【Skull Transformation Field (Blue)】

【Category: Architectural Drawings】

[Required materials: 500 wood, 500 stone, 50 hemp rope, 5 shadow stone, 2 traces of death. 】

(Description: The Skeleton Transformation Field can transform the buried creatures/skeletons into the Skeleton Soldiers in the field, unlock the troops, and consume the corresponding number of sacrifices for recruitment.)

Sure enough, Fang Hao was not disappointed.

After defeating the fifth-order arms, a blue architectural blueprint was obtained.

The introduction is good.

Dead creatures can be buried and transformed into corresponding skeleton units.

After the first transformation, the building will be recorded, and then the corresponding number of sacrifices can be used to recruit.

The sacrifice refers to the [Wriggling Spine], and it is still unclear whether there will be new recruitment sacrifices in the future.

It's a very nice drawing.

It's just that the book of the lord is not on him now, so he can only keep it and collect it when he goes back.

There are no other loot in the hall.

Carpets, lampstands and other decorations, when they leave, they are carrying out a carpet-like search.

"Come with me to the second floor."

Fang Hao ordered ten skeletons, climbed the stairs, and walked to the second floor.

It's not that he doesn't want to bring more people, but the space on the second floor is small and divided into rooms one by one.

With so many people, even if there is a battle, it is difficult to rely on the tactics of the sea to fight.

Fang Hao brought several skeletons.

Search room by room.

The rooms on the second floor are well furnished, but it can be seen that no one has lived there for a long time.

There was a thick layer of dust on the furniture.

Go to the last room on the second floor.

It is a study, beautifully carved tables and chairs, and blue curtains with a full sense of falling, all of which can be seen that the owner of the castle loves this study.

After finding out that there is no danger, Fang Hao strode into it.

The bookshelves are neatly stocked with books, as well as some of the original owner's favorite decorations.

A golden lampstand is placed on the desk, as well as half-turned books.

On the lampstand is a luminous stone.

Same as for stair sconces.

【Luminous stone】

【Category: Ore】

(Note: Ore with condensing light function will emit soft light at night or in the dark.)

Good guy, Night Pearl, this is it.

"Soso, let's see if there is anything good?" Fang Hao said, picking up the books on the table and taking a look.

The lords came to this world and were also given some abilities by the system.

It can communicate normally with various races, and can understand the characters of many races.

Not to cross over and completely decouple from this world.

Skeleton soldiers, start rummaging around.

Fang Hao was attracted by the first sentence of the book.

"Life is a cancer, but I've found a cure for it."

The prompt sounded.

[To collect clues to the immortality potion, 1/5. 】

This time Fang Hao was interested.

For humans, immortality, or immortality, is always attractive.

If you talk about the original world, you can see this kind of remarks.

Fang Hao will decisively throw it aside and call the police.

But after crossing into this world, it is full of different races and powerful creatures.

He belongs to the undead camp, and skeletons can stand up and speak, so the immortality potion is not a lie.

Then, if the strength allows, it may be possible to collect clues about the immortality potion.

Have a look around this book.

Also learned some news about this world.

To the Eternal Night Legion I saw before,

Among them, Eternal Night represents the vampire camp.

And the undead camp to which he belongs is called immortality.

Both control undead, but the alignment is not the same.

After reading it, put the book away and search for items.

The search for the skeletons is not civilized.

Perhaps in their orders, they only searched for treasures, and they did not take such orders lightly.

Soon the room became a mess, and Fang Hao had two more props in his hands.

【Orientation Transmission Scroll】

【Healing Potion】

【War Coin*27】


Apart from the furniture in the study, there are not many precious spoils.

Got a magic scroll.

【Transmission Scroll】

【Category: Magic Scroll】

(Description: The target point can be recorded and transferred to the target point area after use.)

The teleportation scroll is somewhat like the city return scroll in the game he used to play.

After use, it will be sent to the designated location.

Not bad, not necessarily when you can use it.

Put away the teleportation scroll and move on to the next item.

【Healing Potion】

【Category: Pharmacy】

(Description: Can heal certain injuries.)

Fang Hao looked at it and put away the healing potion.

Everyone traveled to this world, without a hospital or a doctor.

Some minor illnesses may kill you here.

Just like a previous player, he was attacked by prairie wolves outside the territory.

Although he rushed into the protective cover alive, he also suffered serious injuries.

At that time, if there is a therapeutic agent, it can play a great role, and the injury will recover better and faster.

More protection.

There are 27 war coins in the drawer of the desk.

Living in such a big old castle, it is really enough to keep so much money.


【Type: Ore】

(Description: Rare ores required for the construction of bloodline faction buildings.)

Bloodstone works the same as Shadowstone.

The difference is that the shadow stone is the material of the undead camp building, and the blood stone is the material of the blood clan.

"Okay, follow me upstairs."

The castle has only three floors, but the rooms on each floor are much higher than normal buildings.

The lifts in the hall on the first floor have a height of 6 or 7 meters.

Each room on the second floor is also more than 4 meters tall.

The skeleton soldiers put down the items in their hands and followed Fang Hao out of the room.

Continue up the stairs.

On the stairs on the third floor, there are two sculptures with long mouths and fangs.

Some are like the bloodthirsty bat wolves I met on the first floor, but they are much smaller than the bloodthirsty bat wolves, and their bodies are not too huge.

Although the sculpture is fierce, it is also covered with a layer of dust because it has not been cleaned for a long time.

Climb up to the third floor and walk a few steps forward.

Stop in front of a room.

The tall door is carved with exquisite patterns, and there are various flowers and plants, as well as figures of different shapes.

Although it is not as good as the gate of the castle, it is still tall and stocky.

"This door, it looks like it's worth the money."

With a little force, the wooden door did not move at all, only the dust remaining on the door fell on Fang Hao's head because of the shaking.

"Let's push the door open together."

Fang Hao took a step back and let the skeletons behind him do it.

So many little brothers don't need it, where do you need to do it yourself.

A few skeletons behind them stepped forward and pushed together to the door.

With a burst of dust falling, the wooden door was slowly opened with a gap.

Fang Hao tilted his head and looked inward along the crack of the door.

Into the eye is a huge black coffin.

"Stop." Fang Hao shouted in a low voice.

According to the monsters encountered before, item descriptions, and some portraits hanging on the walls of the castle.

It can be concluded that the owner of this castle belongs to the blood clan of the Yongye clan.

And in the gorgeous master bedroom, with such a beautiful coffin, he had to wonder if a vampire was sleeping in the coffin.

But the fighting outside was so intense that the gates of the castle were demolished.

Ten years of deafness, you should have heard it.

"You wait at the door."

Fang Hao entered through the gap in the door and walked lightly towards the curtains.

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