The second day.

As soon as Fang Hao opened his eyes, he found the fragrant An Jia sleeping on the pillow.

He held Fang Hao's waist tightly with his upper body. He didn't know what he was dreaming about. From time to time, he stuck out his little tongue and licked Fang Hao's arm.

Ba smacked his lips and said vaguely: "It smells so good..."

"Holy shit!" Fang Hao cursed in his heart.

Doesn’t this cost people’s lives?

An Jia's physical strength can be said to be far better than Fang Hao's.

I spent the entire night yesterday, just like a madman.

Don't look at An Jia's fierce yelling, I can do anything to make you happy, and talk nonsense.

When the time came, he showed confusion and stubbornness.

It took a lot of effort for the two of them to complete the docking.

He gently patted An Jia's little butt twice, and pinched the other person's little tongue.

Only then did this lazy guy open his eyes slightly.


"You're sick, why are you grabbing my tongue?" An Jia glared and said angrily.

"Wake up, I'm still sleeping at this time." Fang Hao said with a smile.

"Oh." An Jia replied, glancing at Fang Hao from time to time with her little eyes.

Last night brought the two of them closer together.

Anchor's loyalty has also changed from 98% to 100%.

[Douya-Anjia, if his loyalty to you reaches 100 points, he will not be affected by any negative status such as rebellion, betrayal, etc. 】

Previously, Anjia was forced by Fang Hao to sign a hero contract, and she needed to obey Fang Hao's orders for some matters.

But as time went by, Anjia began to have some special feelings about Fang Hao.

Anjia came from the orc city, and Fang Hao was the cleanest male she had ever seen, and he didn't have that bad smell.

In addition, An Jia's character and ability are both in his eyes, and he has no shortcomings except that he cannot fight and is too delicate.

She has always noticed Fang Hao and Yi'er's little moves.

Tried it myself last night.

It feels pretty good!

After getting out of bed and getting dressed, Anjia opened the door with a bang and walked out directly.

"Close the door, Anjia!"

Fang Hao shouted while lifting his pants.

Anjia walked out of the room in a swaggering manner.

In the courtyard, the maid and the Grizzly Brother said hello one after another.

"Good morning, Miss Anjia."

"Good morning, Anjia!"

No one showed any surprise that An Jia stayed in Fang Hao's room.

In the eyes of more people, it would be a strange thing if nothing happened between the two.

Here, there are people of Fang Hao's age with great power, and naturally there are not too few women around him.

Even the rabbit maids were secretly studying how to win over this handsome master.

An Jia's expression remained unchanged, she put on her coat and nodded carelessly, "You got up so early!"

"Yes, Miss Anjia."

Everyone responded one by one.

Had breakfast.

Fang Hao took An Jia to his fabric shop.

Today is the opening day of the clothing store.

Model photos of Rebecca and Laurana have been hung at the door of the store.

The huge canvas allows everyone to see the two people on the screen clearly from a distance.

It's still morning, but the door of the fabric store is already crowded with residents who come to join in the fun.

There are still only a few people entering the store, and more people are still looking outside the door.

Communicating in low voices.

"Is this Mrs. Rebecca? I haven't heard that the City Lord's Mansion opens a fabric shop!"

"Since the portrait of Madam Rebecca has been released, it should have something to do with the City Lord's Mansion."

"Come on! Look at the name. Bone Fabric Shop, how could it be opened by the City Lord's Mansion?"

"The Bone Cloth Art Store? Now the priests in the temple are wearing the clothes from the Bone Cloth Art Store."

"So, this bone fabric shop is really good. The city lord's palace and the temple wear their products, so I don't know what the price is."

"Yeah, I hope it's not too expensive..."

"... Go in and take a look, it doesn't cost anything."

There are basically two types of people in the city.

One type is the dignitaries with a good reputation. They have a certain amount of funds in their hands and will pay more attention to fashion and brands. The ladies will use Rebecca's clothing as a fashion benchmark and imitate it.

Rebecca's advertisement just meets the requirements of these people.

The second type is the ordinary residents in the city, who are more pursuing practicality and price.

The city lord's palace and the temple both wear clothes from the cloth shop, which satisfies the public's credibility.

If the price is right, they will also choose to buy here.

