The two sat on the bench and discussed the issue of stockings for a long time.

Sawyer believed that such things as stockings were useless, and it was a waste to use the best silk in the territory on them.

Use ordinary wool thread to keep warm.

Fang Hao doesn't think so. Even if the silk of Shengxue is relatively rare, it is of no use at present.

What's more, from the cloth merchant Tavik, you can also buy holy snow silk, so it won't be so urgent to save.

The two discussed for a long time, and finally Sawyer agreed to make two sets according to the plan to see if there is a market.

If there is, continue to arrange production, if not, stop work earlier.

Fang Hao also agrees with this opinion.

There is a market for stockings, but if you want to open the market of the world's aristocrats, you still need an opportunity and some publicity effects.

After persuading Sawyer, Fang Hao returned to the lord's mansion.

Just after breakfast, Blood Hunter rode a bone dragon and fell from the air.

"grown ups."

"Well, how's it going?" Fang Hao asked.

Last night, Blood Hunt took 505 iron-clawed rats to the mountains to find ancient tombs. There should be news when they returned in the morning.

"Sir, found the tomb path." Blood Hunter hurriedly said.

Fang Hao was overjoyed and immediately asked, "Are you sure there is something good in it?"

"My lord, I asked the Iron Claw Rat to expand the area of ​​the hole, and I haven't gone down to explore yet."


Fang Hao was a little too anxious to ask the truth.

With such a big mountain, it is very lucky to be able to find the tomb passage.

"Okay, you go to count the people and prepare to go." Fang Hao ordered directly.

"Good lord."

Based on past experience and Dong Jiayue's experience in exploring an ancient tomb.

There will be a lot of monsters in this tomb.

Just in case, it is better to have enough people, no matter what monsters are piled to death.

Put it back in the room and enter a state of presence.

The blood hunter also prepared a sufficient number of troops, and the army began to advance in the direction of the mountains.

This time, Fang Hao and Xuehun led the team, and An Jia stayed behind.

The territory must keep a hero, and the blood hunter knows more about the situation in the mountains, so he can only keep An Jia.

Before leaving, he told An Jia that it would be fine to sleep in from the room, but he was not allowed to go out to play, regardless of the territory.

An Jia patted her chest and assured that you can rest assured to do things by yourself.

The army moved in the southwest direction, and went straight through the forest and river on the way. It still took three or four hours to see the mountain with strange rocks and rocks from a distance.

Numerous skeleton trolls patrolled the entire mountain area.

There is no human being who dares to approach, to find the ancient tomb on which the reward is offered.

Blood Hunter led the way, all the way to the mountainside.

At this time, a large hole with a diameter of one meter has been pulled out, and it has been tilted downward, looking down, as if staring at the abyss, dark and deep.


Ah~~, ah~~.

Fang Hao called out, and immediately there was a sound of echoes. It seemed that there was a huge empty space below.

"Luminous stone, rope ladder." Fang Hao said.

The skeletons behind brought out the prepared luminous stone.

The rope ladder was thrown directly down the hole, and it took a few seconds before I heard a click, the sound of landing.

After confirming that there was no problem, Fang Hao took the skeleton warrior and slid down the rope ladder.

Several people landed.

Under the soft light, Fang Hao finally saw the place under his feet.

In the mountainside, there is enough space for the size of a football field. The walls are not flat, but some special patterns are also drawn.

The pattern is incomplete, but the sun can be vaguely seen, and the army with religious characteristics is destroying creatures with huge bat wings.

However, it is different from the frescoes in the previous tombs that describe the life and past of the tomb owner.

Is it not an ancient tomb, but a relic?

"Sir, it seems that we are quite lucky and entered the ancient tomb directly." Blood Hunter said not far away.

Fang Hao circled the space with the luminous stone.

In addition to the deep corridor leading to the deep, there is a huge copper door behind them.

The bronze door is carved with intricate patterns, and in the middle is a keyhole that is about to be blocked by rust.

