The moment the woman opened her eyes.

The sky was drawn into a black curtain.

Dark clouds were like thick cotton wool, covering the entire sky.

The soul fire in Fang Hao's pupils was beating, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

Don't wait for him to make more arrangements.

The woman on the ground suddenly stood up.

His eyes scanned the entire scene, finally landing on the half-open vertical coffin beside him.


The woman roared, and her hands kept condensing blood-red javelins.

Throw it into the metal vertical coffin.

Like a wild beast that has been out of control, venting the anger in his heart.

Accompanied by harsh metal noises, the vertical coffin was beyond recognition.

The plain clearing deep down has turned into a huge pit.

Fang Hao looked at the woman who was furious and out of control.

While retreating to a distance, he ordered the troops to retreat.

Fortunately, she vented all her anger on the vertical coffin and did not involve the surrounding undead army.

[The Beauty of the Lonely Night-Laurana Ann Tobias (Dark Gold Level 5 Hero)].

He is indeed a dark gold level hero.

A beautiful, crazy dark gold level.

After a long time.

The naked woman gradually calmed down.

The huge bat wings flew out of the territory and connected to the woman's white back.

The bat wings stretched out, covering the exposed body.

Fang Hao took a piece of clothing and threw it to the woman from a distance.

"You can vent for a while, there's still plenty of time."

The woman put her clothes on her body and folded her bat wings.

Staring coldly at the low-level skeleton with soul fire rising in front of him.

"Where is that human?" The woman's voice was nice and cold.

Fang Hao was stunned.

He lowered his head to confirm his current appearance.

How does she know about humans.

"You mean humans?"

"A human being, I can always feel his presence." The woman looked at the skeleton in front of her again, "So, he was killed by you?"

Fang Hao looked at the woman and did not answer immediately.

The only thing left in the territory is the beating heart.

He kept the heart in the Organ Museum.

I would go and check on him often to avoid changes in my heart that would bring danger to the territory.

Could it be that this person can also sense himself?

I must have heard what I said about turning her heart into an organ jar.

This woman doesn't have a very good temper.

"What difference does it make whether to kill or not? It's just a human being."

"There really is no difference."

Fang Hao continued: "According to the agreement, you have to help me build my territory."

The woman turned around, looked at the tall city behind her, and frowned slightly, "Your territory?"

The skeleton in front of me doesn't seem to be of a high level.

Apart from having a soul, he was no different from the dull skeleton warrior on the side.

Even the outfits are exactly the same.

When will a lowly undead be able to build a city of this size?

"Mine." Fang Hao replied.

The woman thought briefly and finally nodded, "Okay, I did make this vow, but I have some personal matters to take care of, and I can help you build your territory after it's over."

As a private matter, you don't need to think about it to know that you are seeking revenge from the Red Duke.

With the way the Red Duke treats women, the first thing anyone should do when they come back to life is revenge.

In fact, this is fine.

This is exactly what Fang Hao wants to see.

Because of his race, it was difficult for Demitja to kill the Red Duke. Having a woman to chase him instead would have solved his biggest trouble in the future.

"Okay, but I hope you can join the territory first and then resolve your personal matters. This can be regarded as reaching an agreement between the two of us, and it won't take long." Fang Hao continued.

The woman thought about it and felt that what the skeleton said made sense.

Nodding in agreement, "Okay."

"Well, I'll take you to the Lord's Hall and prepare some clothes for you. You don't want to go out in this outfit."

Fang Hao led the woman through the dense army of undead and entered the city gate.

The woman looked at the city curiously.

Surprised by the number of undead armies and the size of the city.

Seeing that the woman was curious about these, Fang Hao acted as a tour guide and began to give a brief introduction to the territory.

It would also allow her to quickly accept this place.

The two of them went straight to the lord's mansion.

Fang Hao also lifted the divine presence and woke up from the Bone Throne.

The woman stepped into the lord's mansion.

Seeing Fang Hao on the throne, his eyes narrowed instantly.

The next second, the woman stepped forward and moved as fast as lightning.

The sharp nails stretched out from the fingertips and clawed at Fang Hao's face.

boom! 1

A dull voice sounded.

In front of the throne of bones.

Time seems to stand still.

The woman caught the fist of the orc girl beside her with one hand, and her teeth bit a thin sword thrust out from the shadow.

Everything happened so fast.

Fortunately, his two heroes were also prepared.

Seeing the woman taking action directly, Fang Hao's expression instantly became serious.

But it is also certain that the woman had no intention of killing him.

Otherwise, what will be thrown over will be the kinds of magic used to deal with the 'Silver Coffin'.

"Do you mean what you say? Help me build a territory." Fang Hao said.

The woman stared closely at the young man in front of her.

"Are you the skeleton?"

"You can sit down and let's talk slowly." Fang Hao remained calm and unhurried, but his heart began to beat violently only late in the morning.

The woman stepped back and sat down on the left side below. Her linen gown stretched, outlining a seductive curve.

An Jia stood beside Fang Hao, and Xiaoyou's rapier retracted into the shadow.

"So, you are the human who resurrected me." The woman spoke again.

"Yes, I caught a group of tomb robbers and found your heart." Fang Hao explained the map exploration as tomb robbers.

This statement is easy for the other party to understand, and it can also cover up the matter of digging human graves.

The woman didn't say much, and she didn't communicate much on this topic.

"Are you a human being, leading a group of undead?" The woman directed the topic to Fang Hao.

"Not just the undead, but also humans, orcs, and lizardmen." Fang Hao picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Strange territory."

"According to the agreement, there will be vampires in the territory from now on, right?"


The woman snorted coldly, and naturally understood the meaning of Fang Hao's words.

Stand up and walk to the middle position.

Her actions made the entire audience tense instantly, and Fang Hao almost released his frost armor.

"Laurana Ann Tobias, I am willing to serve you." The woman bowed slightly, letting her body that was already difficult to cover be exposed again.

[The dark gold-level hero, ‘The Beauty of the Lonely Night-Laurana Ann Tobias’, swears allegiance to you. Do you accept it? 】


Without the hero contract, it seems that this is the way to confirm the hero's joining.

"Welcome to join, Laurana." Fang Hao said with a smile.

I actually have a dark gold level hero.

However, the next second, his smile gradually solidified.

[The Beauty of the Lonely Night - Laurana Ann Tobias, current loyalty to you is 23].

I go.

It's over, but there's still danger.

Laurana returned to her seat, crossing her legs to cover her important parts.

"Come here." Fang Hao called softly.

A maid cautiously poked her head.


"Get some clothes for Laurana."

"Yes, Master."

The maid roughly glanced at the strange woman aside, looked for Shuyuan www.スzhaoshhuyuan.comm, and turned around to leave.

Not long after, the maid brought clothes.

He carefully put it aside, turned around and left.

"There is a separate room over there. You can try it on and see if it fits." Fang Hao pointed to the room on the first floor that serves as a bathroom.

Since the hot springs came into being, the bathrooms have been mostly empty.

Laurana picked up her clothes and walked into the room.

Fang Hao also took this opportunity to check Laurana's attributes.

For dark gold level heroes, I don’t know if there are any surprises.

[The Beauty of the Lonely Night-Laurana Ann Tobias (Dark Gold Level 5 Hero)].

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