"Door?" Fang Hao looked away from the treasure box.

"Yes, it was covered by vines. I even opened the vines to confirm. It is indeed a door. It is carved with many beauties and angels with wings." The younger brother said seriously.

According to past experience.

The existence of a door leading to the next area represents a new space.

It can also be understood as the second area of ​​​​the copy.

Likewise, treasure chests can also be obtained after clearing them.

"Okay, I understand. Let's take a rest and wait to see what's behind the door." Fang Hao nodded.

"Yes, sir."

Everyone sat back down in the fog-covered position.

In the entire cemetery, this is the only place that is slightly cleaner.

There are no broken limbs.

Everyone chatted and rested.

Fang Hao came to the treasure box and opened it directly.

[Obtained: Glass factory construction blueprint (blue), cotton velvet altar glove production blueprint (green), cotton velvet robe production blueprint (green), copper bell hardwood pastoral staff production blueprint (green), colorful baby silkworm summoning scroll (Purple), 22 light stones, 31 shadow stones, 174 war coins. 】

The moment he opened the treasure chest, the lights of various colors almost blinded his eyes.

In addition to the rewards of blueprints and rare materials, there is also a colorful baby silkworm summoning scroll.

This was the first time he had seen this kind of summoning scroll.

[Colorful Baby Silkworm Summoning Scroll (Purple)]

[Category: Summoning Scroll]

(Description: After use, 50-100 units of colorful baby silkworms can be summoned, which can be reproduced and cultivated. The colorful silkworms can randomly produce silk of various colors.)

The high-grade silks that can currently be produced in the territory are Holy Snow Silk and Yelan Silk.

Silk of other colors also requires post-processing and coloring.

After a series of processing, the texture and effect of silk will be affected to a certain extent.

If silk of the corresponding color can be produced directly, many complicated steps can be avoided.

Not only can the quality of silk be improved, but labor and consumption can also be reduced.

It can play a significant role in the development of fabric stores in the territory.

After checking the summoning scroll, continue checking the glass factory.

[Glass Manufacturing Factory: Wood 2200, Stone Bricks 3500, Iron 1200, Metal Parts 820, Red Flame Essence 5. 】

(Description: Through processing, an amorphous solid that maintains a certain shape can be produced.)

Glass manufacturing plant.

All buildings in the territory now have no glass.

The current weather rarely has rainy days, but sometimes the fog can make the bedding in the room damp.

And autumn is here for more than half a month.

With glass, it can also prevent the effects of rainy season and cooling weather.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords again, and he seemed to remember that there were drawings that required glass.

After rummaging through it, I found the drawing of [Stone Base Black Railway Lamp].

The production material is glass lampshade.

I just don’t know if there will be enough materials to make glass after the construction is completed.

Can I directly make glass for windows and glass lampshades?

At the back are three equipment drawings.

[Cotton priest's gloves: 1 linen, 2 cotton, 3 yarn. 】

[Velvet robe: cotton cloth 5, spinning thread 4, iron 1. 】

[Bronze bell hardwood pastoral staff: 2 hard and tough wood, 3 leather, 2 brass, 1 iron. 】

(Description: A wooden stick with a copper bell. If you ring the bell, the grazing cattle and sheep will run back by themselves.)

The first two are the equipment needed by the acolyte.

If the territory is not used, it can be sold to the temple.

However, I feel that the chief priest of the temple, Priest Miriam, is a bit old-fashioned, and I wonder if he will buy these equipment.

The third drawing is called [Bronze Bell Hardwood Pastoral Staff].

I thought it was also the equipment worn by the deacon.

But when I saw the description, it looked more like a walking stick used to drive cattle and sheep when shepherding.

After you go back, you can try to make one and check the properties to understand its specific functions.

In addition to the blueprint rewards, there are 22 light stones and 31 shadow stones.

Although it is the first time I have seen the Bright Stone, its functions are not unfamiliar to me.

Recruitment materials for the corresponding camp.

It has the same function as Shadow Stone and Blood Stone.

However, it was the first time that the Light Stone and the Shadow Stone appeared at the same time.

Use the Book of Lords to collect all the drawings.

The rest of the loot to be taken away was also put into the storage space.

