Standing in front of the city lord's mansion, Fang Hao looked at the respectful servant.

It's really not the right time for me to come, Rebecca actually went to the banquet.

Also, people in this era can't use mobile phones, and there are not too many entertainment items at night.

There are more balls and banquets held among nobles.

"Can you come back tonight?" Fang Hao asked again.

If you can get things done tonight, you can return to your own territory tomorrow morning, and you can make good use of your time.

"Sir, I don't know when the madam will come back. You can stay in the city for one night. The madam may arrange someone to inform you tomorrow." The servant still kept a polite smile.

It seems that there is really no way to see Rebecca tonight.

Even if he came back, it was late at night, and the possibility of seeing him was very small.

"Okay, the city lord's wife is back, please tell me." Fang Hao said politely.


Take An Jia to leave the City Lord's Mansion, the sky is dark at this time.

Occasionally home residents, the road is a bit empty.

"Where are we going next?" An Jia asked curiously.

Hurrying along the way, I was somewhat tired.

"Go to the pub for a meeting."

"it is good."

When the two came to the tavern, they pushed the door directly in.

There was a burst of alcohol and noise.

"Come on, what to drink?" The boss came over.

It seems that there are some impressions of the two.

"Beer, meatballs, here's a plate of bacon." Fang Hao ordered a few items at random.

"Okay, wait a minute."

The boss wiped his hands and went to the back kitchen to let the chef prepare the food.

Fang Hao set his eyes on the notice board on the side.

On the notice board, in addition to the fragmentary residents offering rewards in the past, there is a map.

The last time I came, the tavern did not have a map because the Lysis army was besieging the mountain bandits along the road.

Not bad luck today.

[Map: Mountain Dark Fortress]

【Category: Single Page Map】

(Description: A map drawn by adventurers, recording the route and terrain of the mountain bunker.)

"Interested in the map? One piece of three gold coins, you can take your team to try your luck." The boss said, and delivered the received beer to the two of them.

The back chef also delivered the small dishes one after another.

"Just one?"

"This one was sent by someone yesterday. There were some maps of mountain bandit strongholds that were cleaned up by the Lysis army." The boss replied.

"That's fine. The residents of the mountain bandits and the merchants who are with them are safer."

The management of Lysis City is much stricter than that of Purul City.

Purul City doesn't have a good way to deal with mountain bandits, and it's not too willing to take care of these things.

It's all meaning, leave it to the mercenaries to deal with it.

On the contrary, Lysis will encircle and suppress every year and control the number of mountain bandits.

In this way, it is also a good thing for the residents and the nearby affiliated villages.

The boss smiled lightly and said, "The mountain bandit is like a mouse. You chase him and he will bite you when you turn around. That's it."

"Also, I want this blueprint, and I'll give it to you at checkout."

"Don't worry, eat slowly."

After the boss took off the map and handed it to Fang Hao, he went to entertain other guests.

Fang Hao and An Jia also chatted in a low voice while eating dinner.


"Just my scar isn't enough for you to buy me a drink?"

At the wine table not far away, a sloppy drinker spoke loudly.

"Come on Hodge, last time you said it was a vampire bite, but now it's a knife scar again." The drinker at the same table asked back, and the others waited to watch the fun.

Hodge came every day, telling some bizarre, or touting his own story.

Everyone knows it's fake, but it's just a glass of wine, so I usually invite it.

But today Hodge has been sitting in the pub for too long, and everyone is unwilling to continue to invite him to drink.

"That's because I drank too much,

I have contributed to mankind. Without us, vampires would have been rampant and sucking living people everywhere. "Hodge said indignantly, as if he had suffered a great grievance.

"Come on, look at your appearance..."

Fang Hao looked at the people arguing in front of him, and also recognized the sloppy old Hodge.

The last time he and An Jia came, the drunken-eyed old drinker boasted that he had killed vampires and made an arrow that was very useful for killing vampires.

But looking at the attitudes of others, it seems that Old Hawk is just an old alcoholic who can only brag.

This time, I didn't expect to meet him again, still drinking and staggering, shouting loudly.

"Invite him for a cup, and it will be counted on my account." Fang Hao said.

The boss followed Fang Hao's gaze to look at Hodge, took a glass of beer and gave it to him.

Not far away, Hodge took the beer and looked at the young man who invited him to drink.

He came over staggeringly.

"Boy, have we met?" Hodge was full of alcohol, and even covered up the stench on his body.

"I saw you last time, when you were bitten by a vampire." Fang Hao said with a smile.

"Yes, are you willing to listen to my story? I'll show you my wound." Hodge opened his neck and exposed his shoulders.

Fang Hao smiled bitterly, "Last time you said arm."

"Yes, it's the arm."

"It's the left hand."

"Yes, left hand." Hodge rolled up the sleeve of his left hand again, paused slightly, and said, "Boy, don't you believe what I said?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a story, the truth is not that important."

"This is not a story. Those monsters who abandoned their beliefs have forgotten that they were once human beings. I don't know how many people they killed." Hodge sat beside Fang Hao and sipped his wine.

"Once you were human?"

"Who knows, I have never seen a real blood race. The ones we killed and those who killed us were all monsters that changed later."

This reminded Fang Hao of the pale-blooded people he came into contact with, and the 'twilight feasters' in the story.

They are human beings themselves, and they regard becoming a blood race as their goal.

"So, is it true that you kill vampires?"

"Of course it's true, how do you think my wound came from."

"You improved the arrows to effectively kill vampires?"

"Okay, the blood of those guys has changed, and they are extremely sensitive to metals like silver. They are as sensitive as those in the alley..., ahem! You two are still young, so you can't listen to these things." Hodge stopped stay behind.

"Are there any drawings? I'll take a look."

Hearing Fang Hao's drawings, old Hodge was stunned again.

I didn't see it, this kid is still an expert and knows how to use drawings to identify the truth of his story.

He patted his chest and said, "It's true, I designed and improved it myself, I'm afraid you don't know the goods."

"What about the drawings?"

"I didn't bring it, I'll give it to you next time." Hodge pushed the wine glass in front of the boss. "I'm going to have a glass, and it's on his account."

The two debated for a long time on the topic of drawings.

"Hiccup! You're good boy. When you come next time, I'll bring you the blueprints, so that you can gain insight." After speaking, he staggered away with a burp of wine.

Fang Hao watched his back as he left.

It seems that he has really met a liar and cheated several cups.

"Would you like me to go out and beat him?" An Jia looked down the window at the empty street.

Go out now, find a quiet place, and beat him up without knowing who beat him.

"Forget it, just a few glasses of wine."

After paying the bill with the boss, Fang Hao ordered some more bacon to put in the storage space, and returned to the hotel to rest.


The next morning.

The sun shines through the window and wakes Fang Hao up.

Covering the sun with his hands, he rolled over and sat up.

dong dong dong!

There was also the voice of the hotel waiter from outside the door.

"Mr Fang Hao

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