Mandatory tasks, more like a funnel.

In non-stop and fast, screening and weeding out people who are not suitable for this world.

The number of screenings is almost the same, and the mandatory task is cancelled.

Of course, this is just Fang Hao's feeling. Whether it is the same or not is still inconclusive.

Keep checking out today's rewards.

This time, I got two architectural drawings.

The first is the faction architectural blueprint [Tower of the Dead (Purple)].

Not bad, it's a purple drawing.

【Tower of the Dead (Purple)】

【Category: Architectural Drawings】

[Ability: Increase the range of Shen Lin's expulsion. 】

(Description: Special buildings for the undead camp, which can be built in cities/villages and towns within the territory, which can increase the range of God's Prophecy.)

[Required for construction: hard and tough wood 3350, stone brick 4500, iron 1200, trace of death 120, shadow stone 30. 】

That's it?

Fang Hao was a little dissatisfied with this reward.

What kind of thing is this, there is no sense of surprise at all.

At least give a special unit building and recruit some powerful units.

Otherwise, give a weapon of mass destruction, and you can directly kill the Skull Skull Tribe.

Get one that increases the range of use of God Pro.

Although it is also what I need, I am still not satisfied with it.

Even if you complain in your heart, you cannot change the reward.

In fact, the role of the Tower of the Dead is also well understood. It is the signal tower of modern society.

Fang Hao's divine presence ability is quite useful.

He has survived until now, to a large extent, it is due to the contribution of the gods. He can use the gods to possess the troops under his command.

No need for him to take the risk himself.

But the ability of God to appear also has a considerable limitation, that is, the influence of distance and fit.

Fang Hao can use the presence of God to come to the pig village, but he cannot cross the pig village and control the skeleton to go to the dragon burial cave.

Instead, I need to go to the pig village, and then use the gods to shorten the distance of manipulation.

And the tower of the dead can solve this problem.

It can be regarded as a very useful ability, but the number of shadow stones is too large, and what he lacks the most is the shadow stone, which cannot be built with blueprints.

Continue to view Chapter 2 drawings.

Seeing this blueprint, Fang Hao's blood surged instantly.

Orange drawings.

【Practice Field of Merit (Orange)】

【Category: Special Building】

[Ability: 1. Hero assessment, 2. Hero advancement. 】

[Hero Test]: If you reach the tenth rank and special arms, you can take the test. If the test is successful, you can be promoted to a hero. If the test fails, the test will be reduced by 1~3 ranks. After the tenth level, you can continue the test. (Transformation, crafting, summoning and other arms cannot be assessed.)

[Hero Advancement]: Heroes can be tested here, and they can improve their ranks through the test. There is no penalty for failing the test.

[Hero assessment: Hero's Heart 1, War Coins 100. 】

[Hero Advancement: Hero Certificate 1 (corresponding template), 500 War Fire Coins. 】

(Description: Growth and breakthroughs are the unchanging laws of survival in this world. Sometimes you only need a little pressure to take a new step.)

[Required for construction: hard and tough wood 2200, stone brick 3000, iron 1200, traces of battle 200, perfect essence 30. 】

After reading the properties of the building, Fang Hao looked serious.

The significance of this building is self-evident.

Whether a territory has an improvement path can be said to directly affect a hero's sense of belonging.

No one wants to be bored for a lifetime in an undeveloped village.

A territory that can improve and support its own growth is easier to be accepted by heroes.

At the same time, after reaching the tenth rank of arms, you can conduct hero trials, and if you succeed, you will be transferred to hero.

This also means that in the future he can form an army of heroes.

It's just that only bone dragons reach the tenth order in the territory, and I don't know if they belong to the transformation category.

Even if you don't belong, you don't have a hero's heart and hero credentials.

The most important thing is that the money is too black, and you don't have to spend so much money for graduate studies, you can't guarantee it.

Black, really is black.

He scolded that the fee was too dark, Fang Hao chose an open space near the statue area and chose to build it.

The orange light illuminated the territory, attracting the attention of many people.

After a full twenty minutes, a building similar to an altar appeared in front of Fang Hao.

【Ding! 】

[The corpse witch - Nelson's loyalty to you increases by 5, and the current loyalty is 85. 】

[Douya - Anjia's loyalty to you increases by 10, and the current loyalty is 87. 】

The building was completed, and the favorability of the two heroes in the territory increased again.

It seems that this building still has a great influence on the hero, just build the building, the loyalty will increase.

more cultural. The more people who have seen the big world, the harder it is to win over.

Nelson, as his first hero, has a loyalty of only 85, which is only higher than the Bronze Bull he forced to join yesterday.


Can only slowly think of ways to improve.

"Master, it's time to eat." Yi'er trotted over, glanced at the altar, and then turned her eyes to Fang Hao.

"Oh, let's go, I just finished my work." The two walked towards the lord's stone building.


In order to celebrate today's victory, Yier prepared a richer dinner.

Although there are not many, but Du Fanghao and An Jia usually like to eat.

After dinner, the three started to eat.

An Jia and Yier chatted.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords to see what everyone was saying in the channel.

The system rewards have been issued, and those who can survive can be regarded as relieved.

"I'm alive, fuck it."

"In the future, there will be no mandatory tasks, and everyone can develop for a period of time without having to prepare for the 7-day test at all times."

"Yeah, every time it's the sixth day, I don't even dare to pull shit. I'm afraid that if I die, people in the underworld will say that I'm a ghost of starvation. Now I don't have to worry about it."

"Upstairs, you can see that the size will live on."

"Today, I want to eat well and celebrate. After the compulsory mission is over, I have soldiers and food to eat. To be honest, now is the day a lord should live."

"I think the people upstairs thought it was too simplistic. The system said that the mandatory mission is over, and the random event mission is started, and there is no difference in essence."

"No no! Random event missions will be more difficult. Mandatory missions will give you a fixed time to arrange tasks to test the territory, while random events are more terrifying. Do you remember the 'lord battle' the day before yesterday? That's the first This is a random event mission, your territory is exposed to other lords, I am afraid it is not easier than a siege mission!"

"I understand the meaning of the upstairs. This is the same as the game. Before, it was a single player against the computer. Although it was difficult, there were strategies to follow. Now it is not only against the computer, but also against other players. Everyone may be Your enemy, is that what you mean?"


The pair offered an explanation for random events.

The people who were celebrating the victory in the original channel instantly fainted, and the entire channel was quiet.

The cancellation of the mandatory task is not an explanation, but just a new beginning.

There are more difficulties waiting for them, and these lords, like the characters in the computer, experience various new ways of playing, endless ways to please inexplicable people.

"Oh, by the way, I'm here to find Mr. Fang Hao to buy Huo Chunquan. When you scared me, you almost forgot the business."

"Yes, I have to buy some too."

Then, several people chatted with Fang Hao privately and purchased the Rejuvenation Spring to recover from the injury.

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