Fang Hao stood up, clapped his hands, and said loudly: "Okay, okay, let's go see what's behind the door. Let's finish things early and leave here early."

Everyone stood up and started checking their equipment.

ready to go.

"What should I do with this guy?" Anjia stretched out her legs and kicked Eric who was lying aside.

Maybe it's because he took anesthetics himself.

Eric has been unconscious until now, lying on the ground still snoring.

The wounds on his body have stopped bleeding.

But healing may require some nursing care from him.

"Two people will carry it first to see if there is any danger behind the door." Fang Hao thought for a while and said.

Eric is a pretty good person and helped Fang Hao contact him for this task.

Although this mission is most likely a trap by the Dragon Scale Mercenary Group, it is also a good intention.

If I have the ability to bring him here, I can also take him out.

After all, if this team was the only one to come back, it would be difficult to explain it to Lysis City.

There are white monkeys wandering around in the distance.

Although he didn't dare to get close, he looked at this from a distance.

If Eric is left here alone.

I'm afraid that this fat man will become food for these monsters in the blink of an eye.

So, let's make sure first whether there is any danger behind that door.

After Fang Hao finished speaking, two strong men immediately came up and lifted Eric up one on the left and the other on the right.

Everyone moved forward again, stepping on the corpse, directly to the next door.

The gate is at the end of the cemetery.

Because the walls were covered with dense vines, no one had noticed there was a door here before.

"Clean up the vines, open the door and see what's behind!" Fang Hao continued.

The younger brothers drew out the long swords at their waists.

Facing the vines on the wall, there was a burst of hacking.

Soon the door was cleared, revealing the carved patterns on the door.

In addition to the religious symbols surrounding it, there are images of angels holding swords and images of human women singing loudly on the stone doors on both sides.

The image of the woman is very beautiful, and you can still see that the craftsman who carved the figure has very good craftsmanship.

A boy watched and subconsciously touched the relief a few times.

【Holy Light Cemetery】.

On the top of the stone gate, four characters are carved.

Another cemetery.

But it can also be seen from the exquisite carvings on the door that the Holy Light Cemetery and Glory Cemetery in front of us are obviously not on the same level.

"Open the door!"

Several younger brothers stepped forward and pushed open the stone door with all their strength.

The stone door opened little by little with the sound of stone slabs rubbing together.

As the stone door opened little by little.

The scene behind the door also appeared in sight.

Everyone's expressions gradually turned from curiosity to surprise.

In front of me is an independent cemetery.

Although not as big as the cemetery outside.

However, the structure of the cemetery is very magnificent, not so much a cemetery that has been abandoned for a long time.

It's more like a park full of sacred atmosphere.

Behind the stone gate is an archway leading to the depths of the Holy Light Cemetery.

The arches are connected to form a corridor, which is covered with various green plants.

On both sides of the arch, there are elegant female stone sculptures with different images.

The hands of the sculptures are holding books, ceremonial banners... and some are holding harps and singing loudly.

"I'll go, this place is better than our village." One of the boys said subconsciously.

The grizzly bear turned around and gave the yawning boy a kick.

He scolded in a cold voice: "This is a cemetery. If you keep talking nonsense, don't go to the village. Just live here."

"Hehe, no, I was joking..."

"Sister, let's move these statues back. They look good."

"Yes, these women are more beautiful than the women on the street in XC area."

"so big……."

The bandits looked at the scene in front of them and chatted in low voices.

There is absolutely no sense of tension about an impending war.

At the end of the corridor is a huge stone monument.

The words on the stone tablet are covered by vines, but it is certain that the owner of this stone tablet has a high status.

"There don't seem to be any enemies here!" An Jia poked her head and looked inside.

If there are enemies, they may attack as soon as the door is opened.

There was now a sense of peace and tranquility inside, which was in sharp contrast to the corpses on the ground outside.

But Anjia just finished speaking.

Demitga, who was on the side, put forward the opposite opinion.

"If there was no danger, this place would also be occupied by white monkeys, and it wouldn't be in such good condition."

After saying this, everyone realized something was wrong.

The white monkey outside showed quite a bit of fighting power.

And there are quite a lot of them. If there was really no danger inside, they would have been occupied and destroyed by the white monkeys long ago.

