Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 377, I am suspicious of one person

The appearance of the totem scroll is not much different from the skill scroll.

But when I held it in my hand, there was no hint that I could learn from it.

Do you still need to learn this kind of scroll by yourself?

Unwrap the fine linen rope on the scroll and lay the scroll flat.

The scrolls are densely packed with words, symbols and patterns.

The pattern is a pattern formed by drawing complex runes on the back of the human body, some of which look like tattoos.

Perhaps because of the treasure chest rewards, the drawn patterns are very clear and regular, giving people the feel of a modern print.

Next to the pattern, there is an enlarged version of the runes and some annotations.

Fang Hao studied the notes of the devil doll for several days before.

It can be seen that the runes on the scroll have many similarities with the formation patterns.

Perhaps, it has something to do with the array patterns.

Fang Hao couldn't understand the professional knowledge, but Fang Hao still understood the above description a little bit.

Totem can be understood as sealing, using and displaying.

In other words, the energy is drawn under the person's skin in the form of a totem, and this power is released when needed.

And this kind of totem of giant spirit body.

It seems that you can borrow the power of the giant spirit god to increase yourself to a certain extent.

Fang Hao couldn't understand much, but he was sure that it was similar to passive skills.

It's just that it's a little special.

Now, Nelson is studying the formation patterns, but it can be left to him to study.

Collect all drawings.

The totem scroll was also put away directly.

When he raised his head, he found that the female troll had changed into a linen dress and returned.

He was standing below silently.

Fang Hao looked at a few people and said: "Black thorn, black thorn, giant wall, heavy arrow, and Stella, I will turn this place into an undead camp. You use this city as the basis to attack the bloody mountains." The tribes within attacked."

When the Book of Lords reaches level 5, a new ability of [City Conversion] is added.

In other words, the original annexed cities and annexes can be converted into each other.

To convert the original annexed city into a annexed city, there are only two options: [Human City] and [Undead City].

However, when the auxiliary city is converted into an original annexed city, there are more choices, including original annexed cities for humans, orcs, undead, vampires, and trolls.

The difference between the two should be related to the types of cities occupied.

Fang Hao was very dissatisfied with the attributes of this city. The bonuses provided were not high and there was 50% civil unrest.

Moreover, all the trolls in the city have been basically killed, and the added attributes are of little use.

It would be better to turn this city into the second city of the undead.

It will also facilitate subsequent battles against other trolls in the Bloody Mountains.

After hearing Fang Hao's suggestion, all the heroes nodded slightly.

"Sir, if we can turn this place into a city of the undead, we can greatly reduce the time and efficiency of occupying the Bloody Mountains." Blackthorn took a step forward and said.

Turning this city into a city of the undead will be of great help to the subsequent battles.

The other heroes didn't have any other opinions.

The female troll Stella's expression changed instantly, but she did not stand up to object to this matter.

As the winner, Fang Hao has full control over the city.

Even if she protested, there was nothing she could do.

I just hope that the City of the Undead will not have any impact on creatures like them.


Fang Hao agreed, opened the Book of Lords directly, and clicked Convert City on Zhenbei City.

[Whether to convert the original city ‘Zhenbeicheng’. 】


[Please choose to change the city camp [Human camp] [Undead camp]. 】

Undead camp.

A ray of light enveloped the entire city.

[Conversion completed! 】

[The countdown to Zhenbeicheng’s next transformation is 29 days and 59 hours... 】

This ability has a countdown, that is, within one month, this city is not allowed to switch again.

The light dissipated.

The properties of Zhenbei City have also changed from the original level 9 troll annexed city to the level 9 undead annexed city.

Fang Hao stood up and walked out, "Let's go out and have a look."

Everyone followed Fang Hao out of the hall, and outside the door was an empty city.

The collapsed and dilapidated buildings have disappeared, leaving large open spaces.

The resources are returned at a rate of 50% and stored directly in the warehouse.

This is the advantage of the Traveler City. Everything is digitized and can be upgraded and dismantled very quickly.

Fang Hao led everyone to the military camp area, opened the Book of Lords, and built some useful buildings such as warehouses, blacksmith shops, arrow towers, and magic towers.

Then, a building [Skeleton Transformation Field] was built.

"Black Jing, arrange for someone to transform all those corpses!" Fang Hao said to Black Jing.

