Skull Shard went to the warehouse to get his 'before' equipment.

As long as these equipment are not broken, they will be placed in the weapons warehouse, and no one will move them.

Skullshatter's equipment is a purple heavy armor suit, and his weapon is a long-handled warhammer with spikes.

This is also the origin of his Skull Smashing name.

Fang Hao also took this time to check the attributes of Skull Shard.

【Skull Broken】

[Faction: Undead]

【Template: Purple】

[Racial characteristics: undead, hollow skeleton, light weakness. 】

[Legion Talent: Berserker, Tyrant, Heavy Infantry Commander. 】

[Skills: Strength Faith, Shatter, Crazy Hammer, Berserker's Wrath. 】

[Inherent ability: Advanced Tactical Proficiency, Advanced Command Proficiency, Advanced Warhammer Proficiency. 】

[Fury]: After killing or assisting in killing an enemy, the combat unit under the command will increase its strength by 1% for 5 seconds. This effect can be stacked up to 15 layers.

[Heavy Infantry Commander]: Infantry unit defense +20%.

[Tyrant]: The combat unit under the command, morale -20%, all attributes +5%. .

[Strength Faith]: All physical damage +20%, non-physical damage suffered by self -5%.

[Crush]: Deal +15% damage to inanimate armor.

[Crazy Hammer]: Crazy rotation of the warhammer on the target, causing 100%/120%/140%/160%/200% force damage.

[Rage of the Berserker]: Enter a state of rage, all attributes +20%, ignoring any reduction effects and ignoring pain.

Skull Shard's properties are pretty good.

All in all, he's a good warrior.

But before going to manage the Cold Wind Mountains, it turned into a civil unrest area.

Have a unified system, but let each other plunder.

As long as the members of the Skull Smash Tribe do not move, they can pay tribute on time every month.

This also made the interior of the Coldwind Mountains chaotic, and many mines were unable to mine normally.

Now the memory of Skull Shard has been modified, and it has 100% loyalty of Fang Hao and Territory.

At that time, it should not be a big problem to arrange him in the Cold Wind Mountains.

Both knowing there and deterring.

"Master, Sister Yi Er asked you to have breakfast." A maid came over.

"Okay." Fang Hao agreed and walked in the direction of the lord's mansion.


Just had breakfast.

Fang Hao took An Jia, Dimitga, and Skull Shard, and the three of them boarded the bone dragon.

After preparing everything, the bone dragon flew into the sky and headed towards the Cold Wind Mountains.

In Cold Wind City.

When the bone dragon fell, Shaman Klei brought a group of orcs to greet him.

When he saw Fang Hao behind him, followed by the skeleton hero, he immediately recognized the identity of Skull Broken.

"The Great Chief Thrall..."

Clay's face changed, and the rest of the people knelt down directly, showing horror on their faces.

It seems that Thrall's terror has penetrated into the hearts of everyone here.

Although this is a skeleton, the size and the equipment on his body are the equipment used by Skull Shard Thrall.

Everyone can confirm that what is in front of him is the Skull Shard Thrall after his death.

Skull Broken looked flatly at the people who were kneeling on the ground, and said, "I saw Lord Lord first."

The memory of Skull Broken was modified, but not all erased.

"Oh." Everyone immediately turned around and saluted Fang Hao, "Lord Lord."

"All right,

How is the progress of the resumption of mining in the mine? "Fang Hao strode into the chief's hall and sat down directly on the main seat.

The rest of the people also sat on both sides in turn.

This time, an orc stood up carefully, glanced at Fang Hao and Skull Shard carefully, and said, "Lord Lord, the mines are starting construction one after another, but the tribes seem to have some doubts and are not very active. "

"Oh? What doubts?" Fang Hao looked at him curiously.

"This,..., let me make a bold guess, it should be the treatment you promised, it's just my guess, just guess." The orc finally said, sweating on his forehead.

Fang Hao promised them that he would provide some special treatment.

For example, you don't need to pay tribute and beauties on a monthly basis, you only need to complete the monthly mining task.

It will also provide some basic guarantees for daily necessities, and even food for various tribes in the future.

And the doubts in his mouth should still doubt whether Fang Hao, a human who controls the army of the undead, will keep his promise.

"Skull Smash."

"Sir, say it!" The two looked at Fang Hao at the same time.

"When the time comes, you can take a trip in person and arrange for people to go to the village where the mine is opened to open a tavern, and you can provide free drinks on demand." Fang Hao thought for a while and said.

Offers free booze, plus the deterrent of Skull Smash.

A warning to these orcs too.

They don't have the right to choose, either work or drink, and Fang Hao also gives them the necessities of life.

Or it is to return to the rule of Skull Shatter, still the original job, but it is not so easy.

"Yes, my lord." Skull Shard agreed.

Fang Hao looked at the orc just now again, "It should be fine to do this, right?"

"No problem, no problem."

Fang Hao nodded and continued to look at Clay, "Clay, is the furnace factory going well?"

"It's very smooth. The factory is operating normally, and the output is very stable. I also arranged for someone to build a house for the blacksmith. Everything is normal," Clay replied.

"Okay, where's the fortress where Fire Blade is stationed?"

"Orcs are also arranged for auxiliary work, my lord."

"En." Fang Hao continued to look at everyone, "Any more questions to ask?"

"there is none left. "

"En." Fang Hao got up and walked towards the door.

Bringing several people to the warehouse with Skull Broken, Fang Hao directly made 101 troll brewing barrels.

"Skull Crush, this is the troll's brewing barrel. Add water and fruit to make fruit wine, and then you can send it to the villages that open the mines." Fang Hao said.

"Understood sir."

"Well, you will stay here in the future, manage these orcs well, and let me know if you have anything to do." Fang Hao patted Shattered Skull's shoulder.

"Good lord, I will definitely live up to the heavy responsibility of the lord."

"it is good!"

After explaining the broken skull, Fang Hao rode the bone dragon to look at the cold wind fortress.

After explaining a few words to the stationed Fire Blade, he returned to the main city.


After returning from the Cold Wind Mountains, the sky was gradually getting darker.

Riding a bone dragon has shortened the round-trip journey.

But the distance is still very long, and the round trip takes several hours.

Returning to the lord's mansion, Yi'er also brought up the prepared dinner.

Four dishes and one soup are quite rich.

Fang Hao had just eaten, and the sound of the system prompt came from his ear.

[Random event: Uninvited guests. 】

[Task description: Ten hours later, all the surviving lords' territories will welcome a group of uninvited guests. They come to your territory with hostility or goodwill, please be prepared. 】

[Event countdown: 9 hours and 59 minutes. 】

【Good luck……. 】

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