The sacred mountain of Khao, giant gods.

These two words made Fang Hao frown instantly.

This world has gods, Fang Hao believes.

After all, there are several statues of gods enshrined in the territory, which indeed add attributes to the territory.

But Fang Hao couldn't believe it when he said that gods would sleep in such barren mountains.

Sleeping in this mountain range.

Then this god is worse off than himself.

"You're saying that Caius went to find the giant gods to deal with us, right?" Fang Hao asked.

Stella, the female troll, did not hide anything, "Yes, Sir Human, the last battle with the undead caused Caius a lot of dissatisfaction among the trolls. The opinions of him both inside and outside the tribe They were all very large, so Caius took the tributes to the sacred mountain of Caio and received guidance from the gods.”

Stella's identity makes it easier than others to understand Caius' situation.

This was a situation where Caius was under a lot of pressure and could no longer suppress it with force, so he thought of going to the gods.

The reason why the troll alliance launched an attack on Bloodthroat during this period.

Seeing that Caius was not in the tribe, he took the opportunity to capture the city directly.

"Are there really gods there?" Fang Hao looked confused.

Stella said firmly: "Every troll living in the Bloody Mountains firmly believes that there are gods sleeping in the Holy Mountain of Kayo, especially the Bloodthroat Tribe. The successor of the new leader must send tribute to the Holy Mountain of Kayo. Tribute.”

Suddenly, Fang Hao felt something was wrong again.

Don’t trolls believe in the god of killing?

I had previously discovered a statue of the god of killing that the trolls believed in in the Dragon Burial Cave. Just now in the city, I also saw the collapsed statue of the god of killing that had been bombed.

Could it be that the god of killing is sleeping over there?

"The one in the Holy Mountain of Kayo is the God of Slaughter?" Fang Hao asked the doubt in his heart.

"It's not an adult. The God of Killing is the spiritual belief of the trolls. He gives the trolls the courage and strength to be invincible and the belief to dare to challenge the strong. The giant god will give the trolls enlightenment and guidance in confusion. ." Stella said seriously.

It seems that these beliefs are ingrained into the heart of every troll.

"Has anyone seen the giant god? What does it look like?"

"This..., I'm not sure about this. Only the leader of the Bloodthroat clan is qualified to offer tribute to the gods." Stella hesitated for a moment before replying.

"So every time you offer tribute to the gods, will you get any reward, or will you get any benefits?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"You will get guidance from the gods, and Caius will bring the guidance back and pass it on to other people in the tribe." Stella replied.

After hearing this, Fang Hao had his own guess.

There are two possibilities for this giant god.

The first kind makes the gods not exist at all. They are gods made up by the leaders of various tribes in order to control their tribesmen.

When encountering some difficulties, they will use divine guidance as an excuse to make it easier for them to issue orders.

The second type is to really have a powerful creature that will provide some help to the trolls.

But the possibility of gods is slim or even impossible.

"Do you know the location of the Holy Mountain of Kayo? Point it out to me."

The sand table of the Bloody Mountains was pushed out.

Fang Hao stood up from his seat and came to the sand table.

[Fine sand table (Hanfeng Mountains)].

Stella stood up and pointed at a place on the sand table.

It is located just northwest of the city, and the distance is really not close.

"Who else is on this mountain?"

"I'm not sure about this, but it seems that there is a tribe living there, protecting the gods from being disturbed by anyone." Stella continued to answer.

Fang Hao nodded and remembered everything she said.

He continued: "Okay, you said you still know the location of the Bloodthroat Treasure House, and you can just lead my people to find him."

"Yes, Sir Human, but I still hope you can let me and the women in the dungeon go. We pose no threat to you." Stella spoke again and saluted again.

"Okay, I'll consider it."

Black Sword came in with the soldiers and took Stella out of the Patriarch's Hall to find the treasure house she mentioned.

After Stella left, the hall became quiet again.

Standing in front of the sand table, the Lord's Book emitted a faint light curtain, sweeping the sand table in front of him.

[The Bloody Mountains sandbox has been included. You can view the overall map of the Bloody Mountains on the Book of Lords - Map page. 】

Same as the previous sandboxes.

After the inclusion, the entire mountain range map was included in the large map.

The terrain of the mountains, the winding roads, and the locations of each tribe are all revealed one by one.

What Xu Yang gave him was a map of the route from Yanshou Tribe to Bloodthroat Tribe.