In this battle, the corpses of the trolls have piled up in mountains.

The corpses of the troll alliance and the Bloodthroat tribe were a huge number.

After being treated with the Bone Dragon's [Death Breath], there was only a pile of white bones left.

Originally, the transformation required transporting it back to the main city, but now it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Transform on the spot and join the battlefield faster.

"Okay, sir, I'll make arrangements immediately."

Blackthorn handed over the task, and immediately there were undead troops, throwing batches of corpses into the skeleton transformation pool.

Start counting down to conversion.

Fang Hao then built some houses used by trolls as residences for Stella and other trolls.

Now Stella can no longer live in the city lord's mansion, so naturally she has to live outside.

After the building was processed, Fang Hao began to make equipment for the subsequent battle.

Open the Book of Lords.

[Breastplate of the Power of the Overlord: Iron 12, Cast Iron Block 6, Thick Leather 10, Linen 15, Spun Thread 22, Metal Parts 25. 】

[Helm of the Power of the Overlord: Iron 8, Cast Iron Block 3, Thick Leather 5, Metal Parts 12.]

[Gloves of the Power of the Overlord] [Boots of the Power of the Overlord].

Production quantity 3000.

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, you will get 303000 of the Power of the Slayer set. 】

The original skeleton troll still wears the three-piece troll suit made by Fang Hao.

Even though the attributes of the Power of the Overlord suit are very good, Fang Hao does not intend to replace the original equipment now.

300,000 sets were produced to prepare for newly transformed trolls and as backup for subsequent battles.

[Tomahawk of Shengzai's Wrath: 35 cast iron blocks, 12 fine iron, 8 metal parts, 2 essence of destruction. 】

The making of a battle ax involves fine iron and the essence of destruction.

Refined iron is an advanced material of iron resources. There is currently no production method in the territory, but it has been exchanged with the indigenous people on the channel for such a long time.

There are 172 units of storage.

The essence of destruction is a rare resource. Although there is a certain reserve, it is also relatively precious.

Fang Hao adjusted the production quantity to the maximum, 14.

Confirm production.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain the Wrath of Slaughter Battle Ax 1414. 】

A large number of weapons were piled in the open space in front of him.

Blackthorn and others continued to command the skeleton soldiers and categorized the equipment they produced.

Fang Hao continued to change to an open space.

Keep making it.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain 1,010,000 iron arrows. 】

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, get 202000 detonators. 】

[…, Locking Dragon Crossbow Bed…. 】

【……. 】

Pieces of equipment were piled up in the surrounding open space.

The female troll Stella's eyes widened as she looked at the incredible scene in front of her.

You can command undead, orcs, and lizardmen at the same time.

So the identity of this human being may not be as simple as appearance.

[Troll-Strella's loyalty to you increases by 20 points, and the current loyalty is 92.]

The sudden prompt made Fang Hao look at the female troll.

I saw Stella kneeling on the ground, kneeling to him constantly, muttering something in her mouth.

"Strella..." Fang Hao shouted.

Stella stood up, walked quickly to Fang Hao, and knelt down again.

"Go and release all your people and tell them that no one will make things difficult for them if they work honestly. If anyone dares to have any evil intentions, I will not only kill her, but you will also be punished. Do you understand?" Fang Hao continued? said

"Yes, Lord Spirit." Stella's body trembled and she hurriedly replied.


Fang Hao didn't explain much. It seemed that Stella's sudden increase of 20 points of loyalty was also a misunderstanding of his identity.

"Okay, go ahead and just call me Lord Lord from now on."

"Yes, Lord Lord."

Stella replied, lowered her head and left quickly.

Walk towards the dungeon.

In the afternoon, Fang Hao, Heijing and others checked the map to confirm the upcoming battle.

After handing everything over to Black Thorn and others.

Then he took Anjia and Dimitga back to the territory.

Return to territory.

It's already past 7pm.

Notifying Yi'er to prepare dinner, Fang Hao went directly to the Organ Museum to find Nelson.

Entering the hall, there was a cold feeling.

Here, the effect is much better than turning on the air conditioner.

The second floor of the museum was not closed, and Nelson was seen drawing runes on a skeleton arm.

It seems that he is practicing the contents of the devil doll's notes.

Hearing the footsteps, Nelson raised his head slightly.

"Lord," Nelson said as he stood up.

