Spearmen, not as clumsy as carrion.

Although it is still rigid, it silently follows the previous organization and tactics.

Such was the scene before him.

The spearmen independently formed a square formation and stabbed their spears to form a frontal spear formation.

Some are like a scaled down version of the Macedonian phalanx, or a simplified version.

"Disperse, surround them, disperse." Fang Hao roared.

After the skeleton soldiers were stunned for a while, they all dispersed, surrounding the phalanx of zombies in the middle.

There are not many zombie lancers.

Around three hundred people.

Seeing the enemy surrounded him, he stopped the attack and became suspicious.

The direction that the spear is aimed at keeps changing, like a watch needle that moves the word, turning the direction in place.

"Sure enough, there is no command." Fang Hao said, but also with emotion.

Zombie spearmen, although they can form a formation for the first time, their intelligence is still not high.

In the absence of command, facing the enemy's siege, you don't know how to deal with it.

The formation kept changing direction.

Fang Hao didn't talk too much.

Seeing the moment, he ordered immediately.



The skeleton soldiers attacked, swooping on their targets like wild beasts from all directions.

When attacking from the front, the protruding spear flew high.

The tip of the spear stuck in the skeleton's rib, and it was lifted directly into the sky, expressing the anger in their hearts with their teeth and claws.

And the remaining three directions of the gun array.

The skeleton soldiers approached, and the swords slashed out.

Fang Hao attacked from the side, grabbed the turned spear, and looked at the opponent's neck with the iron sword in his hand.


The iron sword smoothly slashed the opponent's neck, and the dark blood, like viscous syrup, hung over the wound without dripping.

"I rely on."

Fang Hao cursed in a low voice.

He tilted his head to avoid the opponent's attack, and kept slashing the iron sword in his hand.

The wound on his neck grew bigger and bigger, until it severed his bones.

The battle was a little fierce.

Zombie spearmen belong to the second tier, and in terms of basic attributes, they are higher than skeleton soldiers.

When all the zombie spearmen were wiped out, there were more than 30 casualties among the skeleton soldiers.

Even the soldier under Fang Hao's control had his left shoulder rib torn off by a gun.

He was slumped, unable to hold the wooden shield.

Fortunately, the body of the skeleton could not feel pain, otherwise he would have suffered.

"Clean up the battlefield, damn, these zombies are quite fierce."

Fang Hao shouted loudly, tore off a piece of the zombie's rotten flag, and tried to wrap it around his ribs.

The skeleton soldiers began to sweep the battlefield.

Supplies are collected.

【7 Shadow Stones】

【2 traces of death】

[Equipment Blueprint: Iron Spear]

[324 rusty iron spears]

【Castle Key】

In addition to the shadow stone, the trace of death, also obtained the iron spear blueprint.

In this world, lords are given the rules of [production].

Drawings are especially important.

You don't need to be a designer, and you don't need to be a weapon blacksmith, as long as you have blueprints.

You can forge the props and equipment you want.

Even if you get more than 300 iron spears, it is not as precious as this blueprint.

Organize all the loot.

Come to the castle.

After inserting the key, let the skeleton soldiers work together to push it away.

Enter the castle.

Fang Hao's eyes widened instantly.

Unlike the underworld outside, the castle hall is unusually bright and luxurious.

It was like being in a small palace.

The smooth ground glows,

The wooden wall panels of the walls are decorated with exquisite patterns, and the spar on the copper lampstand glows with long light.

Let the castle still be bright.

Together with the inside of the fort is a red carpet. As the carpet extends, every few steps, there is a stone pillar.

The stone pillars are carved with lifelike patterns.

And at the top of each stone pillar, there is a huge creature that has always been resembling a bat.

Close your eyes and stand still, like a sculpture.

The bat is the size of a full-grown beast, with a huge body covered in twisted muscles.

Through the gaps in the fleshy wings, giant claws and sharp, curved nails can be seen

There is no need for any natural alertness, let alone to recognize this creature.

After two rounds of battles outside, I also know that this is a new monster.

However, these bat creatures kept their eyes closed and motionless, making Fang Hao unsure whether they fell asleep or died directly.

"Go and explore the way." Fang Hao said.

The skeleton soldiers in the front row stepped out and walked along the red carpet.

Just a few steps away.

Suddenly, the giant bat on the stone pillar suddenly opened its eyes, let out a howl, and jumped down from the stone pillar.

The wide fleshy wings spread out, and with the help of the speed of gliding, they caught the advancing skeleton soldiers into the air.

Before the skeleton soldiers could react, they were torn apart by giant claws.

Scattered bones fell from the air and scattered all over the place.

[Bloodthirsty bat wolf (fifth order)]

[Ability: Combat]

[Skills: Flying, Bloodthirsty]

(Description: When the bloodthirsty bat wolves show their sharp fangs, it proves that they have completely lost their minds. They will tear their flesh, knock the bones and suck the marrow, and satisfy their hobbies in the most cruel way.)

When the manta wolf swoops down and approaches a certain distance.

Fang Hao also saw its properties.

When I saw that it was a fifth-order unit, my heart suddenly froze.

Why did this level of arms suddenly increase so much?

The first bat wolf tore the skeleton soldiers into pieces, and the rest of the bloodthirsty bat wolves opened their eyes one after another.

When the scarlet eyes containing anger and bloodthirsty looked at Fang Hao's group of intruders.

Roared one after another, jumped off the stone pillar, and slaughtered.

"Fight, hack these things to death for me." Fang Hao roared.

The skeletons were ordered to attack with the iron swords in their hands.

The castle hall has limited space, and only part of the skeleton soldiers are squeezed in.

More were blocked outside the castle, unable to get in at all, and unable to take advantage of the number of people.

Bang bang bang!

There are six bloodthirsty bat wolves in total.

He swooped down and crashed directly into the group of skeletons. The giant claws tore off the defensive leather armor, and the bloody mouth shattered the skulls' heads.

Once the bloodthirsty bat wolf is injured, it will fly into the air and wait for the wound to dry slowly.

Continue to dash down and fight the skeletons.

"Close up, don't spread out." Fang Hao continued to order.

Scattered skeletons began to gather towards Fang Hao, using the wall behind him as a defensive point.

To prevent the team from being dispersed again.

Fang Hao's order also attracted the attention of the bat wolf.

The nearest bat wolf left the skeleton in his hand and rushed straight towards Fang Hao.

Fang Hao didn't dare to touch it.

The body instantly fell to one side, dodging the attack.


The bat wolf knocked several skeletons flying, and his body also slammed into the wall behind.

The huge reaction force caused the bat wolf to fall into a brief dizziness.

Shaking his head, his body staggered.

"Stupid! Hack it to death for me." Fang Hao scolded, and has already stepped forward to attack.

The nearby skeleton soldiers pounced at the same time, waving their iron swords.

The bat wolf's body began to have wounds, and bright red blood flowed out.

A tragic cry, with flowing blood, flew into the air.

Fang Hao secretly said it was a pity.

Such an attack did not die, which is really a testament to the tenacity.

Looking at the situation at the scene, the losses of the skeleton soldiers have already reached hundreds of people, and if the battle continues, it will only increase casualties.

"Get out and close the door for them."

The skeletons would not retreat back to the castle, and before the other party had time to respond, they closed the gate of the castle directly.

"You guys blocked the door, I'll go back and send rescue soldiers."

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