Wow! !

The iron hook scratched the ground, making a noise.

Everyone in the room turned pale in an instant.

At this time, they were fully armed and were seen by the troll.

Will definitely kill them immediately.

Xu Yang watched from the gap as the one-eyed troll approached a little bit, his face looking extremely ugly.

It will be the day after tomorrow that he will launch an attack on the Bloodmaw.

The trolls shouldn't have attacked them today.

So what happened.

But now is not the time to think about these things and draw the iron sword from his waist.

Make a gap under the tent on the other side.

He whispered: "You guys go out first. Once he finds us, we will try our best to kill him."

As he spoke, he took off the armor he had just put on.

"Oh, oh!" The farmers nodded subconsciously.

The loyalty of farmers is not low. Even if they face danger, they will still carry out the orders given by Xu Yang.

"Hurry up." Xu Yang urged again.

The farmers lay on the ground and crawled out one by one along the opened positions.

The sound of the dragging chains was getting closer.

The one-eyed troll had already arrived in front of the tent and was about to open the tent.

Xu Yang got out directly.

Without waiting for the one-eyed troll in front of him to speak, he took the lead and said, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The single eye on his forehead stared at Xu Yang and said in a deep voice: "Why is it you? Why are you here?"

Even in the eyes of trolls.

Human beings all look the same, basically the same.

But he still recognized Xu Yang's iconic black hair and black eyes.

In several previous meetings, Baigat also asked Xu Yang to participate in the meeting and collect some resources for the army.

"The chief of Baigat asked me to sort out the debris here, and he asked you to help me?" Xu Yang asked curiously.

But his body still blocked the entrance to the tent.

"Where are the others?" the one-eyed troll continued to ask, scanning around with his one eye.

"Who else? Are you here looking for someone?"

"Where are the other humans? Why don't we see anyone else?" the one-eyed troll asked, swallowing his saliva.

Baigat still thinks highly of Xu Yang.

The one-eyed troll really couldn't eat him. He wanted to find other humans to serve as his midnight snack.

"Oh, I've arranged for the others to go to the camp to help build equipment. Do you need manpower? I'll arrange for people to come over when the time comes." Xu Yang casually dusted himself off.

The one-eyed troll looked around at the quiet surroundings, always feeling that something was wrong.

Bending down, his huge eyes stared straight at Xu Yang.

Then he sniffed his nose and asked curiously: "What does the tent smell like? Why is it so fragrant? What are you hiding?"

"No, did you smell it wrong?" Xu Yang frowned.

"Damn reptile, how dare you hide food." The troll roared angrily, and slapped Xu Yang's body two meters away.

Then he opened the tent and got in.

Xu Yang stumbled up, covering his left arm, his face pale.

Just after the slap, his arm felt a sharp pain, and he might have broken a bone.

damn it.

How could he be so unlucky? He obviously had a good plan.

Suddenly something like this appeared.

But he had no way out. He saw the troll getting into the tent, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain.

He also got in immediately.

The tent was empty.

Xu Yang glanced sideways at the location where the tent was opened. Under the moonlight, a hidden figure could be vaguely seen.

"This is a warehouse for storing sundries. Where can I get something to eat?" Xu Yang said in a low voice.

Even when he was beaten, he did not dare to rebuke the other person.

Even if he often follows Baigat, it does not mean that his status is higher than that of the troll.

"No..., I obviously smelled it." The one-eyed troll was like a hound looking for evidence, sniffing the surrounding scent without mentioning it.

One-eyed trolls are a branch of trolls.

Lack of longitudinal sense makes their eyesight poor and their perception also decreased.

But the troll in front of me seemed to have a particularly good nose, and kept shouting about smelling food.

It could be the smell of scones.

The one-eyed troll kept sniffing, and his eyes fell on the hole that was cut on one side.

"Hehe! So here it is, let me see what you reptiles are doing." The one-eyed troll smiled, leaned down, and stretched his head out along the hole.

The head just popped out.

Then he saw a human being standing on a stacked wooden frame from the side.

Holding a big stone in his arms, he jumped down and hit him on the head.

"How dare you..."

Boom! !

There was a muffled sound, and the stone hit the troll's head directly.

The stone shattered, and One Eye rolled his eyes, and he was knocked unconscious.

"I fainted, sir, let's leave quickly." A farmer said.