"Bachelor Nelson, I have obtained another totem-type rune here." After saying that, he took out the totem scroll from the storage space.

"Oh? Let me take a look." Nelson opened it directly after taking it and looked at it seriously.

Soon, Nelson put the scroll away again.

He opened his mouth and said, "Sir, this kind of totem is not difficult. Do you want to get this kind of totem tattoo?"

"Does this thing have any special effects?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"This kind of totem is also a kind of rune, which seals special power in the body of a creature and can be used when needed." Nelson explained the function of the totem.

"Then what power does this have?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"The level of this totem is not low, and the introduction effect is also very good. It takes into account the increase of magic and body, and it is of great benefit to you, sir." Nelson explained softly.

It was exactly what I thought, it was a passive skill.

In other words, this kind of totem tattooed on the back is the same type as the unicorn tattoo of Brother Mengyou Ping.

You can add some special effects.

That sounds pretty good.

"Sounds good, can you get a tattoo?"

Since it is a beneficial tattoo, it is also a reward in the treasure chest.

In terms of safety, there is no need to doubt it.

Although the battle itself rarely appears, the world still faces many dangers.

More life-saving measures are still necessary.

Nelson nodded slightly, "I need to study and practice. I will inform you then."


Fang Hao agreed, but did not continue to disturb Nielsen.

Walked straight out of the museum.

Return to the Lord's Mansion and have dinner.

After playing games with Yi'er for a while, he fell asleep directly.

late at night.

Lysis City, dark basement.

In the middle of the room is a huge round wooden table, with a luminous stone chandelier hanging on the round table.

The weak light makes the whole space look dark and mysterious.

A round table is surrounded by twelve men in black cloaks.

Cloaks obscured their figures, masks obscured their appearance.

There were many empty seats at the round table, and it seemed that nearly half of the people were absent.

The man in black robe on the main seat said: "Okay, if anyone has completed the task, you can hand it over."

Everyone present seemed to be very familiar with the process.

Three people took out the collected information from their black robes and sent them to the person in charge of the black robe.

The man in black robe at the head of the table put the information in his arms and nodded slightly.

There were twelve people in the room, but there were only three pieces of information.

The man in black robe continued to take out several tasks.

He opened his mouth and said, "I know everyone has been very careful recently, but the task still needs to be completed. This is the task this time. Let's see who has the ability to complete it."

A stack of information was handed out.

Everyone watched one by one.

"I can complete the mission of this military factory." A man in black robe said and put the mission away.

"I can take on the task of capturing the time traveler, but I don't have a suitable place for interrogation. Whoever has a safe place can work together and the credit will be shared equally."

As soon as this person opened his mouth, someone else soon started talking too.

"I have just settled a secret location here, we can cooperate."

"Okay, tell me the location and I will capture the person and escort them there directly."


The man in black robe who provided the location quickly wrote an address on a piece of paper and handed it to the person who took the task.

Tasks can be taken on by oneself or completed cooperatively.

It is difficult to take it on your own, but the rewards are also great.

As for cooperative reception, the risks can be shared, but it is easy to find out each other's identities.

This virtually increases a lot of risks.

It doesn't mean that because you are a Faceless Man, your information is not valuable.

Soon, tasks were assigned.

The audience fell silent again.

At this time, someone spoke again.

"The person from the City Lord's Mansion is searching us more and more strictly, and there is also a very powerful team helping her. This problem must be solved."

"Indeed, the round table has lost half of its people. No one is sure whether he will be next. I feel that we should prioritize this matter and at least find the team that can help her catch people."

"If anyone has clues about this team, I can arrange for people to clean it up."

"Just clean out the guy in the city lord's mansion, there's no need to investigate."

"What a strong tone. If I could kill her, I would have died many times."

Everyone started talking one by one. Find Shuyuan

In his words, he was worried about the person in the city lord's palace, and he was afraid that he would be the next one to leave the round table.

Even if the City Lord's Mansion won't kill him, other people here will.

Once he is caught by the City Lord's Mansion, the other members of the Faceless Men will deal with him.

Just when everyone was in a mess, but there was no good solution.

The leading man suddenly spoke at this moment.

"As for this mysterious team, I suspect one person is suitable to help her."

Everyone looked at him.


"It's that cloth merchant who suddenly appeared in the city, Fang Hao!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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