Bloodhunter was shocked.

Look in the direction the giant crossbow bolt came from.

In the troll team, the oily skins were lifted open, revealing the huge and cumbersome crossbow inside.

Arm-thick metal crossbow bolts were placed on the crossbow bed.

The sledgehammer in the troll's hand slammed hard on the joystick, bang bang bang! The crossbow strings screamed, and the crossbow bolts shot towards the bone dragon like cannonballs.

The bone dragon dodged immediately, but two bone dragons were still hit, and the crossbow arrow shattered the bones and penetrated the spine.

The heavy chains tightened more and more, dragging the two bone dragons to the ground.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the chains and fell to the ground.

The bone dragon fell in the center of the troll army and was besieged by the army.

The bone dragon waved its giant claws, opened its mouth and spit out the dragon's breath, and a large number of trolls died, but it was still difficult to resist the siege.

Under the swarming siege of trolls, it finally turned into three huge withered bones.

"go back."

Seeing that the trolls reloaded the crossbow bolts again, the blood hunter had to let the bone dragon return first, and then redo the plan.

The fortress wall.

The scene just now made Fang Hao stand up suddenly.

In Fang Hao's territory, the Bone Dragon is his treasure, and he loses one less.

Now, two of them died in one breath, and the heart is like a drop of blood.

Looking at the crossbow in the distance, he gritted his teeth in hatred.

[Lock Dragon Crossbow (Eighth-Order Equipment)]


Really deal with dragons, how can these guys with breasts and breasts have such a thing.


Behind the Bloodmaw tribe.

The legion commander hurried to the rear and came to an extraordinarily tall troll.

It is the chief of the Bloodmaw tribe,

Meat Fist - Kaius.

"Chief, the bone dragon has been forced back by the crossbow, and the team has rushed under the city wall, but the casualties are also very serious." The army commander said cautiously.

Kaius' face was gloomy and cold, and the skull that he held tightly in his hand was crushed into pieces in anger.

He originally thought that the biggest obstacle in this battle was the bone dragon, but he did not expect that the number of enemies would be so many.

Although the fortress ahead blocked the line of sight.

But the intensity of those few waves of arrow rain has also reached a fearful level.

"What happened to Thrall, this damn thing is actually false information, and the number of undead is more than 300,000 to 400,000." Kaius said through gritted teeth.

Thrall told him that there were only 300,000 to 400,000 people, and it was not a threat when the two sides were attacking at the same time.

The only threat is the undead bone dragon.

It's okay now, the density of the arrow rain just now is more than 400,000.

If the Legion hadn't already attacked, he might have killed the Skulls first, and then came back to continue fighting these undead.

"There is still no news from Skull Shard. If they abide by the agreement, they should have launched an attack." The legion commander said.

"Huh! They?" Kaius sneered, "When this is over, I will slap Sarpi with my own hands."

"Chief, then next...?" The legion commander asked tentatively again.

Kaius stood up, moved his bones, and said coldly, "Notify the Bloodmaw Legion and prepare to attack with me."

"As ordered, Chief." The legion commander received the order and quickly passed the message on.

Those guys with scattered equipment just now who only know how to roar and scream are just ordinary troll tribes in the Bloody Mountains.

It is the vanguard of the battle, also known as pathfinder or cannon fodder.

Caius did not pay attention to the things ahead.

The fortress built by the undead is not much harder than the thin city wall of the human race.

But since the battle, more than half of the cannon fodder have been killed or injured, and the city wall has not even been touched, which makes Kaius a little anxious.

Even though trolls are ferocious, they still belong to living creatures.

Failure to take the first step in the Bloody Mountains will affect morale.

Therefore, he intends to lead his legion, the true warriors of the Bloodmaw tribe, to directly destroy the city wall.

Crush all those crunchy skeletons under your feet.

Soon, the warriors of the Bloodmaw Legion came over.

"Bloodmaw Legion, prepare to attack me and destroy the undead city wall ahead." Kaius said loudly.

"Yes, Lord Chief."

"Blow the horn."

The legion commander took out the horn of the tribe and blew it directly.


As the trolls approached the city wall, the mages led by Nelson also began to attack.

One after another black magic missiles smashed into the troll's team.

The missile exploded, and the troll, even though he was tall and strong, was affected by the explosion, his limbs flew around, and the negative attributes of magic spread rapidly in the team.

The morale of the trolls that made the angry rush quickly dropped.

The sun was already high overhead.

The battle has also been five or six hours, and a large number of trolls have fallen, and the blood-red blood is like stagnant water in this trail, forming blood and puddles.

at this time.

Suddenly, a loud horn was heard in the distance.

Everyone was stunned.

This is the horn of war.

After five or six hours of playing, the horn of war is sounded again?

At the corner of the mountain wall ahead, the well-equipped troll army is approaching in an orderly manner.

These trolls are markedly different from the trolls that came before them.

The whole body is covered with battle armor, and there is also a unified huge machete in his hand.

In the team, an unusually strong troll caught everyone's attention.

[Meat Fist - Kaius (Orange Tier 3 Hero)].

The chief of the trolls is indeed an orange hero.

"Release the arrow!" Hei Jing roared again.

The dense arrows appeared again, covering the attacking troll army.

Arrows rained down on the phalanx of the troll army.

Even though these trolls are well-equipped and faced with such a dense rain of arrows, there are still many troll soldiers who died in the march.

The troll army was moving fast.

At this time, the fire gun soldiers showed the effective killing ability at short and medium distances.

Under the command of Petty, the gunnery continued to kill threatening targets.

Basically pointing at a troll, dozens of fire guns fired together, instantly smashing the pointed troll into a plug.

And the orcs behind them will hand over the fire guns with bullets and replace the ones that have been fired.

Petty then looked for the next target, and the fire gunmen launched a salvo.

This kind of team selected by the orcs and attacked by the skeleton shooters has a total of ten teams, shooting at the Bloodmaw Legion that is rapidly approaching below.

"Attack." Kaius in the team shouted loudly.

The troll army began to charge forward quickly, and the body directly hit the city wall, shaking the mountain for a while.

All the long-range troops began to attack the trolls attacking under the city, and the magic defense tower released black lightning.

Throwing axes, war spears, arrows, magic missiles, flying back and forth over the mountain path.

A huge hood was formed, covering the entire battlefield.

"Get out of the way." Kaius roared.

The troll ahead makes way.

Kaius drove under the city gate and threw a punch.

boom! !

The energy exploded, the reinforced city gate sawdust splashed, and a large hole was directly smashed.

The entire city wall connected to it shook violently.

Kaius's eyes narrowed slightly, and the second punch recharged and punched.


With a huge roar, the city gate shattered directly.

The troll on the side knocked down the entire city gate with his body.

The trolls cheered violently and crowded the city gates.

When all the trolls saw the endless army of bones behind the city gate, the cheers stopped abruptly, and there was only silence and shock.

Seeing his mother's ghost, how can there be so many undead.

If you kill all the people in this continent, you won't be able to make such a big army of bones.

At this time, sharp knives and red flags were raised on the city wall.



In an instant, the army of bones moved, like a tsunami that was provoked, shooting towards the army of trolls.

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