Xu Yang walked out holding his injured arm and shook his head.

"The troll's recovery ability is very fast. It would be bad if he woke up just after we ran out. We must kill him." Xu Yang's eyes showed a sharp look.

"Kill? Kill the troll?"

"Quickly, get the iron hook and chain, tie him up, stuff the iron balls in his mouth with the iron balls in the warehouse, and don't let him scream." Xu Yang quickly ordered.

Everyone acted quickly and tied up the unconscious one-eyed troll.

And sealed his mouth.

Xu Yang took a deep breath and pierced the troll's neck with his sword.

The pain caused the comatose one-eyed troll to wake up instantly.

His eyes were filled with fear and anger, and he began to struggle violently.

The huge force instantly knocked the farmers who were holding them down.

But even though his whole body was tied up, he couldn't make a sound.

Xu Yang immediately stepped forward, struck him with another sword, and said in greeting: "Quick, kill him together, and then let's leave here."

Puff puff! !

People swarmed forward and turned the troll in front of them into a hornet's nest.

The troll is dead.

The night was already very dark.

Xu Yang lit a kobold candle and wrapped cloth around the middle part.

After everything is done, wave your hand.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

He led everyone around and bypassed several drowsy sentries.

He got out of the dog hole that had been prepared and disappeared into the night.

Later in the night.

call! !

The sundries warehouse in the camp instantly burst into flames.

Since the warehouse itself was filled with many flammable items, the fire had already spread by the time the trolls discovered it.

Set nearby warehouses and tents on fire as well.

The fire enveloped the entire camp.

The trolls roared loudly, carrying items and trying to put out the fire.

Baigat looked at the location of the fire and then at the chaotic camp.

His face was also extremely ugly.

"Have you seen those humans putting out fires?" Baigat stopped a troll and asked coldly.

"I didn't see it. He must have been burned to death inside." The troll replied.

"Okay, you go put out the fire."

"Okay, patriarch."

As soon as the troll left, the remaining troll leaders also walked over quickly from their respective positions.

"Chief Baigat, do you suspect that it was those human reptiles that did it?" a leader asked coldly.

"It seems that these humans escaped." Baigat has concluded that it was humans who did it.

In other words, Xu Yang did it.

Those submissive farmers did not forget to burn down the warehouse when they did not dare to escape.

"Damn it, I'm going to catch them and kill them all." A troll said angrily.

Baigat grabbed the troll who was about to leave.

He shook his head and said: "We will settle the accounts with them after it is over. Go and wake up all the people. Be careful that the enemy will raid the camp when they see the light of fire. At the same time, notify them and launch an attack on the Bloodthroat tribe at dawn."

"Attack at dawn? No one has had a good rest!" someone said.

Baigat glanced at the fire in the camp.

"After the fire, food and supplies will be lost, and we won't be able to rest for a day. I tell everyone to take a good rest after capturing the Bloodthroat Tribe."

Although the troll army is not chaotic, it does not have the order of the human army.

The storage of baggage was as chaotic as their camp.

It's okay if nothing happens.

In this fire, most of the supplies were basically burned. If they rest for another day, the army will be hungry.

After hearing Baigat's words, the other leaders also understood.

He nodded, "Okay, we'll attack the city tomorrow morning."

"Well, go ahead."

Everyone dispersed to pass the news to their respective tribesmen.

Baigat looked at the fire with a solemn expression, feeling a little annoyed.

If I had known earlier, I would have killed these humans directly.

The next day, early morning.

After Fang Hao had breakfast, he took Anjia and Demitja directly to the Bloody Fortress on the Bone Dragon.

Far in the sky, you can see the army of bones waiting under the fortress.

There are also busy orcs.

The bone dragon fell in front of the fortress.

A group of skeleton heroes from Blackthorn walked over quickly and greeted them personally.

"Sir." Black Jing and others saluted.

Fang Hao and the others jumped off the bone dragon, "Well, have all the items the army needs to carry been counted?"

Yesterday, Heijian and Shigeya had already arrived at the fortress.

Statistics were made on the number of troops, as well as the items and tools needed for this troop dispatch.

Fang Hao came the next day to make the counted instruments.

"Sir, the statistics have been calculated." Black Jing handed over a piece of parchment.

The names and quantities of the utensils are listed above.

Record the arrows and various instruments needed this time.

