalling when the warehouse had a wooden coffin.

Immediately afterwards, I remembered that there was indeed a wooden coffin.

【Exquisite corpse coffin】.

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