Crafting quantity 40.

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, get white steel fire gun 4040. 】

4,000 white steel fire guns appeared beside Fang Hao, piled up in a mess.

"Take two thousand and send them to the dwarves."

"It's your lord." The Skeleton Merchant disappeared with the order and delivered the 2,000 white steel fire guns.

And the remaining 2040, Fang Hao needs to equip the skeleton shooter.

20,000 units of bullets and 5,000 units of gunpowder continued to be produced.

Assemble existing Skeleton Shooters.

inside the shooting range.

Fang Hao selected 20 skeleton shooters, holding white steel firearms, and had entered a state of steady aiming.

Standing in place one by one, the fire guns in their hands aimed at the straw man target in front of them.


Bang bang bang! !

A dense roar sounded, and in the next second, the entire body of the grass figurine exploded, and grass clippings splashed around.

The bullet pierced through the straw man, shooting holes in the stone wall behind.

The power is really good.

Even Fang Hao's best bow and arrow can't smash the straw man target, and it has the power to shoot into the stone wall.

This can be regarded as Fang Hao's most powerful weapon.

Whoa, whoa!

Skeleton shooters began to reload, reloading gunpowder and putting in bullets.

In the face of a skeleton with a slightly stiff movement, this set of work can be said to be very slow.

5 minutes on the bomb, and an instant launch.

"What sound." Not far away, An Jia came over.

"Try the fire gun.


"What are they poking at from there?" An Jia looked at the skeleton shooter curiously.

"As for the ammunition, you can continue to fire when you are finished."

"So slow? After the battle, how many times can they send?"

"Why not two or three times?"

The two chatted, and the skeleton shooter was reloaded again, and it automatically entered a stable aiming state.


Bang bang bang! !

Another shot was fired, and gravel splattered on the wall.

"The power is not bad." An Jia nodded.

"The reload speed is really a problem. There is no time for you to reload in battle." Fang Hao touched his chin.

"It's not easy to solve?"

"How to deal with it."

"You give each man 100, put a gun for another, put a gun for another."

"An Jia, she is really smart." Fang Hao gave a thumbs up.


After testing the power of the fire gun, Fang Hao asked the skeleton shooters to return to their posts.

Or use the [High Speed ​​Hardwood Short Bow] blue tier 3 damage short bow first as the archer's normal outfit.

Fire guns and others have found a solution to changing bombs, and they are arranging them.

An Jia went to find the blood hunter, Fang Hao continued to open the book of lords, and turned to the production page.

[White steel scale armor (blue): 3 cast iron blocks, 2 white steel ingots, 5 white steel plates, and 5 thick and tough leather. 】

(Description: Pieces of nails are connected, covering like scales, protecting the body.)

All the remaining white steel ingots are made into white steel scale armor to increase the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Under the blessing of a hundred times the increase, large pieces of white steel scale armor appeared and piled up all around.


the other side.

Coldwind Mountains, Skullshatter tribe.

In the middle of the night, Skull-Smashed Thrall was still listening to the report of his subordinates.

The spies who arranged for them to go out also sent back a lot of news one after another.

"How many bone dragons are there? Is it a human being who leads the undead?" Thrall asked seriously.

"Great Chief, through the understanding of the past few days, the number of bone dragons is close to one hundred, and the leader of the undead is indeed a human man." The scout replied.

"More than a hundred..." Thrall murmured, his face even more gloomy.

The number of bone dragons has reached this number, and even if the Cold Wind Mountains fight again, there is no possibility of winning.

When the time comes to attack with the Bloodmaw tribe, find a way to let the trolls deal with these bone dragons.

"Is there any news on the total number of troops? And whether the copper bull really took refuge in the undead." Thrall continued to ask in a deep voice.

"Great Chief, there are hundreds of thousands of inquiries, but the exact number cannot be confirmed. The copper bull Terok has surrendered to the undead, and this matter has been confirmed."

"Okay, you copper bull, traitor of the orcs." Thrall cursed through gritted teeth.

"Headchief, there is the latest news."


"Recently, the undead have been mobilized very frequently, and the copper bull has also traveled to the city of the undead many times. I, we suspect that the undead may be arranging an attack." The scout lowered his head and whispered.


Thrall slammed a heavy punch on the armrest, his face even more ugly, "Too deceiving..."

"Great Chief, do you need to arrange more scouts?"

"No, this information is enough, inform the Bloodmaw Tribe directly and tell them to set off early tomorrow morning to attack the undead territory." Thrall said in a deep voice.

The undead are mobilizing people and horses, and they are likely to attack the Coldwind Mountains.

In this way, he became the one who resisted the main force of the undead, but those trolls took advantage.

So the plan had to be ahead, and the trolls had to get the attention of the undead army anyway.

"Yes, Chief, I'll go right away." The scout replied, exiting the room.

Thrall sat on the chair with a gloomy face for a long time.

He stood up and said, "Come on."

"Great Chief!"

"Bring over the woman sent by the tribe."


Not long after, a strong female orc with huge fangs walked in and looked at Thrall shyly.

Thrall was furious, and hugged the orc woman in his arms, stroking the thick hair on his legs.

In the orc woman's exclamation, her body was thrown down, relieving the pressure in her heart.


the next day.

Fang Hao woke up early from the bed.

After getting dressed and going downstairs, Yier has already started to prepare breakfast.

After running around the territory, I stopped by the tailor shop, blacksmith shop, sericulture house, and the faceless hut.

It was confirmed that nothing happened, and the Faceless Hut did not return any information.

Fang Hao doubted whether the other party had forgotten his own affairs.

Or you have been deceived yourself and don't do anything with money.

Finally, I came to the door of the Shangmeng store, pushed the door and walked in.

Fang Hao's business alliance is open 24 hours a day, and the skeleton merchants do not need to rest, and Duojin is also here day and night.

When I have nothing to do, I will chat with other people and play dominoes, but I do not need to sleep to replenish my strength.

A domino is a mahjong-like card played by rolling dice.

Fang Hao watched it twice, but he didn't think it was interesting, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Lord Lord." Duojin was still enthusiastic.

"More money, do you have a new order?" Fang Hao is still more willing to make money.

He is still waiting to save a million war coins and go to the store in the business alliance to buy orange equipment.

"My lord, there are no new orders," Dokin said.

"Well, let's see if there are slave scrolls and hero scrolls in the shop?" Fang Hao said.

"Okay." Dokin pressed the counter button.

The shelves behind him were all opened, and the goods inside appeared in sight.

There really are slave scrolls, and they are not sold by one, but several at the same time.

"Buy all these slave scrolls."

"Okay sir." Duojin didn't talk nonsense, and took down the slave scrolls on several shelves.

Fang Hao clicked, there were 21 in total.

"That's the sound transmission conch, right? I bought it too, and I'll take it with me later." Fang Hao pointed to the sound transmission conch on the counter.

This kind of thing is the pager of this era.

to keep in touch with each other.

Duojin took it down and handed it to Fang Hao.

Continuing to look at it, I didn't have anything I needed urgently, so I went straight out of the business alliance and went back to the lord's mansion for dinner.

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