The largest number among them is the number of arrows.

A total of five million are needed, and this is because the fortress itself stores arrows.

In addition to arrows, there are also carts, iron axes, spare ropes, etc. There are more than 20 in some series.

Fang Hao didn't waste any time and came to an open space.

Then he opened the Book of Lords and started making it.

In a large area of ​​light, various instruments were produced.

No wonder it is said that war is about making money. If it were not for the rich mineral resources in the Cold Wind Mountains, even if it increased a hundred times, it would not be able to support the consumption of the undead army.

After the required tools were produced, Black Jing continued to arrange manpower and organize the tools.

All are loaded onto pallets by category.

The skeletons began to pack up their arrows and tools, and Fang Hao and others went directly to the commander's mansion.

Everyone sat down and Fang Hao continued: "Black Jing, you know the Bloody Mountains best. This time the operation will be directed by you. Black Sword, Giant Wall, and Heavy Arrow, you three will serve as generals."

Black Thorn may not be the strongest, but he knows the place best.

Although Jubi retains most of his memories, he does not possess command proficiency.

Therefore, after thinking about this task, Fang Haosi decided that it would be best to leave it to Black Thorn.

"Yes, sir."

All four people stood up and nodded to accept the order.

The four of them are all skeleton heroes, and their loyalty is 100%. They will unconditionally execute the orders given by Fang Hao, and there is no need to worry about the loss of loyalty.

"Well, the action this time is..." Fang Hao just wanted to say something more.

Rapid footsteps sounded outside the door.

A slightly plump pink pig man wearing brown leather armor strode in with several gnolls.

Fang Hao took one look and recognized the pig clan leader, Petty, whom he had not seen for a long time.

After taking the stamina potion, Petty's physical fitness also improved.

Not only has he reached the third level, but his appearance has also changed slightly.

She still has pink skin, but her appearance has begun to show signs of changing to that of a human.

Fang Hao saw Petty, and Petty also saw Fang Hao at the same time. He immediately stepped forward and saluted, "Lord, Miss An Jia, several adults..."

Petty was always considerate and said hello to everyone.

"Well, Petty, what's the rush?" Fang Hao asked directly.

Petty immediately said: "Sir, the scouts sent out have returned." He then looked at the Jackal behind him and said, "Tell the adults the information and don't leave out any details."

A jackal came out and said, "Sir, early this morning, we discovered that a group of troll forces had begun to attack the Bloodthroat tribe. The opponent had a large number of people and had prepared catapults, city ladders and other equipment. Bloodthroat The Throat side is currently holding on. The weapon they use to fight back is a crossbow-like weapon. Each attack can penetrate several enemies. By the way, neither side saw flying units or cavalry.

The jackal finished speaking in one breath before exhaling heavily.

The Jackals did not have a good impression on Fang Hao, but it cannot be denied that they have good detection and tracking capabilities.

After listening to the Jackal's report, Fang Hao's brows instantly wrinkled.

Didn't it say that the Troll Alliance will launch an attack on Bloodmaw tomorrow? Why did we attack today?

It seems that something happened again.

Fang Hao did not ask Xu Yang. After all, the situation on his side may not be as accurate as the scouts.

It's also a good thing that they started the war early.

The earlier the troops on both sides are exhausted, the earlier their own manpower can start.

"Can the number of people on both sides be counted?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

The jackal looked confused and hesitated, "Sir, we don't dare to get too close. A rough estimate is that the attackers have at least 200,000 to 300,000 people, and the Bloodthroat side only has tens of thousands of people."

"Okay, you did a good job. After the war, Commander Blackthorn will reward you." Fang Hao said while looking at the few people.

Upon hearing Fang Hao's promise, the expressions of several people instantly became happy.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir."

"Well, you guys go down and rest first. Petty will stay and continue to discuss countermeasures." Fang Hao continued.

"Yes, sir."

Several scouts looked for Shuyuan and retreated, while Petty carefully sat down aside.

Petty signed a slave contract with Fang Hao and can be trusted.


Several people compared the map and reconfirmed the battle plan.

Black Jing and others went out again to organize the team.

One p.m.

"Waiting for your triumphant return." Fang Hao said softly.

Black Jing and others saluted again and waved their hands, "Let's go."

The undead army passed through the Bloody Fortress and stepped directly into the mountains.

There is no end in sight.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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