Fang Hao was a little surprised when he saw the size of the monitor lizard.

Although its name is a monitor lizard, I didn't expect it to be this big.

Like an elephant-sized rhino with the head and scales of a lizard.

But Zhaogulong's body is still much worse, and it will soon be accepted.

Taking a closer look, the brain shape of this monitor lizard is really similar to that of a bone dragon.

"Let's go, ride this big guy for a lap." An Jia was eager to try.

All the recruits have been recruited, and it's hard to justify not riding around for a while.

"Wait, I'll make the saddle."

Open the Book of Lords and find the blueprints just collected.

[Drawings of monitor lizard cargo saddle: hard and tough wood 20, leather 350, thick and tough leather 150, iron 80, metal parts 50. 】

Make 1.

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, obtain monitor lizard cargo saddle 101. 】

101 saddles appeared in an instant and were piled aside.

Fang Hao ordered the skeleton to keep one, and the rest were sent to the warehouse.

This time the monitor lizard cargo saddle is different from the bone dragon's troop saddle.

There are two seats in the front and back of the monitor near the neck, which can sit two people at the same time, and the back of the monitor is more space.

Hardwood creates a platform that can be used to tie up cargo.

This is really good.

If the monitor lizard dies, Fang Hao can recruit more skeleton monitor lizards, and after equipping the saddle, he can replace the scooter.

It also eliminates the things that are difficult to pass through in places such as rivers and dense forests.

Put the cargo saddle on the monitor lizard.

An Jia propped up with one hand and jumped directly onto the monitor lizard's back.

"Do you prefer to sit in the front or the back." Looking at Fang Hao below, he asked.

"Look at you, I can do anything."

"Then you are in the back, it's more comfortable in the back." An Jia said seriously.

Fang Hao climbed up the back of the monitor lizard along the rope ladder and said, "Don't talk, you have taught me badly."

"What's wrong?" An Jia sat down and asked back.

"It's alright, run a lap, and the city gate is about to be closed." Fang Hao urged without continuing the topic.

"Okay." An Jia flicked the reins, and the monitor lizard jumped out in an instant, running around the territory as fast as lightning.

Fang Hao sat behind him, while An Jia shouted into the wind.

The monitor lizard is really good as a mount. The running speed is faster than that of a horse running at full strength, and it is very stable.

Even with the wind whistling in the ears, the bumps are not as strong as those of the horses.

It is really a good means of transportation to transport some goods.

The more he thought about it, the more Fang Hao wanted to turn monitor lizards into skeletons so that he could recruit in batches.

But this kind of thing is just thinking about it, and it will not really kill the monitor lizard directly and throw it into the transformation pool.

After turning around the periphery of the territory, the monitor lizard stopped in front of the territory again.

"Hiccup! No, hiccup, wrong, it's really stable to run." An Jia said intermittently.

Fang Hao rolled her eyes at her angrily. The two led the monitor lizard into the city and arranged for the skeleton to build a shed for it alone.

Ordinary stables can't hold this big guy.

After settling the newly recruited monitor lizard, Fang Hao came to the skeleton transformation field area again.

The grouper giant toad thrown in has also been transformed.

[Skull Giant Toad (Tier 5)]

[Faction: Undead]

[Racial characteristics: undead, hollow skeleton, light weakness, amphibious. 】

[Skill: Giant Bounce. 】

[Inherent ability: Intermediate water mastery. 】

[Amphibious (Passive)]: Can move freely on land and underwater.

[Giant Bounce (Active)]: Jump in the air to attack the enemy, and the jump height can increase the damage by 5% per meter.

(Remarks: The skeleton troops transformed from corpses still retain their characteristics and attack methods before death.)

Looking at the attributes of the skeleton giant toad, Fang Hao was a little disappointed.

His expectation is not that you jump up and smash people, but hope that the giant skeleton toad will form an efficient air defense system.

Just like when you were in a water pool, leading a giant bat to hover in the air, and it was wiped out in the blink of an eye.

It's good now, the skill only has a huge bounce, which completely shatters the idea of ​​his air defense system.

"Okay, let's go outside the city and stand by." Fang Hao ordered.

Dozens of giant skeleton toads jumped and went straight out of the city gate.

After handling everything, Fang Hao returned to the room,


The next day, early morning.

Fang Hao woke up early from his sleep.

Started doing some fitness exercises around the territory, and he spent most of his time in bed.

Sleeping and lying down, while fighting with Shen Lin, he was still lying down.

If this goes on, the body will collapse sooner or later.

If it wasn't for the fact that he needed spiritual power, it would be better to drink the potion of physical strength and have a good body.

After breakfast, it was confirmed at Duojin that there were no new orders, and Fang Hao began to prepare today's plan.

There is also a blueprint bought from the Purul City Tavern.

[Mountain Bandit Camp].

Located on the southwest side of Purul City.

From the proprietress's mouth, I learned that this mountain bandit has also been famous for a long time, and the nearby cities and villages have nothing to do with him.

In the face of several organized sieges and suppressions in Purul City, these mountain bandits didn't even want the top of the mountain and ran away.

When the encirclement and suppression people withdraw, they will come back.

They will even look for new hills to rebuild their camps. Anyway, they have no arable land, and all sources rely on plunder.

Had breakfast.

Fang Hao returned to the room, and after casting Shen Lin, he led the team to the direction of the mountain bandit camp in addition to the territory.

This time to exterminate the mountain bandits, Fang Hao did not bring too many other species because he had to cross the city of Purul.

Only brought a hundred skull dragons, and a skeleton troll full of fifth-order camels.

The bone dragon is the fastest troop in Fang Hao's hands. It can fly high in the sky and is not as attractive as the land army.

Even circumventing the city of Purul would not take much time.

One hundred skull dragons rushed into the clouds and began to move quickly towards the direction of the mountain bandit camp.

two hours later.

The bone dragon finally approached the mountain bandit camp.

From a distance, you can see a camp made of trees. Although it looks small from a high altitude, this is only a visual effect of being too far away.

In fact, a mountain bandit's den has been built to this scale.

It is even said that it is approaching the size of the Manim market.

A large number of wooden houses are built in the camp, and the central area is a taller stone brick building.

It should be the core of the building.

In the corner of the camp, there were some looted resources and several meat tickets that were tied up and hung high.

Fang Hao's eyes are quite good, and one of them can be seen wearing a modern sportswear.

"Fuck, there's another unlucky guy." Fang Hao said, patted the back of the bone dragon, and said, "Come closer, prepare for the dragon's breath."

The bone dragon got the order, swooped down, and began to quickly approach the camp.

100 skull dragons followed closely behind, also swooping, ready to breathe death.

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