Therefore, Fang Hao's Bone Fabric Store satisfied the requirements of both the powerful and the people.

Enough to compete with local established fabric stores.

Even surpass them.

Soon, people came into the store one after another and began to choose the clothes they liked.

Even some richly dressed ladies entered the store elegantly and started asking about customization requirements and methods.

Fang Hao stood in the crowd and watched silently for a while.

Seeing that the progress was going very smoothly, I left here satisfied.

It's still early.

Fang Hao and the other two took the carriage and headed to the mission hall again.

The DC area is still very lively.

A large number of mercenary teams gathered here to sell and exchange the materials and equipment in their hands.

But it's still daytime, and there aren't as many people selling goods as there are at night.

Fang Hao took An Jia out of the carriage and swaggered into the mission hall.

The hall is filled with mercenaries waiting to accept tasks and settle accounts.

Fang Hao came to the counter and said, "I'm from the Windmill Mercenary Group. I came to see if there are any suitable tasks."

After learning that the Faceless Man had doubts about himself because of the information about the mercenary group.

Fang Hao arranged for people to register a small mercenary group in advance.

And he will no longer use the name of the Bone Knights before, and will use the name of the Windmill Mercenary Group to accept tasks in the future.

It will also give those people a wrong message.

Fang Hao's mercenary group was just too small, not deliberately hidden.

Coupled with the alibi shown by Rayleigh yesterday, it was enough to puzzle the other party for a while.

At least in the next period of time, there will be no doubt in his head.

"Yes sir."

The lady at the counter took out the mission information and placed it in front of Fang Hao.

Fang Hao flipped through it quickly.

[Task: Escort the caravan out of the city. More than 30 people are needed. Mercenary groups with good reputation will be given priority. After arriving at the location, the settlement will be made on the spot and there will be no default. 】

[Task: The Koolis family hires a swordsmanship teacher to teach the children of the family how to swordsmanship. Swordsmanship professional heroes are given priority... 】

[Single-page map: bandit village, mission: clean up the bandit village in the north of the city,…………. 】

Fang Hao quickly scrolled through the mission information.

It's still some ordinary tasks, either escorting the caravan or clearing out bandits.

It's not that Fang Hao can't complete these.

But Fang Hao still wants to take on some tasks that can reward him with treasure chests.

It's not really about earning rewards for tasks.

I looked through it again and still didn't find anything I was satisfied with.

It seems that this time, we have to take on some tasks of clearing out bandits again.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to accept the task.

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Mr. Fang Hao, Miss An Jia, are that you?"

Fang Hao turned his head and saw Eric, who had curly hair and was a little fat.

He was looking at himself curiously.

"As expected, it's you Mr. Fang Hao. I didn't expect to see you here." Eric said slightly excitedly.

With the growth of mental power, Fang Hao's memory has also been greatly improved.

After a brief recollection, the name and identity of this fat man came to mind.

At the same time, he smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect to see Mr. Eric here either."

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Eric said, his eyes wandering again, "By the way, you didn't encounter any trouble after the last auction, right?"

"Trouble?" Fang Hao looked confused.

"Hahaha, it would be nice if I didn't, it would be nice if I didn't." Eric smiled awkwardly, knowing that he had talked too much, so he immediately changed the subject, "Brother Fang Hao, you really don't leave us a way to survive. Come on. Not only did you open a fabric store in Lysis City, but you also asked Mrs. Rebecca to advertise for you, how will we live in the future?"

Eric is also a cloth merchant in the city, but his store is not big, and it is not as famous as several other fabric shops.

But the population of Lysis was large enough to support cloth merchants like them.

But what Fang Hao did made all the cloth merchants feel a sense of crisis.

No one has yet been able to hire Rebecca to advertise their store.

I'm afraid that the opening of the Bone Fabric Store will directly take up most of the city's business.

"Looking at what you said, the fabric shops in the city are all old shops that have been in business for decades. I can easily snatch them away." Fang Hao waved his hand and said.

Eric did not continue to say more, but he changed his tone and said: "Mr. Fang Hao, is the person in men's clothing in the portrait Miss Laurana? I haven't heard from her for a long time since we were separated last time."

After the last auction, Eric had no news about Laurana.