The sand table contains a map of the entire mountain range.

It was clearer and more accurate than the map Xu Yang gave him.

Completed map collection.

Fang Hao sat back on the throne again.

Continue to the Book of Lords.

At the very beginning, when you reached the patriarch's throne, the system had already issued a prompt to occupy the Blood Throat.

But I was talking to the female troll at the time, so I didn't have a chance to check.

[The Bloodthroat Tribe has become your affiliated city. You can 'rename' the city here and have control over all resources of the tribe and affiliated villages. 】

The Bloodmaw Tribe and the Bloody Mountains feel a little too bloody.

After thinking about it, I looked at the map again.

This city, located to the north of its main city, is the first barrier to deter the northern trolls.

Simply fill in the word "Zhenbeicheng" in the "unnamed" place.

Wait for the remaining troll tribes to be attacked.

This city will be a city that deters the trolls in the north.

Zhenbeicheng fits the bill.

[Named successfully]


[City Level: Level 9 Original City]

[Attributes: Mineral mining +15%, gold coin tax +5%, troll reproduction +5%, civil strife +50%. 】

(Description: A city with attributes can bring various benefits and accelerate the construction and development of the city.)

The level of the city is quite high.

Taxation and reproduction are the lowest among the several cities occupied.

Moreover, a civil unrest was added.

Fang Hao made a special inspection.

[Civil unrest]: Residents in this area are difficult to control and prone to riots.

Sure enough, not a good attribute.

50%, that is to say, half the chance that there will be civil strife, just like this time the troll coalition fought against the Bloodmaw.

Although all the trolls in the city have been basically killed, the city still needs people to run it.

This civil strife must not be allowed to remain, but how should we deal with this attribute...

Fang Hao was thinking in his mind.

System prompts continue to appear.

[Unlocking drawings: Construction drawings of fine stone processing factory, large quarry construction drawings, dragon locking crossbow bed making drawings, troll house construction drawings, troll warrior training ground construction drawings. 】

A level 9 city has quite a few blueprints to unlock.

[Finework stone processing factory: wood 3000, hard and tough wood 1800, stone 2200, stone bricks 1200, iron 420, metal parts 120.]

(Description: Through processing, stone bricks can be made into finer stone bricks with higher density.)

Factory for processing joinery stone tiles.

This made Fang Hao feel happy instantly.

When the Lord's Mansion reaches level 10, the material of finely crafted stone bricks appears.

Unexpectedly, the construction drawings were obtained the next day and workers could be arranged for processing.

This is simply what is missing.

Continue to the second drawing.

[Large quarry: 4200 wood, 3500 stone, 1500 stone bricks, 820 iron, 500 metal parts. 】

(Description: In the large quarry area, large stones can be mined into stone bricks, and the stone collection efficiency is +15%.)

The 15% collection efficiency of the quarry remains unchanged, but a finished product mining attribute is added.

Large stones can be processed directly into stone bricks without the need for secondary processing.

It can also be regarded as reducing the consumption of manpower and time.

Moreover, this kind of quarry is suitable for mountainous and rocky areas like the Bloody Mountains.

Don’t worry about not having any stones to mine.

The next drawing also moved Fang Hao's heart.

[Longsuo Crossbow Bed (Eighth Level Equipment)].

It turned out to be the blueprint for making the Locking Dragon Crossbow Bed.

He clearly remembered that it was this crossbow bed that cost him three bone dragons.

Not only can it attack air targets, it can also be used as a bed crossbow on the ground.

It can be said that this device is very powerful.

The last remaining [Troll House Construction Drawings] and [Troll Warrior Training Ground Construction Drawings] are left.

Fang Hao was not very interested.

Troll houses are houses that can be built suitable for trolls to live in.

In the training ground, you can recruit a kind of fifth-level troll warrior, but Fang Hao is not very interested in it. It consumes troll stones and a lot of food on weekdays, so it is not as useful as skeleton soldiers.

After reviewing the drawings.

Blackthorn walked in from outside.

He opened his mouth and said: "Sir, I have interrogated several corpses, and what they said is not very different from the female troll. I can confirm that what she told is the truth."

After Fang Hao talked with the female troll, Black Jing also walked out of the hall.

Using the [Conversation with the Dead] skill, he interrogated the corpses of two trolls.

A corpse cannot lie to the skill user.

Other than not knowing the secret of the treasure house, the rest of the information is the same.

