After communicating with An Jia for a while.

Fang Hao ordered the army to move on.

Although I did not know the specific information of the enemy, I also knew that the target was those creatures disguised as boulders.

Not to mention whether these creatures are strong or not, under the army of tens of thousands of undead, the water pools were hollowed out in a hurry.

Fang Hao took An Jia to the bone dragon.

Once again came to hover over the water pool.

"Just those boulders." On the dragon's back, Fang Hao pointed to the strange rocks overgrown with fungi.

The strange rocks vary in size, the largest is five or six meters in length, and the smallest is only the size of an ordinary stone.

"It's nothing." An Jia looked at the strange rock below and didn't feel anything unusual.

However, the voice just fell.


A scarlet tongue sprang up from below and wrapped directly around the bone dragon's rib, trying to pull the bone dragon into its mouth.

"Cao, even the bone dragon wants to eat it. I'm not afraid of killing you." Fang Hao scolded secretly.

Another three or four tongues sprang out and attacked the bone dragon in the sky.

The stature of the bone dragon is huge, where can it be compared with the skeleton giant bat.

Facing the entangled tongue, he only shook his body slightly, then dragged the strange rock below and quickly dragged it on the ground.

The huge mouthparts opened, and Fang Hao could also see the name of the monster.

[Grouper Giant Toad (Tier 7)]

It turned out to be a toad, no wonder the tongue sticks out so long.

Seeing that the giant toad below still refused to give up, Fang Hao ordered: "Dragon Breath."

The bone dragon is not flying high, swooping down, and it is the breath of death in the mouth of the opening and dragging the bone dragon.

The black energy beam directly poured into the giant toad's mouth.

The giant toad's body began to bulge rapidly, and with a bang, it exploded instantly.

Flesh splashed.


After doing this, all the bones were blown up. "Don't spit it in your mouth, just spit out all the strange rocks around the pool."

Several bone dragons began to circle from the sky, and the breaths of death began to clean up the giant toads disguised as stones.

In the face of the 10th-order bone dragon, the giant toad's tongue attack seemed useless.

The giant toads all over the ground were dragged by the bone dragon and rolled on the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.

And the grouper giant toad, the gray skin is not a real stone, but a camouflage effect.

Covered by the breath of death, the flesh and blood on his body fell off like melting, and the affected vegetation was also rapidly withering.

The bone dragon was almost cleaned up, and the skeleton infantry began to enter the field to clean up the remaining giant toads around the pool.

"Fang Hao, can you eat the mushrooms on this giant toad's back? It doesn't seem to be poisonous." An Jia stepped on a giant toad's corpse and looked at the mushrooms on its back.

Fang Hao jumped off the bone dragon and glared at her, "Am I abusing you, or am I starving you? Do you need to study whether it is poisonous here?"

There is enough food in the territory, it can even be said that there is excess.

There are not many living people in Fang Hao's main city now, so there is no need to worry about food.

"No, maybe we discovered a new ingredient."

"Forget it, you should leave this kind of arduous task to Yi'er." Fang Hao said.

"That's fine, do you want to collect some and bring it back to Sister Yi'er."

"Don't! Let go of the living people in the territory."

"Uh, okay, then I'll keep fighting."

The battle continues.

Non-stop giant grouper toads jumped out of the water pool and fought with the undead army around.

There are too many undead.

Even the giant grouper toad can drag ordinary undead skeletons directly into its mouth.

But it is densely packed, and the number of gaps is not visible, and they can all be held to death.

What's more, the undead warriors will not wait to die, they are executing the order to kill the target, and they are desperate.

The biggest advantage of the giant toad is that it relies on camouflage to hunt by sneak attack.

If there is defense, or the target enemy is far stronger than the giant toad, the attack method will appear very monotonous.

The giant toad has changed from leaping to the side of the Tan to fight, to curling up in a pool of water, making a final counterattack.

Arrows, magic missiles, continuously shot into the pool.

After the body of the giant toad died, it began to surface.

The pool became a shelter for the giant toad, which greatly extended the fighting time.

The fighting lasted more than two hours.

It's getting closer to the end.

"Clean the battlefield, pick up all the dropped equipment, collect the corpses of Ju Chan, and find out if there are any treasure chests." Fang Hao began to order and do the final cleaning.

This pool has been occupied by giant toads.

Along the way, you can also see various wild animals and monsters.

Here, in such a pond, there is not even a trace of insects and birds.

It is also in this environment that so many giant toads have been bred.

The undead army began to disperse, and all the weapons and equipment of all the dead companions were collected, and the corpse of the giant toad was also loaded on a trolley and waited to be transported back for a while.

After searching for a while, the battlefield was also cleaned, but there was no skeleton to send the treasure chest.

what's the situation.

Should not be ah.

The entire battlefield has been searched. With so many skeleton searches, it is impossible to miss any place.

Finally, Fang Hao's eyes fell on the central pool.

If there is a place where the skeleton soldiers are hard to find, it must be the bottom of the pool.

"Go, go down to a few people to see if there is anything good." Fang Hao said to the skeleton beside him.

The skeleton received the order and plunged directly into the water.

After a while, a severed seagrass plant floated up, and then a golden treasure chest surfaced with a thud.

Really underwater.

The treasure chest was salvaged, and Fang Hao chose to open it directly.

[Obtain: Giant Toad Knee Pants Making Blueprint (green), Giant Toad Work Boots Manufacturing Blueprint (green), Giant Toad Leather Belt Manufacturing Blueprint (green), Giant Toad Leather Gloves Manufacturing Blueprint (green), Traces of Spring Water 5, Natural Essence 3, Lingering Crystal 5. 】

Dude, the giant toad suit.

Suits usually have suit attributes, but now that they appear, Fang Hao is a little dissatisfied.

The melee infantry has long ceased to be equipped with leather armor, and has been replaced with iron armor, which has greatly improved the survivability of the battlefield.

The mage has mage robes, and only the skeleton shooter has no special armor to improve attributes.

He now only hopes that if there is a suit attribute, it will be the attribute bonus of the shooter.

If it is not a suit, it does not have special attributes.

That set of equipment is useless to Fang Hao.

[Giant toad knee-length pants: 5 leather, 3 thick and tough leather, 2 spinning threads, 3 metal parts. 】

[Giant toad work boots: leather 3, thick and tough leather 4, spinning 3, cast iron block 2, metal parts 2. 】

[Giant toad leather belt: thick and tough leather 3, spinning thread 2, metal parts 2. 】

[Giant toad leather gloves: 2 thick and tough leather, 4 spinning threads, 1 metal parts. 】

View detailed properties of gloves.

【Giant Toad Leather Gloves】

【Category: Gloves】

[Defense: Secondary Defense]

[Set effect: Movement speed increased by 1%, collection/production speed increased by 2%. (This effect can be stacked with other equipment.)]

(Description: A proper pair of gloves to do the job more efficiently.)

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