The other party's attitude made Fang Hao suspicious.

The mercenary group accepts tasks and earns money for escorts.

That is to say, the remuneration they deserve has already been negotiated with Tavik, and whether they join or not has any effect on them.

There is something odd about the rejection that is being shown now.

Not long after, Tavik came over while greeting the team to set off immediately.

"Mr. Fang Hao, the road is not near, let's set off now."

"it is good."

It seems that Tavik was not persuaded by the other party, and still insisted on letting Fang Hao and the three stay.

The convoy began to set off. The mercenaries and Tavik's escorts surrounded the goods in the middle and formed a long line to go south along the main road.

Dimitga controlled the monitor lizard, and Fang Hao spread a thick leather blanket on the back shelf, lying on it and watching the regional channel.

Although he doesn't talk much in the group, he loves watching everyone chat.

There is a feeling that we are still living in modern society, and everyone is carefree and talking about the mountains.

After walking for about two hours, 50 epee infantry joined the team when they passed Fu Lei's city.

10 carriages were assigned to escort them.

In the team of the Jagged Mercenary Group.

A mercenary urged the horses under his crotch to catch up with Godwin, the head of the regiment in front.

After checking the next four weeks, he said in a low voice: "The regiment commander added 50 people at a time, and some brothers recognized the man, he saved Tavik's daughter, and he was also the cool shop in the city. It's open."

Godwin looked back at the monitor lizard and continued, "Do you know where the female orc and lizardman came from?"

"I don't know yet, I only know that the female orc is the guardian of that human being. This is the first time I have seen the lizardmen." The mercenary thought for a while and continued: "Captain, those 50 people are well equipped. There will be casualties."

"Shut up!" Godwin scolded in a low voice, and looked around vigilantly, "I know in my heart, when the campsite is confirmed at night, I will tell the news to the Grizzlies, and we will negotiate seven or three points. And we want Tarvik's head."

Godwin's heart also tensed when 50 well-equipped epee soldiers joined.

I thought that my plan was seen through, and that these people were dealing with themselves.

Later, when he saw them start escorting the convoy, he knew that he was a false alarm, but the addition of these people forced him to change his original plan

"Okay, head." The mercenary nodded, slowed down the speed of the horse, and returned to his escort position.


The caravan went all the way to the south, and they simply took a sip of lunch on the way.

As night fell, the guards and mercenaries began to camp.

They are going to spend the night here, and they are praying in their hearts that the beasts nearby will not wander here.

Even if he came, he was full for a walk, not hungry.

Simple defensive measures were taken, and a tent was erected.

Caravans provide food,

You can also eat your own food.

A pot was propped up, and Fang Hao threw the hot pot base in it.

Soon, the aroma will be released.

There were not many seasonings added, and only a few people surrounding them could smell it.

Don't worry about the smell being too strong and attracting nearby beasts.

At this time, An Jia came over.

Sitting down, he lowered his voice and said, "You guessed it right, someone from that iron-blooded mercenary group left the team and went to the east. There was no horse riding. I'll go now and catch him back."

Hearing An Jia's words, Fang Hao's hand slammed slightly.

As I guessed, this mercenary group really has a special purpose.

"An Jia, put the meat in the pot first, and don't let outsiders get close to the tent."

Fang Hao instructed and went straight into the tent next to him.

Open your backpack and take out a palm-sized skeleton bird.

[Skull Bullfinch (First Order)].

This is a kind of bird whose territory has been transformed. The original appearance is somewhat like a sparrow on the earth, but now it has been transformed into a skeleton.

Open the tent up a slit and place the bullfinch outside.

Immediately cast Divine Proximity.

[God's target, skeleton bullfinch, fit is 98%. 】

This kind of non-aggressive transformed arms has a really high degree of fit, directly 98%.

In the next second, a faint blue soul fire appeared in the eyes of the skeleton bullfinch, flapping its wings, and heading towards the direction the mercenary left.


East of the camp, about twenty minutes away.

This is a dense forest, and there is a camp surrounded by wooden walls in the dense forest.

Skull Grey Sparrow kept a distance and followed the mercenaries to the front of the camp.

As soon as the mercenary approached, he was found by the sentry.


"I'm from the Jagged Mercenary Corps, and our leader asked me to come over and discuss a cooperation with the Grizzly boss." The mercenary hurriedly expressed his intentions.

For fear of the people above, I couldn't see them clearly when it was dark, so I gave myself an arrow.

"The iron-blooded mercenary group? You wait." The sentry said, telling his companions to look at him, and turned to find his boss.

Not long after, a woman in brown armor climbed the city wall, but did not let the gate of the cottage open.

"I'm a grizzly bear, just say that if you have anything," the woman said loudly.

"Boss Grizzly, our regiment commander asked me to inform you that he passed by with a fat sheep. If you are interested, we will score seven or three points." The mercenary said loudly.

Seven or three points, he put seven in the front, which means that his side should account for 70%.

"Humph! That softie Godwin would be so kind? He must have encountered a hard stubble." Grizzly said with a sneer.

"Yes, we originally planned to eat all of them, but a team of 50 people was suddenly added on the way. The head of the group didn't want to cause casualties, so he asked the Grizzly boss to take action." The mercenary continued to speak loudly.

"At that time, you will put the responsibility on our grizzly bears, and you will have an excuse to push it all down."

The mercenary group robs its own employer. This is a very serious matter. Without mentioning the prosecution of others, the Jagged Mercenary Group will not be able to get along.

Team up with a bandit cottage, push it to the top of the cottage, and cultivate yourself for a few more months.

It's a good way to clear the relationship.

"Boss Grizzly, Tavik, a cloth merchant, I brought a lot of silk this time. If you are interested, I might as well go back to do business." The mercenary said directly.

Hear Silk, Grizzly has something.

Silk is called 'soft gold', and it is very valuable.

In the end, the Grizzlies were tempted.

He said, "Okay, I'll take over this job. Maybe we can cooperate more on this kind of thing in the future, and everyone can make a profit."

"Yes, the boss of the Grizzlies thinks the same as the head of the team."

"Okay, when I gather a good manpower, I will go with you to destroy this caravan."

The city gate opened, and the mercenaries also entered the cottage, waiting for them to assemble their troops.


Fang Hao released the gods.

Pulling open the tent and walking out, he said in a solemn voice, "Dimitga, Anjia, get ready, and lead someone to destroy all the Jagged Mercenaries, leaving none of them."

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