People were also specially arranged to inquire in the city, but could not find this person.

It was as if the world had evaporated, as if this person had never appeared.

This also made him feel a little anxious, as if the cake that was brought to his mouth suddenly disappeared.

Until today, he saw the male model in the portrait.

At a glance, he recognized that it was the Laurana he was looking for.

If Fang Hao hadn't known the news about Laurana, and just because Lei Li was paying attention to Fang Hao, he wouldn't have come up to say hello.

Fang Hao looked at him strangely and said, "Forget it. You haven't contacted each other for such a long time. I'm afraid she doesn't have any feelings for you."

"How could it be? It's not like you didn't know what happened last time. It's just that the girl was afraid of talking. I should be more proactive." Eric continued, "Why don't you tell me her address? Then I’ll buy you a drink.”

"This..., this is not good. If you reveal someone's address casually, I'm afraid it will arouse the other person's disgust." Fang Hao hesitated and said.

It wasn't that he was refusing, if Laurana knew that he had freely disclosed her information to others.

The little bit of loyalty that I have finally accumulated will probably decline again.

There was nothing he could do about this unprofitable business.

After hearing Fang Hao's words, Eric felt that it made sense.

After thinking for a while, he said directly: "Otherwise, I will write a letter and you will hand it over to Miss Laurana for me. This does not count as revealing her information."

"That's okay!"

Fang Hao agreed.

Hearing Fang Hao's agreement, Eric's face immediately showed a happy smile.

He was so full of thanks that he forgot that the two of them were competitors in the same industry.

Eric was full of thanks and realized the purpose of his trip when he saw the task list in Fang Hao's hand.

Suddenly said: "Mr. Fang Hao, are you also accepting a mercenary mission? I do have a good mission here. It is a mission organized by the captain of the second team of the Dragon Scale Mercenary Group to explore a ruins. I heard that The risk is not high and the reward is quite generous. I wonder if you are interested."

It is not uncommon for mercenaries to join forces.

For some important information and special locations, only large mercenary groups can get the exact information.

Due to various reasons, these mercenary groups will also contact some familiar teams, or cooperate with several other mercenary groups to explore together.

At that time, the rewards will also be distributed according to the agreed form.

Fang Hao didn't care about the remuneration he mentioned, but the word ruins definitely aroused Fang Hao's interest.


"Yeah, I'm fairly familiar with this captain. If you're interested, I can let you know. Then we'll go together and take care of each other," Eric said.

It was obvious that Eric wanted to return the favor by delivering the news.

Otherwise, it is just a team established by some internal groups. It is hard to say whether it will spread to Fang Hao.

"Okay, I'm also looking for a suitable task. Since you have a suitable one here, Eric, please recommend him to me." Fang Hao nodded and said.

"No problem, let's go, I'll take you to register, and we'll set off together when the time comes." After saying that, Eric took Fang Hao and walked out.

Fang Hao followed Eric out of the mission hall.

Go directly to a tavern in Dongcheng.

Sitting at a table near the window was a mercenary man wearing leather armor.

Eric took Fang Hao, sat down at the table, and said to the mercenary: "Captain Primo, this is my friend Fang Hao. Not only is he a very famous businessman, he also has a very powerful team under his command. I heard that your team is short of someone now, so I will bring him here.”

Captain Primo glanced at Fang Hao and An Jia and felt that both of them were a little too young.

But he didn't say much and said, "What's the name of the mercenary group? I'll register for you how many people there are."

"Windmill Mercenary Group, look for Shuyuan There are 20 people under his command." Fang Hao replied.

Primo quickly wrote down the name and said to Fang Hao: "Okay, the registration is complete. After the mission is over, each person will receive five gold coins. You have the final say on how your team will distribute them. Any special gains will be attributed to you." Our Dragon Scale Mercenary Group owns it, but we will compensate you according to the price. We will set off tomorrow morning, don’t forget the time.”

Fang Hao nodded, indicating that he understood.

It's so simple, even the registration of the mercenary group is completed.

Registration completed.

Fang Hao and Eric ordered three more beers at the nearby wine table.

After chatting for a few words.

Eric found a pen and paper and wrote a love poem for Laurana that made his skin crawl.

purple pen literature

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