From the direction of the copper door, it can be seen that the hole they opened directly crossed the copper door and entered the inner space.

Otherwise, they also need the key to the copper door, which is very troublesome.

"Okay, let's move on, it's not very comfortable here," Fang Hao said.

The team began to assemble and walked towards the interior along the long and slender corridor.

The more it leads to the interior of the mountain, the more depressing the atmosphere.

Every few meters on the mountain walls on both sides, there are lampstands. I don't know how long it has been extinguished and whether they can still be lit.

Fang Hao didn't order the fire to be lit. In the past, watching TV, he always said that any gas in it would explode if it met the fire.

He doesn't understand and doesn't remember.

Anyway, the luminous stone is enough now, there is no need to try it.

Passing through the corridor, the front is instantly much wider.

As soon as he walked out, Fang Hao instantly stopped and stopped.

This is a space with a width of five or six meters and a height of more than ten meters.

The stone walls on both sides were dug into stone beds, which were stacked like upper and lower bunks, extending to the top of the space.

On each stone bed lay a corpse wrapped in a shroud. Some of the exposed parts of the shroud had rotted away, leaving only some rags and dark traces of the corpse.

If Fang Hao had a scalp, he must be a little numb now.

"Sir, it looks like it's really an ancient tomb."

"Well, it's still a mass burial." Fang Hao said in a low voice.

Fang Hao said to the skeleton warrior beside him: "Go for a walk inside."

The skeleton warrior was ordered to walk forward with the weapon in his hand.

As he entered it little by little, the sound of 'clucking' appeared one after another on the stone beds on both sides.

Looking up, the corpses on the stone bed sat up one after another, tore off the cloth wrapped around them, and picked up the weapon beside them.

Even though he had already guessed that these guys would get up, when he actually sat up, he patted his thigh.

"Prepare for battle." Fang Hao gave the battle order directly.

The pathfinder skeleton also came back, and the team began to prepare for battle.

【Ghost (Tier 4)】

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the ghouls jumped off the stone bed. When the ghouls living on the top floor landed, their leg bones were broken and people turned on their backs.

Even so, he crawled towards Fang Hao and launched an attack.


Fang Hao ordered, and the two teams fought together in an instant.

The ghoul is a fourth-order ghoul, but it has no defensive measures, and there are cloth strips full of various symbols on its body.

Fang Hao's skeleton warriors, although only second-order, are very well equipped.

The knight sword, the kite shield, and the body are also all-round armament without dead ends.

Greatly increased the strength of the team.

In the battle, the blood hunter also exerted a super high combat ability.

The whole body was glowing with blood red light, holding a knight sword in his hand, beheading a large number of ghouls.

And the dead ghoul directly turned into a puddle of mud.

Not even the bones were left.


When the last ghoul was eliminated, the space became quiet again.

But the dangerous soldiers were not lifted.

In the front and center of the team, there was a stone bed, on which lay a mummified corpse whose muscles had been air-dried.

He was wearing a set of golden metal armor, and there was a metal two-handed epee beside the stone bed.

The mummy just lay on the stone bed, and the fierce battle just now did not disturb him.

"This is not dead, is it?"

On the dense stone beds on both sides, there are indeed many dead bodies that have never woken up.

Although the person in front of him looked fierce, he might have fallen asleep.

Just when Fang Hao was wondering.

Ka Ka Ka!

The mummy on the stone bed sat up little by little.

In the empty pupils, a faint blue fire ignited.

"Damn liar, damn..." A hoarse and harsh voice sounded in the mummy's mouth.

Then, those eyes that were burning with fire, looked at the undead team not far away.

"You deserve to die too." The mummified corpse cursed and picked up the giant sword on the stone bed.

【Ishizuka Commander (Tenth Order)】

Good guy, BOSS battle.

Fang Hao looked at the commander of the stone mound, who was dragging the giant sword and getting closer.

He opened his mouth and said, "How about sitting down and chatting? You also look like a cultural person, and you can solve it peacefully."

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