Where is the magnificent and elegant scene like now?

Fang Hao felt it made sense.

"Let me check the situation first and protect me." Fang Hao said and sat down aside.

Open the backpack to release the Skeleton Bullfinch.

After casting Divine Arrival, he controlled the Skeleton Gray Bird to fly towards the Holy Light Cemetery behind the stone gate.

Walk through the long, arched corridor.

On both sides are stone sculptures of maids, without any changes.

But when flying into the air, overlooking the cemetery.

Fang Hao's heart moved.

There are indeed enemies.

On the outside of the corridor, at the entrance to the stone gate, an invisible location.

Set up humanoid stone statues.

These stone statues are not the artistic stone sculptures full of artistic flavor at the door.

Rather, a construct.

[Gargoyle Construct Warrior (Level 5)]

[Gargoyle Construct Spearman (Level 5)]

In Xiaoyou's ancient tomb, Fang Hao had come into contact with this kind of mechanical structure wrapped in thick stone armor.

Ordinary skeleton soldiers, slashing with swords.

It will only create a spark, and its defense power is very high.

A quick count.

There are 22 stone statue structures set up below, all of which are in a still state, covered with dust and plants.

Maybe it's the exposure to air.

Fang Hao checked it himself, but did not find the figure of the iron statue monster construct.

Control the Skeleton Gray Bird and continue to fly deeper.

When approaching the stone monument.

Fang Hao's pupils shrank again.

On both sides of the stone monument, four female structures with full metal bodies sat kneeling.

The reason why it is called female.

It's because these four structures are different from those heavy and tall iron statue structures.

The figure is close to that of a human, with a female-like waistline.

If Fang Hao had not seen the attributes, Fang Haodu would have thought that they were really four women, sitting there kneeling in armor.

[Valkyrie Construct (Tenth Level)]

Depend on!

Fang Hao cursed secretly in his heart, who was buried here.

A tenth-level construct was actually arranged to act as a guard.

They continued to fly around the cemetery, and after finding no danger, they flew back again.

After the divine presence was lifted, Fang Hao also woke up.

"How is it?" An Jia asked curiously.

"There is indeed a danger. There are 22 fifth-level stone statue structures inside, as well as 4 tenth-level structures called Valkyries. It is unclear whether there are other dangers." Fang Hao reported what he saw. Everyone said it again.

Listen to Fang Hao finish.

The two heroes didn't react at all.

But the expressions of Grizzly Bear and all the bandit boys all changed.

Although they didn't know what the construct was, their faces began to look ugly when they heard 22 fifth-level and tenth-level enemies.

They only came with 23 people this time, 25 including the two bone dragons.

The number of enemies means that they have to face one by one.

Most bandits are only at level three or four, so they are no match for these constructs.

For a while, there was some confusion in the rear.

Fang Hao is naturally aware of everyone's concerns.

How capable they are of accomplishing great things, if these people are really difficult to fight.

He also won't risk attacking.

When the Bone Army is mobilized in the future, not to mention those constructs, even the cemetery will be bulldozed by them.

"Do you think we can defeat them? What are the chances of winning?" Fang Hao looked at the two heroes in front of him.

"I can fight." An Jia confirmed, but there was no reason.

Demitga thought for a while and said: "Sir, I agree with Miss Anjia. In this case, it is not certain whether the construct can still maintain its functions. Even if everything is well preserved, we can Set up some traps and obstacles in advance to reduce the number of constructs.”

Constructs are very good cemetery guards.

They are lifeless and are eternal guardians.

But it will also be affected by the environment.

If it is too humid, dust accumulates, and internal parts are damaged, the structure will still be damaged.

The underground tombs like Xiang Xiaoyou may be better preserved.

The scene in front of me, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Flowers and plants are growing in the joints of the construct.

It's hard to tell how many of them are operational.

Fang Hao listened and heard Dimitga mention the trap.

Suddenly I remembered that I just got the [Quicksand Trap Magic Scroll].

Could it be that this is also the preparation made by the Dragon Scale Mercenary Group in advance?

Fang Hao thought for a moment.

I feel like I can try it.

He glanced at the fat man Eric who was snoring and still asleep.

Said: "Find a complete coffin and hide him inside."


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