It can also prove that what the giantess said is true.

"Okay, I understand." Fang Hao nodded.

Half an hour later.

Black Sword came back again with the female troll, and behind him were several undead warriors carrying treasure boxes filled with gold coins.

With a few bangs, it was placed on the ground.

It can be concluded from the weight that there are a lot of gold coins.

"Sir, this is Caius's treasury, and it is also the trophies collected from various tribes over the years." Stella said again.

Fang Hao looked at the female troll curiously.

He is tall and muscular, especially his large breasts and thick chest hair that are eye-catching.

"You told me everything so easily?"

This female troll who called herself Caius Woman actually told everything so easily.

"Sir Human, I am just a gift from a small tribe, and I am not as loyal as you think." The female troll said still calmly.

Stella was originally born in a small tribe.

It was sent to the Bloodmaw tribe as a gift to please Caius.

Because Stella's appearance was indeed more in line with the troll's aesthetics, she was chosen by Caius to stay with her.

But this did not change the fate of the small tribe in Stella.

Within a few years, the tribe was wiped out in a civil war between the trolls.

Although she lives in Blood Throat.

But his identity is just an accessory to Caius, and he has no feelings for Caius and Bloodthroat.

Just live numbly.

Now the undead have captured the city.

She doesn't want to die.

Nor would he risk his life to keep those secrets.

The female troll's tone remained calm.

Only when there is slight hesitation will there be a slight pause, and I can't feel any fear from it.

I'm not as loyal as I thought.

These words are really straightforward enough.

"Okay, I agree to sign a slave contract with you. If you can guarantee that those women are obedient enough and won't cause anything, I can let them go." Fang Hao said directly.

Women and men are still very different.

After men gain power, it is easy for them to become more ambitious, but this is rarely the case for women.

Fang Hao didn't mind wasting a slave contract on him, even if he was not satisfied with it.

Or she can be killed.

"Thank you, sir. I will manage them well and not cause any trouble." Stella promised.

There was still no change in his expression.

Fang Hao took out a blank slave contract, and the female troll directly cut her finger and pressed it on it.

The contract emitted a ray of light that enveloped the troll's body.

The two have already reached a contract.

[Troll-Strella's current loyalty to you is 72 points. 】

Loyalty points are 72, which is actually pretty good.

"Okay, let's remove the shackles from her body."

Two undead warriors immediately came up and removed the shackles on her legs and hands.

Stella moved her wrists and pulled the fallen clothes back onto her shoulders.

"Go and change your clothes." Fang Hao continued.

Although no one is very interested in the body of the female troll, the overall appearance is somewhat unjustifiable.

"Okay, Sir Human." Stella nodded and thanked him, then turned and walked towards Ouchi's right side.

Fang Hao casually collected all the money boxes on the ground.

A total of 2.72 million war coins, more than 7,000 gems, and nearly a thousand gold items.

Kaius' wealth exceeded Fang Hao's imagination.

I thought that these trolls with bare breasts didn't have much money, but I didn't expect to have such a huge amount of wealth.

After putting everything into the storage space, Fang Hao continued to say to An Jia: "An Jia, search carefully to see if there is anything valuable. Don't forget to find the treasure box."

"Okay!" Anjia agreed, greeted a few skeleton warriors, and ran up the stairs.

the other side.

Bloody mountains, giant stone forests.

At this time, Xu Yang led his one hundred and twenty villagers out of the cave.

Check the map in your hand and walk outside.

Everyone moved forward in silence, carefully observing the situation around them.

Suddenly, dense footsteps came from the front, approaching quickly.

Footsteps are heard.

Everyone's expressions immediately became tense.

Could it be that their actions were discovered and the trolls came to arrest them?

"Hide, quickly!" Everyone separated instantly, and there were more boulders around to hide.

Wow! !

While several people are hiding, look for Shuyuan www. Dozens of trolls turned around to confirm in panic and fled.

His body was covered with scars and he looked like he was a deserter.

Xu Yang frowned and watched, waiting for the troll to run farther away before planning to come out.

But just as he took a step, he took it back instantly.

Whoosh whoosh! !

A sound broke through the air.

I saw several mantis men standing on the stone pillars with heavy swords on their backs. The mantis men looked at the direction where the troll left.

Kick your feet!

Whoosh whoosh! !

He jumped out in an instant, stepped on the stone pillar, and disappeared from sight.

Holy shit, Naruto….

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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